Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1148 Chi You

Remember in one second【】

After "Leizu the First Silkworm", all readers lamented that there were countless capable people around Huangdi. Cangjie, Qibo, Du Kang and Leizu were all great figures who blessed the world.

And this is not the end yet. After these characters, another official debuted.

Lishou was also the historian of the Yellow Emperor. According to legend, Lishou started arithmetic and invented the abacus and arithmetic.

After Li Shou, there is Feng Hou.

According to legend, Fenghou was a minister of the Yellow Emperor. He developed strange diagrams, began to create formations, and also invented the compass.

The compass played a very important role in the subsequent battle between Huang Di and Chi You.

After Fenghou, there is Linglun again.

According to legend, Ling Lun took the bamboo from the valley and used it to play the flute, and determined the five-tone twelve rhythms, which are combined today.

The characters that kept appearing made all the readers feel dazzled and excited. They had never thought that there were so many powerful people around Huangdi.

Huangdi himself was also a great inventor. He inherited and developed the agricultural production pioneered by Yandi and implemented the land-acre system.

In order to prevent disputes, he redivided the land in the country into "wells", with the middle area being "acres", which belonged to the government. The eight surrounding areas are "private" fields, which are cultivated by eight families, and the harvest is paid to the government.

In addition, the Yellow Emperor also dug wells through the soil and invented water wells. The farming system was implemented on farmland, crops were sown in time, and pestles and mortars, boats and carts, houses, drums, etc. were invented.

Because of the above reasons, Huangdi's tribe continued to grow and develop, and together with Yandi's tribe, they became two super tribes.

However, the tribes of Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang were not the most powerful tribes. There was an even more powerful tribe in the east, the Jiuli tribe led by Chi You.

Chi You, the leader of the Jiuli tribe. According to legend, Chi You had a dragon face like an ox's head, wings on his back, and extraordinary abilities.

He is brave and good at fighting. He is the inventor and ancestor of weapons.

Chi You also made great contributions to the development of the Chinese nation. He invented metal smelting and the manufacturing of metal weapons, and is called the ancestor of weapons.

The emergence of the smelting industry has the significance of marking an era. It marks the beginning of mankind's entry into the era of using metal tools.

It also marks a new leap in the productivity of primitive society.

In addition, Chi You was the earliest creator and enforcer of establishing laws and implementing legal systems.

Advanced weapons, the establishment and implementation of the legal system, and the excellent geographical conditions of the Chiyou tribe, located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, made the Chiyou tribe the most powerful tribe at that time.

Seeing this, all readers were shocked. Compared to the two emperors of Yan and Huang, they had almost no understanding of Chi You.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the records of Chi You in the history books passed down are far less than those of the Yan and Huang emperors.

"I'll go, it's amazing. It turns out that Chi You is so strong and has made such great contributions to our famous Chinese clan."

"When I read "The Legend of Yinglong" before, it said that Yinglong killed Chi You. I thought Chi You was not very good. It turned out that he was also a great ancestor!"

"Alas! What a pity. There are too few records about Chi You in history books. Well, most of them should be lost. It is such a pity. Fortunately, Mr. Li Fan let us know that Chi You was also a great ancestor. This is lucky for us.”

"It turns out that Chi You's tribe is so powerful, so if the tribes of Emperors Yan and Huang fight with Chi You's tribe, I'm afraid they will suffer a loss!"

"They must have fought before. Otherwise, there would be no mention of Yinglong killing Chi You. And since Yinglong killed Chiyou, and Yinglong was a subordinate of Huangdi, it means that Huangdi won in the end. "

"Let me go, the current situation is that the three tribes of Yan Emperor, Huang Emperor, and Chi You are standing at the same level! Why does it feel a bit like the Three Kingdoms standing at the same time in the late Eastern Han Dynasty?"

"It's really similar. Whether it's the Three Kingdoms or the three tribes, as the conflicts continue to escalate, war is definitely inevitable."

"Wait a minute, the title of this article is "The War between Yan and Huang", but looking at the current situation, why do I feel that it should be a war between Emperor Yan, Emperor Huang, and Chi You?"

"It should be a three-party war. It was just because Chi You's influence was not as great as that of the Yan and Huang emperors, so it was named the "Yan-Huang War"."

"The one mentioned above is one possibility. Another possibility is that there will be a three-party war first, and then the Chiyou tribe, the strongest, will be defeated first. In the end, the two emperors of Yan and Huang will be left, and then there will be a war."

"Well, I think the latter one is probably the most 'sexual'."


By the time the story is written, all readers have understood the current situation. The three tribes of Emperor Yan, Emperor Huang, and Chi You are fighting against each other.

Among them, Chi You's tribe was the most powerful.

At the same time, everyone also learned that Chi You, who was not familiar with him before, had made various contributions and was also a great ancestor.

And a war seems to break out at any time, and all readers seem to have felt a very tense atmosphere from between the lines.

The war is about to begin. Who will start the war first? Which side is the war being launched against? Were the two parties the first to get involved in the war? Or will the three parties start a war at the same time?

The war between the three clans is obviously much more complicated than the war between the two parties.


Cen Geng and Shen Cong were discussing matters related to Chi You.

Due to the serious loss of historical records, there are not many records about Chi You in existing historical books.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

And the only records that are available are also vague, which has caused a lot of trouble for historians in their research, and many places are puzzling.

However, now, with Li Fan's various descriptions of Chi You, Cen Geng and Shen Cong believe that if they study Chi You again, they will definitely gain unexpected results.

Cen Geng sighed: "The value of Li Fan's "Yanhuang War" is immeasurable. It can even be said to be an encyclopedia of the Yanhuang period. Many of the descriptions are of great help to our study of the Yanhuang period. Very helpful. Oh! I have to express my feelings again, what a great person!”

Shen Cong also sighed with emotion and said: "It will indeed be of great help. Many things that were puzzling before can now be explained. The war between the three parties, Yan Emperor, Huang Emperor and Chi You, is obvious. It's about to begin. There are almost no records in the existing history books about the war between these three parties. So, the war between them is particularly important to us."

Cen Geng nodded and said: "War is indeed cruel, but the war between Emperor Yan, Emperor Huang, and Chi You undoubtedly has very important significance from the perspective of the development of the Chinese nation. It is the great integration of the Chinese nation."

Shen Congdao: "Indeed, and we can infer that the Yellow Emperor's side should have won the final victory."

Cen Geng said: "The final winner should indeed be the Yellow Emperor. From then on, the Chinese nation was truly unified."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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