Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1220 Shooting is about to begin

Remember in one second【】

After having dinner at the hotel, the few of them took a taxi directly back to the hotel where they were staying without any further delay. . :.

Tonight, naturally two more rooms were opened.

However, Qin Yulin did not return to his room immediately. Instead, he looked around in Li Fan's room, as if he was looking for something.

Tang Ying laughed "chichi", and Li Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't bother Qin Yulin and let the girl look around.

After a while, Qin Yulin pulled Tang Ying away with satisfaction. The two girls kept whispering as they left.

Li Fan was very interested in knowing what the two girls would say. It's a pity that no matter how strong Li Fan's hearing is, he can't hear clearly. On the other hand, the sound of the two girls giggling non-stop came from far away, quite clearly.

After Qin Yulin and Tang Ying left, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan came to Li Fan's room again.

They learned about Qin Yulin's role as Bai Suzhen through today's media reports. The three of them were not surprised to see Qin Yulin.

However, Qin Yulin called Li Fan "brother-in-law", which surprised the three of them.

Is this Qin Yulin Su Qing's sister? They have different surnames, could they be cousins? My sister is stunning, and so is my cousin. Her genetics must be too strong.

Bai Yi clicked his tongue and said, "Is Qin Yulin really Su Qing's cousin?"

Li Fan rolled his eyes and said, "Of course, otherwise why do you think she called me 'brother-in-law'?"

Bai Yi sighed in his heart and said: "The two sisters are both so stunning. This Qin family is incredible!"

Li Fan laughed and said: "What does this mean? Qin Yulin also has a biological sister. She is now in her teens. She will probably not be much different when she grows up."

Bai Yi sighed again after hearing this, but Han Zhong smiled and said: "I said, Lao Bai, you are already an uncle, why are you sighing?"

Then he said to Li Fan: "Brother Li, the filming will start the day after tomorrow. How are the preparations going?"

Li Fan said: "It's almost done. We can officially start filming the day after tomorrow."

Han Zhong said: "Okay! The filming finally started. It feels like it has been a long time. Actually,

Counting from the day we came to Tangzhou, it was only a week. "

Liu Yuan also said with emotion: "Mainly because this week, there have been so many topics of 'sex' about Brother Li's Xinhe West Lake, and it feels like a long time has passed."

Bai Yi said: "What did we say at the beginning? This trip to Tangzhou will be very interesting if Brother Li is traveling with him. Now it seems that it is not only interesting, it is simply exciting, extremely exciting. trip to Tangzhou."

Han Zhong said: "Yes, it's exciting, and the most exciting two days are not yet here."

The three of them spoke to each other, and their words were full of emotion.

No wonder they were so emotional. They all still clearly remember that a week ago, on the day they traveled to the West Lake together, Li Fan said that he had a way to make the Broken Bridge in the West Lake famous in a short period of time.

Now, in just one week, Li Fan has done it.

After two days of filming on the Broken Bridge in West Lake on December 6th and 7th, coupled with the playing of the later song MV and the work "Legend of White Snake", Broken Bridge in West Lake is no longer famous.

The three of them were filled with emotion, and there was one person who was even more emotional than them, and that was Lu Yangdong, the sketch painter whom Li Fan and the others met on the day they visited the West Lake.

Lu Yangdong is now 100% sure that Broken Bridge and Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow will soon become extremely famous.

Moreover, when he saw that Li Fan invited readers to be extras today, he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

That was on the day of filming, he also came to guest star as an extra, but not as a tourist, but as a painter sketching under the broken bridge, painting the beauty of the broken bridge on paper.

Once this idea emerged, it could not be suppressed.

So, Lu Yangdong called Li Fan with some anxiety and expressed his thoughts.

Li Fan didn't hesitate and agreed to him directly, which made Lu Yangdong even more excited and couldn't wait to arrive the day after tomorrow.

A night of silence, the next day, December 5th.

Li Fan, Tang Ying, Qin Yulin, Wang Qian, and Xiaoyun still went to Jiaheng Film and Television early in the morning.

Gu Yuan, Xia Xiaoyue, Xiao Xiao, Liang Xuesheng and others also arrived early.

Today, everyone will make final preparations for tomorrow's shooting.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the latest chapter of "The Legend of White Snake" was updated on time, and countless readers were once again immersed in the story of White Snake.

In the afternoon, transportation stations such as Tangzhou Airport, high-speed rail station, train station, and bus station in Tangzhou City welcomed a large number of people who came specifically for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

There are lucky readers who have successfully qualified as guest extras, and there are many more readers who have not.

Although I can't guest star as an extra, nor can I get a small gift from Li Fan, but being able to experience it personally at the West Lake scene tomorrow will be an unforgettable memory for a lifetime.

Some people came alone, while others came in groups, and everyone's face was filled with excitement and anticipation.

In addition to the readers who came here specially, many entertainment media reporters from all over the country also came.

The West Lake shooting for the next two days tomorrow is destined to be the focus of attention, with countless people across the country

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The focus of everyone's attention, entertainment media reporters will naturally not miss this good opportunity.

On the Internet, the discussions about the West Lake filming in the next two days are becoming more and more intense.

Among them, the readers who had arrived in Tangzhou were particularly delighted and excited.

"Wow haha! We have arrived in Tangzhou and are waiting for our trip to West Lake tomorrow. Don't be too envious of your friends who can't come."

"Why do we need to wait until tomorrow for our trip to the West Lake? I've already arrived at the West Lake. It's such a great place! No wonder Mr. Li Fan chose this as the background of his story."

"Yes, you can clearly feel the atmosphere of tomorrow's shooting in West Lake. Not only are there a lot of people, but you can also hear everyone talking about tomorrow's shooting everywhere."

"Haha! It seems that there are a lot of people in West Lake now. Are there any girls in West Lake now? How about we also go to Broken Bridge for a romantic encounter?"

"Damn it! Listening to what you said, I really want to go, but it's a pity that I can't go."

"I really envy you guys. You are just a spectator tomorrow. You can be so relaxed and meet by chance. I can't. I'm a little nervous now. Because I have to be a guest actor tomorrow, and I don't know if I will be on camera. ?Wow haha!"

"Damn it! Get out of here! Don't get carried away here!"

"That's right, get out of here! It's too late!"

"I don't care if there are cameras or not. I just want to be able to walk past Goddess Qin, preferably back and forth several times. Hehe!"

"Let me tell you, the director should give the camera to a handsome person. For someone like me, there will definitely be a camera tomorrow."

"Oh no! There are so many people pretending to be cool here again. Can everyone still chat happily?"

"Haha! You guys, just be envious. Oh! There is also a small gift from Mr. Li Fan. What kind of gift do you think it will be? I'm really looking forward to it."

"Hehe! Mr. Li Fan said it was a small gift, but in our opinion, this gift is definitely not too small."

"That makes sense, oh my! I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Forget it, let's go. We can't have a pleasant chat here anymore."


Today’s update is late, I’m very sorry!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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