Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1202 Songs in the Work

Remember in one second【】

The five-chapter serialization of "The Legend of White Snake" has ended, and countless readers are talking about it online.

In particular, the plot of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian riding on the same boat particularly amazed readers, and the duet song between the old boatman and Xiao Qing made readers even more itchy.

"The beautiful scenery of the West Lake, March day. The spring rain is like wine and the willows are like smoke. It is so beautiful. I wonder what the melody is like? I really want to hear it."

"There are also the following words, 'We are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, but if we are not destined to meet each other, it is difficult to hold hands. In ten years, we can cross the same boat, and in a hundred years, we can sleep together. If there is good fortune in thousands of years, we will be together in front of our eyes.' Ten years, A hundred years, a thousand years, it’s so beautiful, I like it so much.”

"When I first saw this passage, I completely liked it. It was so well written and worthy of Mr. Li Fan's writing."

"Yes, this verse is so beautiful. It's a pity that there are only lyrics but no music. I don't know when Mr. Li Fan will release the music. I really hope it will be sooner. I really can't wait."

"Not only this section, but also the confessional lyrics of Xu Xian and Xiao Qing that follow are also exciting to hear."

"Now on Li Fan's Weibo, many people are leaving messages asking about the song. I wonder if Li Fan will respond?"

"Well, I also saw it. We can ask more people. If there are too many people asking, Li Fan should be able to respond."

"That makes sense, let's go together."


All readers firmly believe that the lyrics that appear in the product must have tunes and can be sung.

Moreover, everyone also believes that after singing it, it will definitely sound very good.

There is no other reason, just because this is Li Fan's product.

Therefore, it has become the common wish of all readers to hear those songs as soon as possible.

Li Fan's Weibo has already been turned on by readers.

"Master Li Fan, when will those songs be released?"

"Dear Li Fan, please release the song as soon as possible. I really can't wait!"

"Master Li Fan, what are the names of these songs? Can you tell us the names first?"


It’s also good to know the title of the song first. "


In the hotel room.

Looking at the Internet and Weibo, Li Fan is not surprised that countless readers are so impatient for the songs that appear in the product.

Those songs are beautiful, even if you just look at the lyrics. In addition, he has the aura of being the top music master in the country, so readers are naturally very impatient.

In fact, Li Fan himself also likes those songs very much. In his opinion, those songs have beautiful lyrics and even more beautiful music.

The theme song, ending theme song, and interludes of the previous work "The Legend of White Snake" are all absolute classics that you will never tire of listening to.

Li Fan will naturally bring all such classic lyrics and music to this world.

However, he originally planned to serialize it for a while before releasing songs.

Now, however, he thinks the plan can change a little.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Fan already had a plan.

Not only is he going to release the episode that has already appeared, but he is also planning to release the theme song "A Thousand Years of Waiting Once Again" and the ending song "Waiting for Love" together.

Of course, the ending song "Love" has appeared in today's update, and it is a duet song sung by Lao Chuanjia and Xiao Qing.

This duet between Lao Chuanjia and Xiao Qing can be regarded as one of the most classic sections in the entire film.

Now, Li Fan decided to let this scene appear on the screen in advance, and also filmed this scene.

The version of the novel "The Legend of the White Snake" was originally adapted from the previous TV series "The New Legend of the White Snake". Naturally, Li Fan was determined to make it into a TV series in this world.

Because the impact of TV series will be far greater than that of novels. After all, most people don’t like reading novels.

In this case, it is definitely a good choice to release the classic duet between Lao Chuanfu and Xiao Qing in advance.

Moreover, since we are going to shoot it, we might as well shoot a little more and release the theme song "A Thousand Years of Waiting" in the form of a music video.

Well, we have to find the actors, Bai Suzhen, Xiao Qing, Xu Xian, Lao Chuanfu, etc., as well as the director, the crew, and negotiate the location with the West Lake Scenic Area...

Well, simply releasing songs is obviously too much trouble.

However, if the classics from the previous life can be reproduced in this world, no matter how troublesome it is, it will be worth it.

Although Li Fan is a bit lazy, he is never afraid of trouble and hardship. Since he has to do something, he must do his best.

After making up his mind, Li Fan decided to update a Weibo post first. Since readers were so eager to get his response, he naturally needed to satisfy them.

"Hello everyone, it seems that everyone is very interested in the lyrics of "The Legend of White Snake".

Everyone's guess was correct. Those lyrics did have tunes, and they were all songs that could be sung. Since everyone is so eager to listen, I have decided to release those songs in advance, so stay tuned!

The most popular song should be the duet song between Lao Chuanjia and Xiao Qing. Here, I can reveal that the name of this song is "Du Qing".

"Duqing" is also a very important song in this work.

In addition, there is a very important song that has not appeared in the film yet, and that song will also be the theme song of this film.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

What's the name of the theme song? Keep it secret for now.

However, don’t worry, because I will release the theme song together with “Love” in the near future, so you can look forward to it!

Finally, some friends may have been speculating, will the lyrics be a major feature of "The Legend of White Snake"?

Yes, it is indeed the case, the lyrics will be throughout the entire piece.

In the future, during the serialization process, whenever new lyrics appear, I will release the corresponding song the next day.

Well, one last thing to reveal to you, regarding "Duqing" and the theme song, I will not just release a single.

Okay, no more, there are so many, please stay tuned. "

As soon as this Weibo post came out, it was like the explosion of a bomb, causing huge waves in many fields such as the readership circle, entertainment circle, and media circle.

Because this Weibo contains a lot of information.

First of all, for readers, Li Fan personally confirmed that those lyrics are indeed songs with tunes.

Before, even if they were sure, it was just speculation after all, but now they finally got official recognition from Li Fan.

They also learned about the song that moved them the most, the duet song sung by the old boatman and Xiaoqing, called "Du Qing".

Passing love, crossing love, ferrying love! Even the title of the song is so thrilling.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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