Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village, in front of the newly built rental courtyard.

Li Fan and others had already arrived at the tenants, chatting casually, and happened to be talking about the mythical and legendary items that Li Fan launched during this period.

After everyone praised him, another person asked: "Master Li, everyone is talking about today's last article, which is about Fu Xi. Is it true?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "So, do you hope it is Fuxi's story?"

After hearing Li Fan's question, everyone replied:

"Hopefully, Fu Xi is one of the Three Emperors. It is a great pity for us not to know his story."

"I hope, Fuxi's status is so high, and his story must be very exciting."

"We hope it's Fuxi's story."


Everyone expressed their hope that it was Fuxi's story.

"We also hope it's Fuxi's story." Two more voices came over.

Everyone turned around and saw Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng walking in front of them.

"Mr. Zheng, Mr. Liang, you are here."

"Hello, Mr. Zheng, hello Mr. Liang."

"Your second brother is here."

Everyone hurriedly said hello, and Li Fan also said with a smile: "How do you do?"

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng also responded with smiles. Zheng Jie said: "Hello everyone, hello everyone, it's already so lively."

Liang Sheng said: "I just heard everyone talking about Fuxi. We also hope it is Fuxi's story."

Everyone was happy, and one person said: "It turns out that the two elders also hope that it is Fuxi's story. This is really great."

Another person said: "So, Master Li, is this Fuxi's story?"

Li Fan smiled, not intending to sell it off, and said, "Everyone's guess is correct, it's the story about Fuxi. As for the specific story, everyone will know it at two o'clock in the afternoon."

After hearing Li Fan's confirmation,

Everyone's faces showed a look of joy and expectation. Even Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng had a look of expectation on their faces.

After that, everyone continued chatting. Li Fan, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng were all very easy-going. The tenants became more and more open-minded, chatting more and more casually, and talking about more and more topics.

As time passed slowly, the tenants who were invited arrived one after another. By about 11 o'clock in the morning, all the tenants who were invited had arrived.

There are 46 households in total. Of course, not only 46 people, but also the wives, children and parents of some tenants came together. Hundreds of people gathered together, which was very lively.

The remaining families were unable to come for some reason. However, although they could not come, they also entrusted the village chief Li Fu to express their apologies to the other tenants.

Of course, these 46 households are not the only guests today. Tenants who previously rented out small courtyards are also invited.

In addition, Wang Qian, the leader of the engineering team, and some elderly people in the village also came over.

With so many guests coming, Li Fu's face in the village was red and he looked very happy.

Li Fan looked at the busy Li Fu and chuckled: "Uncle Fu, today is very lively!"

Li Fu said with a happy face: "Yes, Fanzi, fortunately we are well prepared and can add seats at any time, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to seat so many guests."

Li Fan said again: "Uncle Fu, you will be lucky."

Li Fu waved his hand and said: "It's not hard, it's not hard, I'm happy."

After that, Li Fu was busy greeting the guests again.

At 12 noon, under the auspices of the village chief Li Fu, a brief inauguration ceremony for the small courtyard began.

Guests gathered around, watching the inauguration ceremony with interest.

The inauguration ceremony was mainly about traditional customs after the construction of houses in the village. Many guests had never seen it before, and they watched it with great interest.

After the inauguration ceremony, it will be officially opened.

Village head Li Fan greeted the guests to take their seats, and the guests said "please, please" to each other, and then chose their seats to sit down.

Li Fan, Su Qing, and Xiao Yatou chose their seats to sit down. Zheng Jie, Zhang Xia, Liang Sheng, and Wu Binrong also chose their seats to sit down. They did not choose to sit at the same table.

After the guests took their seats one after another, the banquet officially began. Various dishes were served to the table one after another. The wine glasses in front of the drinking guests were also filled.

All of a sudden, the sound of drinking wine could be heard at every table, and the guests were praising the delicious food.

The village chief Li Fu is the host, toasting the guests and letting them eat and drink well.

After a while, the guests also stood up one after another and went to toast Li Fan, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, and village chief Li Fu. The meal was very lively.

Li Fan drank and drank with the guests, and the time was slowly approaching two o'clock in the afternoon.

On the Internet, countless readers have already had lunch and are chatting while waiting for the arrival of two o'clock in the afternoon.

Today, my mood is a little different from the past few days. While I am very much looking forward to the time reaching two o'clock, I also hope that time will pass slower, which is quite contradictory.

Because today is the last article. After today, there will be no expectations and surprises at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Today is the last time to enjoy such a process. Everyone still hopes that time can pass slower.

Since yesterday, everyone

^0^ Remember in one second【】

I'm guessing that today's story is probably about Fuxi, and everyone hopes it is about Fuxi.

As many readers have said, it would be a great pity not to know the story and contribution of the Great God Fuxi.

So, is this the story about the Great God Fuxi? The answer will be revealed soon.

No matter how much the readers wished that time passed slower, it finally reached two o'clock in the afternoon.

Although Li Fan is currently at the banquet, he has already uploaded today's product to his exclusive page and set up automatic updates.

Therefore, countless readers have seen today's article on time, which is also the last article, "Fuxi and Bagua".

The answer was revealed, and it turned out to be a story about the great god Fuxi.

There was a burst of cheers on the Internet. At this time, everyone temporarily forgot that this was the last article, and they were filled with excitement and excitement.

Finally, I can know the story of the Great God Fuxi.

Countless readers couldn’t wait to click on the product.

According to legend, in the distant middle and late Paleolithic Age, a girl named "Huaxu" went to a place called Leize.

She accidentally saw a huge footprint and stepped on it out of curiosity, and she became pregnant.

After twelve years of pregnancy, she gave birth to a son with the body of a snake and the head of a human, named Fuxi.

According to some accounts of Li Fan's previous life, in addition to his son Fuxi, the Huaxu family also had a daughter named Nuwa.

Fuxi and Nuwa are brothers and sisters, and they are both the creator gods of ancient times.

In other accounts, there is no relationship between Fuxi, Nuwa and Huaxu.

Fuxi and Nuwa, the creator gods, were among the first creatures born.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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