Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1181 No one dares to write poetry anymore

Remember in one second【】

Yan Mu's song "Enter Shu" caused everyone at the scene to exclaim repeatedly, and the atmosphere was completely high. .

Even ordinary tourists who have not done much research on poetry can feel the amazement of this poem.

And this kind of witnessing the birth of a stunning poem on the spot also made them more interested in this poem.

"Tsk tsk! As expected of Yan Mu, this poem is so well written."

"So far, this poem is the best. I never expected that such an amazing poem would be born today."


Everyone at the scene was talking loudly. When Han Zhong commented on the poem "Enter Shu", he also gave a high evaluation.

This poem by Yan Mu has already become popular and is a rare "fine" poem. Their "fine" poems are no less generous and will surely be widely circulated, even to future generations.

Han Zhong's comment made the scene aroused again. Yan Mu had already become famous, but this poem would obviously make Yan Mu even more famous.

Hearing Han Zhong's comments and the cheers and exclamations of everyone present, Yan Mu himself was overjoyed.

However, although he was proud, he remained humble when facing the congratulations from people around him.

Mo Bai shook his head and sighed, feeling quite depressed. His poems were actually very good, but Yan Mu's poems were indeed better, completely overshadowing his popularity.

Du Feng, Wang Ling, and Lu Ran were also depressed. After their poems were published, they were not popular for a long time, but Yan Mu completely stole the limelight.

However, feeling depressed, they still walked over to congratulate Yan Mu. Regardless of whether they were sincere or not, there was still a formality.

"Brother Yan, congratulations! Once this poem comes out, I'm afraid there will be a chance to win the first prize. Even Li Fan's poem later may not be as good as this poem." Mo Bai said.

"It's true. After this poetry meeting, Brother Yan's reputation will definitely be much better. Congratulations, congratulations." Du Feng, Wang Ling, and Lu Ran also said.

Yan Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he felt quite proud, but he said humbly: "No, no, brothers, you are too flattering. Your poems are not inferior to mine. And Mr. Li Fan's poems are definitely far superior." As for me, if I win the championship, I won’t mention it again, lest others hear the joke.”

Mo Bai added: "Brother Yan is too humble.

Your poem does have the possibility of winning the first prize, and I am very envious of it. "

Yan Mu was naturally humble again, and after the two sides were polite for a while, Mo Bai and the others said goodbye and left.

"Brother Mo, do you think Yan Mu's "Enter Sichuan" really has a chance to win the championship?" Du Feng asked.

Mo Bai said in a deep voice: "It is indeed not impossible. Sometimes poetry is about the burst of inspiration. Even if Li Fan's poetic talent is as great as Yan Muzhi, there is no guarantee that every one of his poems will be the same. Among Yan Mu's poems, "Enter Shu" is indeed extraordinary, but Li Fan's poem today still has a glimmer of possibility."

Wang Ling said: "That's true. The sex may be low, but it's not completely impossible."

On the other side, Lin Yunfeng said: "Brother Yan, I think what Mo Bai said is right. You do have the possibility of winning the championship today. As we said before, Li Fan may not be able to perform as well today as he has not been poetry for a long time."

"Winning the first prize? Is it possible?" Yan Mu murmured to himself. Naturally, he was eager to overpower Li Fan and win the first prize.

In this way, although it cannot be said that his poetry level has surpassed that of Li Fan, it is at least a glory worth recalling for a lifetime.

Moreover, it will also make his reputation soar and overpower Li Fan to win the championship. This is something no one dares to imagine.

However, Yan Mu also knew that this possibility was very small. If it were really that easy, Li Fan would no longer be Li Fan.

Of course, no matter how small the sex may be, it does exist. Yan Mu is nervous and looking forward to it.

"'Entering Shu' is indeed a rare 'excellent' work. Even if we try it, we may not be able to beat it. Among those present, I am afraid that only Brother Li can be sure of beating it." Han Zhong praised.

Bai Yi nodded and said: "That's true. I wonder if Brother Li will feel some pressure because of this? Because, in everyone's mind, Brother Li's poems should be the best. But now there is "Enter Shu" in "Previously, Brother Li's wish to win the championship was probably not as easy as he thought before."

Liu Yuandao: "It is indeed not that easy. However, this is obviously a good thing. This will allow Brother Li to take poetry seriously. Otherwise, the boy will probably just write a random poem, as long as he is guaranteed to win the first place."

Han Zhong and Bai Yi's eyes lit up and they said at the same time: "Old Liu, what you said makes sense."

The song "Belonging" ignited the atmosphere at the scene and also sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

"Wow haha! As expected of Yan Mu, this poem is so 'great', Mo Bai's previous poems were even better."

"Once this poem comes out, Yan Mu's reputation will undoubtedly become even greater."

"This poem is undoubtedly the best so far, and Chairman Han's evaluation is also very high. In my opinion, I am afraid it has the possibility of winning the first prize."

"Winning the first prize? This is too much to think about, unless Mr. Li Fan doesn't take action."

"I'm just saying that it's possible. Even if the possibility is small, it might not be. Those other poems don't even have the possibility of being 'sexual'."

"There is indeed a possibility. I think that even if Mr. Li Fan wants to surpass Yan Mu's "Enter Shu", he needs to be cautious."

"Hey! It's a good thing to be cautious. In this way, we may be able to appreciate a wonderful poem by Mr. Li Fan."

"I'll go, it's very clear

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Logically speaking, it's almost time for Mr. Li Fan to take action. I see that most of the poets on the scene have passed poetry. The remaining poets, after Yan Mu's "Entering Shu", were probably too embarrassed to take action. "

"I think so. I am looking forward to Mr. Li Fan's poems!"

"I've been looking forward to it since yesterday, but now I'm even more looking forward to it."

"Mr. Li Fan, let's take action, hahaha!"


on site.

As friends have said, most poets have already published their own works.

There are still a small number of poets left. They originally planned to write poems, but after Yan Mu's "Entering Shu", they couldn't help but become very hesitant.

Now everyone's vision and state of mind have been set high by the poem "Entering Shu". If their poems were published, they might have received good evaluations before.

But now, I'm afraid it's hard to get good reviews.

There is no way, everyone's taste and state of mind are now at their peak. Even if you take out a good poem, it will become very ordinary in everyone's eyes.

Therefore, the remaining poets did not dare to take action, lest they be embarrassed.

At the same time, I also regret why I didn’t take action earlier? I'm still thinking about brewing it a little more and trying to make it better.

It's better now, and I can't even get rid of the modifications.

The remaining poets were upset, and no one at the scene continued to write poems.

Everyone at the scene was a little strange at first. Why did no one suddenly stop writing poems? Quiet? We're still waiting to see.

Then I thought about it and realized it. It’s not that no one writes poetry, it’s that no one dares to write poetry now.

Also, after "Enter Sichuan", everyone's eyes are set high.

Of course, not everyone is afraid of poetry.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look in the direction of Li Fan.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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