Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1187 Broken Bridge and Remaining Snow

Remember in one second【】

On November 29, at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, Li Fan, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan took a bus to West Lake.

Last night, Li Fan specifically searched the Internet for information about West Lake in this world.

Generally speaking, there is no difference from the previous life, except for the cultural connotation of a few scenic spots and names, which are slightly different from the previous life.

For example, "Baidu", in previous lives, the name "Baidu" was related to Bai Juyi, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty.

Baidi was originally called Baishadi. When Bai Juyi was appointed governor, he left this poem, "The lake I love most is not enough eastward, and the white sand embankment is in the shade of green poplars."

In order to commemorate this great poet, later generations called it Baidi.

In addition, there is also a saying that people at that time thought that Bai Juyi presided over the construction of this embankment, so they called it Bai Embankment.

But in fact, Bai Juyi presided over the construction of another embankment, located near the stone culvert bridge outside the old Qiantang Gate. There is no trace of it now.

Later, although people knew that the current "Bai Causeway" was not the one built by Bai Juyi, in order to commemorate Bai Juyi, the name of the Bai Causeway was not changed and it was still called "Baidu Causeway".

In any case, "Bai Di" was related to Bai Juyi in the previous life, but this relationship no longer exists in this world.

Baidi is the abbreviation of Baishadi.

Another example is the Broken Bridge. There are many bridges in the entire West Lake. In previous lives, the Broken Bridge was undoubtedly the most famous.

The reason is that the famous folk legend "The Legend of White Snake" in the past life has added endless romantic color to the broken bridge.

There is no legend of the White Snake in this world, and the broken bridge is not as famous as it was in the previous life. It is just one of the many ordinary bridges in the West Lake.

It takes about an hour's drive from the hotel where the four of them are staying to the West Lake.

At nine o'clock in the afternoon, the four of them had arrived at the edge of the West Lake. Although it was still early, there were already many tourists in the West Lake.

West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The lake is divided into five water bodies: Outer West Lake, Xili Lake, Beili Lake, Xiaonan Lake and Yue Lake by Gushan, Baidi, Sudi and Yanggongdi.

Su Causeway and Bai Causeway cross the lake, and three small islands, Xiaoyingzhou, Huxinting and Ruan Gongdun, stand in the center of the outer West Lake.

The Leifeng Pagoda in Xizhao Mountain and the Baochu Pagoda in Baoshi Mountain are opposite each other across the lake, thus forming a basic layout of "one mountain, two pagodas, three islands, three embankments, and five lakes".

The place where Li Fan and the others are now is to the west of Baidi.

When I come to West Lake today, I feel completely different from the experience I had when I came here in my previous life.

Standing on Baidi, looking at the clear water of the West Lake on both sides, it was no different from his previous life, but they were two different worlds after all. Li Fan was filled with emotions.

"Let's walk from west to east along Baidi. Brother Li, what do you think?" Han Zhong asked.

Li Fan put away his emotion and said with a smile: "Of course you can. I have heard about the name of West Lake Baidi for a long time, and now I see it is really well-deserved."

Bai Yi said: "Bai Causeway is naturally extremely beautiful, but when it comes to the scenery of Bai Causeway, it is most beautiful in spring and summer. Of course, if it snows now, then Bai Causeway will naturally have the unique beauty of winter. It's just that Unfortunately, there’s not much chance of snow here.”

Li Fandao: "It's really a pity that it didn't snow. Otherwise, we might still be able to see the beautiful scenery of 'Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow'."

"Oh? Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow?" Bai Yi nodded and said, "There is indeed a bridge in the West Lake called 'Broken Bridge', and it is at the end of the Baidi. 'Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow' seems to be such a saying. Brother Li didn't Having been to West Lake, I know a lot about West Lake! ”

Because the broken bridge in this world is just an ordinary bridge and not famous, the beautiful scenery of "broken bridge with remaining snow" is also not as famous as it was in the previous life.

If you don’t know much about West Lake, you will almost never know that there is such a scenic spot.

Li Fan laughed and said: "Since you want to come to the West Lake, you naturally need to do some homework. I heard that the scenery of 'Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow' is very beautiful. Whenever the snow starts to fall, I stand on Baoshi Mountain and look south to the West Lake. Covered in silver, the arch of the broken stone bridge is unobstructed. The ice and snow melt in the sun, revealing the mottled bridge railings, while the two ends of the bridge are still vaguely visible under the blanket of white snow. It seems to be hidden, but the white snow in the culvert is shining brightly, and the gray and brown of the bridge surface form a contrast. From a distance, it seems to be broken but not broken, which is very beautiful. "

Hearing what Li Fan said, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were all stunned, thinking, "We don't know these things clearly, but this guy speaks clearly. I think he knew he was coming to West Lake two days ago. After that, I went to look up information about West Lake. With this thirst for knowledge... it’s no wonder that this kid has achieved such high achievements in many fields.”

The three of them all admired Li Fan endlessly, but at the same time they were a little bit dumbfounded. They originally thought that Li Fan had never been to West Lake and they were going to serve as a guest tour guide today.

Now it seems that the identity of the guest tour guide is not certain yet.

Thinking of Li Fan's description of "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow", Bai Yi's heart suddenly moved and he said, "Could this be the origin of the name 'Broken Bridge'?"

Li Fan smiled faintly and was about to answer when he heard a voice coming from behind, "Yes, this is where the name 'Broken Bridge' comes from."

The four of them were stunned, and quickly looked back, only to see a young man in his forties standing not far behind the four of them.

It was obvious that what he just said was what he said.

Seeing the four people turning back, the young man smiled apologetically and said, "I'm very sorry. My name is Lu Yangdong. I am a sketch artist who often paints in the West Lake area. Since few people know the scene of 'Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow', I just When I heard this little brother talk about the beautiful scenery of "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow", I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


Hearing what the man in front of them named Lu Yangdong said, Li Fan and the four of them smiled and said it didn't matter.

Later, Bai Yi said with a smile: "It turns out that the name 'Broken Bridge' comes from this. 'Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow' sounds really beautiful, but it is not famous among the various scenery of West Lake, which is a bit regretful. .”

Lu Yangdong nodded and said: "It is indeed a pity, but there is nothing we can do about it. The Broken Bridge was originally an ordinary bridge, far inferior to Bai Causeway, Su Causeway, etc. In addition, there are not many chances of snow in Tangzhou, and there are even more chances of heavy snow. It is difficult to create the beautiful scenery of "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow". It is rare for tourists to see "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow", which is understandable. "

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan all nodded after hearing this. Bai Yi said: "There is indeed no way, unless the broken bridge can be as famous as Bai Causeway, Su Causeway and other scenic spots. However, this is of course impossible. That’s it.”

Han Zhongdao: "If Broken Bridge can be as famous as Bai Causeway and Su Causeway, then the beautiful scenery of 'Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow', because it is difficult to form, will become its advantage and make everyone compete to chase it. It's a pity that Broken Bridge It’s impossible to become famous.”

Lu Yangdong sighed and said, "Yes, so there is nothing we can do about it."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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