Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1162 Fuxi’s Contribution

Remember in one second【】

Countless readers clicked on the latest and last article called "Fuxi and Bagua". .: .

Knowing that Fuxi was originally born to the Hua Xu family, he continued to look down.

At that time, people knew nothing about nature.

Why does the weather change? Why do the sun and the moon move? Why do people get old, sick and die?

No one knows what is going on with all these phenomena.

People wanted to know the reason, so they asked Fuxi, who had shown extraordinary performance since childhood.

However, Fuxi didn't know the answer and couldn't answer people.

People live in fear every day because of this.

Seeing that people were so worried, Fuxi decided to find out the answer for them.

He began to look around frequently, trying to figure out the changing patterns of the sun, moon, sky, the stars, and the changing patterns of the earth's cold and heat, and the blooming and falling of flowers.

He saw the dense yarrow in the Central Plains and began to use yarrow to perform divination for people.

One day, Fuxi was fishing in the Cai River and caught a white turtle. He dug a large pool and raised the white turtle.

Another day, when Fuxi was putting food into the Baigui Pond, someone came to tell him that there was a monster in the Cai River.

Fuxi came to the Cai River and took a look. He saw the monster saying that a dragon was not like a dragon and a horse was not like a horse. It was walking up and down on the water as if it were flat ground.

Fuxi approached the water, and the monster came to Fuxi and stood there motionless.

Fuxi looked carefully and saw that there were "flower" patterns on the monster's back, with numbers one to six on the bottom, two and seven on the top, three and eight on the left, four and nine on the right, and fifty in the middle.

Fuxi picked out a yarrow stalk and drew it on a large leaf, comparing it with the pattern of flowers on the back of the dragon and horse.

Just as he finished painting, Ryoma jumped into the air with a loud shout and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everyone gathered around Fuxi and asked, "What kind of monster is this?"

Fuxi said: "It looks like a dragon and a horse, so let's call it a dragon horse."

This is the origin of "Dragon Horse".

The dragon horse is a creature in ancient myths and legends that has the characteristics of both a dragon and a horse. It is considered a symbol of auspiciousness and is also considered a symbol of spiritual strength.

Therefore, there has been a saying of "dragon and horse spirit" since ancient times.

Fuxi took the leaf he drew and pondered the pattern on it, but he couldn't figure out the mystery.

On this day, he was sitting by the White Turtle Pond thinking, and suddenly he heard the water rushing in the pond. When he looked closely, he saw the white turtle swimming in front of him from the bottom of the water, looking at him with bright eyes.

Then he nodded to him three times, his head shrank into his stomach, and he lay still by the water.

Fuxi felt very strange, so he looked at the white turtle and observed it attentively.

Gradually, he discovered that the "flower" pattern on the white turtle cover was five pieces in the middle, eight pieces around it, twelve pieces in the outer circle, and twenty-four pieces in the outermost circle.

My heart suddenly became enlightened, and I immediately realized that the laws of change of everything in the world are only 'yin' and one yang.

Later, Fuxi drew the Bagua diagram, which had a profound influence on human history.

Each Eight Diagrams has three lines: Qian (Heaven), Kun (Earth), Zhen (Thunder), Xun (Wind), Kan (Water), Li (Fire), Gen (Mountain), and Dui (Zhe), which are divided into eight directions, symbolizing "Heaven". The eight things and natural phenomena: ", earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain, and lake" also symbolize the changes and cycles of the world.

The classification method is like the five elements. Everything in the world can be classified into Bagua. It is also the ancient ancestor of binary systems and electronic computers.

Every reader knows about Bagua Diagram. However, Bagua Diagram is so mysterious that most people turn a blind eye to Bagua Diagram and cannot understand anything.

Let alone ordinary people, even in the scientific community, Bagua diagrams are still mysterious.

From ancient times to the present, the origin of the Bagua Diagram has always been a mystery. No one can come up with scientifically based facts to analyze the complete origin of the Bagua Diagram.

For thousands of years, the strict logical nature of the arrangement and combination of Bagua diagrams cannot be changed, just like the axioms of mathematics.

However, although Bagua Diagram is very profound, its application is extremely widespread.

In ancient times, it was society and a cultural, ideological and theoretical system widely used by all classes.

Politicians, rulers, and military strategists use it to strategize and govern the country, while ordinary people use it as a tool to maintain health, predict disaster and fortune, and make business profits.

Today, many major discoveries and breakthroughs in modern science, such as binary, atomic structure, biological genetics and other subject theories, can be found in the corresponding forms from the Bagua theory and changes.

Therefore, some people speculate that the Bagua Diagram may be a database containing advanced civilization systems. If humans can find the key and method to unlock it, it will make a greater leap forward in human progress.

Of course, this is just speculation, no one knows or can prove that it is true.

In addition, the Bagua map is inextricably linked to the geographical structure and natural form of the planet we live on.

The geographical pattern of the planet we live in changes over millions of years, making it a relatively stable system.

Therefore, some people boldly speculate that the arrangement and combination of Bagua diagrams are based on the geographical and natural forms of the planet we live on.

If this can be scientifically confirmed, then the Bagua diagram passed down by China since ancient times will be a huge contribution to world civilization.

All these things about Bagua Diagram are for all readers.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It was too mysterious for them to understand, and they were not prepared to understand it.

They don't want to waste their brain cells on something that they are bound to not understand.

However, this does not mean that they do not know the greatness of Bagua Diagram and its profound impact on human society.

Scientists cannot speculate on the origin of the Bagua Diagram, and they did not know it before, but now, Li Fan has told everyone with a myth and legend.

The Bagua Diagram was created by Fuxi, one of the Three Emperors in Chinese mythology and legend.

Fuxi created the Bagua, which opened up the cultural source of the Chinese nation. People worshiped him as a god and respected him as the founder of the Bagua.

The overall ‘nature’ of ‘harmony between man and nature’, the intuitive ‘nature’ way of thinking, and dialectical thinking contained in Fuxi’s Bagua are the origin of Chinese culture.

Of course, Fuxi's contribution to human development goes far beyond creating Bagua.

He took the body of a python, the head of a crocodile, the horns of a stag, the eyes of a tiger, the scales of a red carp, the 'legs' of a monitor lizard, the claws of a goshawk, the tail of a white shark, and the baleen of a fin whale to create the Chinese nation. The totem, "dragon".

This is where "descendants of the dragon" come from

He knotted ropes into nets, taught people to catch birds, hunt, and fish, and improved human productivity.

He taught people how to tame wild animals, which later developed into domestic animals.

He reformed marriage customs, advocated the marriage etiquette of men marrying women, and changed "blood marriage" to "exogamy", ending the long-term primitive group marriage state in which children only knew their mothers but not their fathers.

At the same time, surnames were also given after the animals they raised, or after plants, residences, or official positions, in order to prevent "chaotic" marriages and incest marriages, so that the Chinese surnames originated from this time and continue to this day.

He divided and ruled the areas he ruled, and appointed officials to manage society, providing reference for future generations to govern society, and so on.

Fuxi is the common ancestor of all human races and a thinker and inventor with great wisdom.

As a historical symbol of the unity and cooperation of all ethnic groups and their pursuit of survival and development, Fuxi has played an immeasurable role in the progress and development of the Chinese nation's civilization.

After reading this article, all readers feel a great sense of satisfaction. They finally know the story of the great god Fuxi and his contribution to the development of human society.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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