Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1188 How to make Broken Bridge famous

Remember in one second【】

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, Liu Yuan, and Lu Yangdong felt quite sorry that "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow" was not famous.

Li Fan smiled faintly and said: "Broken Bridge, maybe one day it will suddenly become famous, there is no telling."

"Oh?" When Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan heard what Li Fan said, they all looked at Li Fan in surprise and thought to themselves: "What does this kid mean by saying this? Is there anything he can do?" , can the Broken Bridge become famous? This is unlikely."

Is it so easy to make an ordinary bridge famous?

The three of them really wanted to ask what happened, but since Lu Yangdong was present, it seemed inappropriate to ask, so they had to keep their questions in mind.

Lu Yangdong didn't pay attention to Li Fan's words, but looked at Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan and said hesitantly: "I don't know why? I always feel that some of them look familiar, but we probably haven't met before. I don't know. Could you please tell me the names of the three of you?”

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan looked at each other, then smiled and said their names.

Lu Yangdong suddenly realized and said quickly: "It turns out it's President Han, Mr. Bai, and Mr. Liu. I'm really rude. I'm really lucky to meet these three gentlemen in Baidi today."

Just after Lu Yangdong finished speaking, he suddenly felt excited and seemed to remember something. He quickly looked at Li Fan beside him, with a flash of excitement in his eyes, and said: "So, this little...this...must be Li Fan." Mr. Fan."

Han Zhong, Bai Yi and Liu Yuan smiled and said nothing, while Li Fan said with interest: "Why is Mr. Lu so sure?"

Saying this is almost equivalent to admitting it. Lu Yangdong laughed and said: "The day before yesterday, Mr. Li Fan left a soul-stirring song "The Road to Shu is Difficult" at Jianmen Pass, which has spread throughout the country. At that time, Li Fan Mr. Fan is with Mr. Han, Mr. Bai and Mr. Liu. But he never thought that you would have arrived at West Lake today."

Li Fan nodded. This was indeed a good guess. Then he smiled and said: "The beautiful scenery of the West Lake, of course I have to come and take a look."

Later, the four of them invited Lu Yangdong to travel with them. Lu Yangdong happily agreed and was quite excited.

Several people walked slowly along the Baidi from west to east.

Lu Yangdong expressed his various feelings about the poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult" quite excitedly. He also said that he would wait until a week later when the Jianmenguan Scenic Area would carve the poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult" on the back of the cliff. He will also go to Jianmen Pass again, under the cliff where the poem is carved,

Draw again.

After a while, Li Fan said: "Mr. Lu often paints in the West Lake area. I wonder if Mr. Lu has ever painted the beautiful scene of 'Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow'?"

Lu Yangdong smiled proudly and said: "Naturally, I have already painted it. It was painted after a heavy snowfall last winter. It was a rare heavy snowfall in Tangzhou in recent years, and the 'broken bridge with remaining snow' was also Very beautiful.”

Then, his tone became a little regretful, and he continued: "It is really a pity that such beautiful scenery is not famous."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Then Mr. Lu must keep that painting well, maybe it will be of great use someday."

"Is it of great use?" These words made Lu Yangdong a little confused, but he was too embarrassed to ask clearly, so he just said: "This will naturally be preserved. After all, it is my hard work."

The length of Baidi is about one kilometer, which is not too long. A few people walked slowly all the way, and it didn't take too long when they were about to reach the end of the east side.

The broken bridge at the end of Baidi can already be seen. Li Fan said: "The bridge in front of me must be a broken bridge."

Lu Yangdong said: "Yes, that's the broken bridge. It's a pity that it didn't snow. Otherwise, the broken bridge wouldn't be as ordinary as what we see now."

Li Fan nodded. There was indeed nothing special about the broken bridge itself.

In addition, the Broken Bridge in this world does not have a stele pavilion or a "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow" monument, so it looks even more ordinary.

However, due to the high terrain of the Broken Bridge, it is a good place for viewing, with a panoramic view of mountains and waters far away.

Therefore, the Broken Bridge is not deserted, and there are still many tourists stopping there.

Later, Li Fan said: "After all, this is Jiangnan. Snow is rare and hard to come by. It's a pity, but we can't force it."

Han Zhong smiled and said: "As Brother Li said, you can't force it. Let's go. Although there is no snow, let's go to the Broken Bridge to see the scenery. It's still a good choice to see the scenery there."

Everyone nodded. It was natural to break the bridge, otherwise it would be impossible to cross.

Not long after, a few people walked through the Baidi and stepped on the broken bridge. They stood around the broken bridge and looked at the distant mountains and close water, which had a unique flavor.

"By the way, brother Li." Han Zhong said, "When we were at Baidi, you said that this broken bridge might suddenly become famous one day. What do you mean by this? Do you have anything? idea?"

Han Zhong wanted to ask this question before, but it was not convenient at that time. Now that he and Lu Yangdong were familiar with each other, and he happened to be standing on the broken bridge, he asked.

Lu Yangdong's heart suddenly moved. He had heard Li Fan say that before. But at that time, he didn't know Li Fan's identity and didn't care.

However, now that I know Li Fan's identity, when I think about that sentence again, it seems to have a different meaning. In addition, Li Fan also said something before about the "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow" painting he painted last year. It will come in handy someday.

Now when I think about the connection between these two sentences, it seems quite meaningful.

Lu Yangdong was greatly moved and listened carefully to Li Fan's answer.

Just listen to what Li Fan said

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Said: "I do have some ideas, but can it make Broken Bridge famous? I don't know for sure."

Li Fan's idea is naturally to bring the legend of "White Snake" from his previous life to this world.

Although he believes that there is nothing wrong with West Lake Broken Bridge becoming famous under the influence of novels and TV series, he will not be too confident now.

"Do you really have any ideas?" Han Zhong, Lu Yangdong, and of course Bai Yi and Liu Yuan were all shocked.

Han Zhong quickly asked: "What do you think? Brother Li, can you tell me more about it?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course it is. Aren't I preparing a long mythical work? I am thinking that I will change the background of the story to something related to Qiantang, West Lake, Broken Bridge, Leifeng Pagoda and other elements. Maybe it could make Broken Bridge famous, but that’s just a possibility.”

It is not a secret that Li Fan is going to release a full-length mythical work. It has been spread to the outside world. Therefore, Lu Yangdong also knew.

When several people heard that Li Fan said that he wanted to change the background of the story to one related to elements such as Qiantang, West Lake, Broken Bridge, Leifeng Pagoda, etc., their hearts froze again.

It turned out that Li Fan's idea was to use the long-form mythology he had already conceived, but just change the original background of the story.

But, is this possible?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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