Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1224 Brother-in-law’s Care

Remember in one second【】

The Broken Bridge and its vicinity are one of the main locations for today’s shooting. There are many shots and the shooting time is also very long. ,: .

When the filming of the second scene was completed, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. The crew would take a break and eat before continuing to shoot the third scene at two o'clock in the afternoon.

What to eat for lunch? Naturally, it is a lunch box. The crew, extras, etc. are all the same.

However, although it was a box lunch, the quality of the food seemed to be very good and it tasted good. This was naturally Li Fan's special request.

Li Fan sat next to Qin Yulin with a box lunch and asked, "Are you tired?"

Qin Yulin pouted and said, "I'm tired!"

Li Fan said hehely: "Eat more when you are tired, and I will reward you with a 'chicken' and 'leg' to eat."

As he said that, he put a chicken leg from his own lunch box into Qin Yulin's lunch box.

Qin Yulin's face suddenly turned red. Many people around him were watching and whispered: "Brother-in-law, what are you doing? You can eat it yourself."

Li Fan said mysteriously: "My 'chicken' and 'legs' are different. They are specially prepared. After eating them, you will feel refreshed and your fatigue will be gone. I gave them to you specially."

Li Fan's words are of course true. The "chicken legs" he gave Qin Yulin were really secretly made. In the space mall system, there is a kind of elixir called "Shenqing Dan". People will feel the sensation after taking it. Feel refreshed and get rid of fatigue.

Li Fan just went to the space to buy one and blended it into the "chicken" and "legs" in his lunch box.

Therefore, the 'chicken' and 'legs' he gave to Qin Yulin are definitely the unique "Shen Qing's 'chicken' and 'legs' in this world."

However, Qin Yulin would not believe that these chicken legs were so magical. He only said that Li Fan cared about him and said so on purpose.

However, she did not return the chicken legs to Li Fan, but put them in her mouth and ate them.

When she slowly finished eating the chicken legs, she didn't know if it was an illusion in her heart, but she really felt very comfortable, and the previous tiredness had really disappeared.

Qin Yulin was a little surprised, but she didn't think much about it. She just thought it was a mental illusion. After all, these were the chicken legs that her brother-in-law rewarded her with. Naturally, she felt a little different after eating them.

Li Fan put chicken legs into Qin Yulin's lunch box. Xia Xiaoyue, Xiao Xiao and others nearby naturally saw it and were very envious for a moment.

Of course it's not because they also want to eat 'chicken' and 'legs', but because of the matter itself.

Of course, they wouldn't think much other than envy, because they already knew about the relationship between Qin Yulin and Li Fan in the past two days.

When Li Fan saw Qin Yulin finished eating the 'chicken' and 'legs', he took the box lunch and left with great satisfaction.

Then he walked next to Gu Yuan and chatted about the afternoon show while eating.

On the other side, a group of extras were also chatting while eating. They didn't feel tired, but in high spirits.

"Hey! Do you have any close-ups this morning?"

"I don't know. I won't know until it is broadcast. However, I once saw the camera was very close to me. It must have been a close-up shot, but I don't know if it will be used in the end?"

"Tch! What's a close-up? Let me tell you, when I was closest to Goddess Qin, the distance was less than half a meter, and it lasted for several seconds. I was so nervous and excited at that time. You guys, I'm jealous Bar."

"Today is so meaningful. I will definitely never forget it in my life. I have to rejoice in my luck again."

"I just talked to Mr. Li Fan, and Mr. Li Fan is as easy-going as the legend says."


After everyone had lunch and rested for a while, it was two o'clock in the afternoon and the filming of the third scene was about to begin.

At this time, the number of tourists in West Lake is still increasing, and there are crowds of people everywhere.

According to incomplete statistics from the scenic area office, the number of tourists in the West Lake Scenic Area now exceeds 2 million, which has already broken the record for the highest number of tourists in the West Lake Scenic Area in history.

Moreover, new records are constantly being set. Liang Xuesheng is naturally very excited about this. Everything is as expected.

However, he doesn't have much time to get excited now, because he will also appear in the third scene that is about to start filming.

In the third scene, it suddenly rained heavily. Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen, and Xiao Qing were on the same boat, and the classic duet between Xiao Qing and the old boatman was included.

Liang Xuesheng is already looking forward to his film, and now the filming is about to start. Although he is excited, he is also a little nervous.

He is trying to adjust his emotions and mentality.

The third scene was filmed at a makeshift ferry, which was already crowded with tourists.

The process is the same as before, with cordons drawn to demarcate the area, the scene cleared, and filming equipment and extras entering the scene.

In addition, there is also an additional piece of artificial rainfall equipment.

Because this scene requires rain, but the weather is sunny today, so it won't rain, so an artificial heavy rain is needed.

Of course, the crew actually prefers artificial heavy rain, because natural rain cannot control the time and size, and the lighting is not easy to control. If the lighting is not good, the rain scene effect will be very unsatisfactory.

If it were artificial rain, everything would be easy to do.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Everything is ready and shooting officially begins.

At the ferry, the old boatman played by Liang Xuesheng made his official appearance rocking a small ferry.

Liang Xuesheng was wearing a straw hat, a coir raincoat, a sparse long beard that was a bit grey, and a pair of straw sandals. His trousers were rolled up to his calves. He stood on the bow of the boat and gently rocked the oar. The small ferry slowly came closer. ferry.

Because a guest was greeting him, saying that he wanted to take a boat. And the guest is Xu Xian...

Liang Xuesheng's appearance also attracted admiration from the surrounding tourists. The director of the West Lake Scenic Area Office acted in a decent manner.

Next, Xu Xian got on the boat and left, Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing appeared, Xiao Qingfa caused heavy rain from the sky, the small ferry docked again, Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing also boarded the boat, and other scenes were staged one by one.

Tourists watching these scenes are already very familiar with them. Now it is very interesting to see the scenes in their minds become real scenes before their eyes.

Everyone was talking and talking while watching, and their interest was very high.

And when the scene of Xiao Qing and the old boatman singing duet appeared on the small ferry in the middle of the lake, the tourists around him became even more excited.

Everyone knows that the song the two sang duet is "Love", and everyone has already been very itchy about the melody of this song.

Now, a melody was faintly heard on the small ferry. All the tourists around seemed to have a tacit understanding, and instantly became very quiet. They all pricked up their ears and listened carefully to the vague melody on the small ferry.

It's a pity that the small ferry is on the lake, far away from them, and there is interference from the rain, so they can't really hear the melody at all.

Only tourists with excellent ears could vaguely hear part of the melody, and this part of the melody made them feel itchy.

There were many scenes and shots in this scene, plus it was rainy and on a lake, so it was much more troublesome to shoot.

Therefore, by the time this scene was completely filmed, the sky was getting a little dark, and it was almost six o'clock in the evening.

Naturally, today's filming is all over, and the filming progress is about the same as the crew estimated.

I recommend a book by a friend, "The Jade Emperor's Growth Notes". It's a very interesting book with a lot of words. Friends who are interested can read it.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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