Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1223 Shooting in progress

Remember in one second【】

The appearance of the two girls, Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing, immediately ignited the atmosphere at the scene. These two girls were so beautiful, especially Bai Niangzi, she was like a fairy descending to earth. .

Although everyone had long known that Qin Yulin had a stunning appearance, only when they saw him in person did they realize that Qin Yulin was much more beautiful than what they saw on the screen.

When the extras in the venue saw them, the boys' hearts suddenly jumped, and the girls' eyes were filled with surprise.

And with the entrance of Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing, the filming of the first scene started.

After the filming officially started, the voices of everyone at the scene became much quieter, but the excitement on their faces did not change.

Qin Yulin and Xiao Xiao also adjusted their states, temporarily forgetting the disturbances of the people around them, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their roles.

The first shot passed smoothly after two attempts, and the subsequent shots became even smoother, with many of them passing directly in one go.

Gu Yuan was very satisfied with the performances of Qin Yulin and Xiao Xiao. From time to time he would say, "Good!" or "Very good!".

Among the crowd, Li Fan was also very satisfied with the performance of the two. Xiaoqing's happiness, anger, and annoyance, and White Snake's elegance, joy, regret, and other emotional changes were all perfectly grasped by the two.

This gave him the illusion that the scene he saw in front of him overlapped with the scene deep in his memory.

In addition, Li Fan was very satisfied with Gu Yuan's control of the actors' performances. In this way, he didn't need to worry about the two days of filming, he only needed to control the overall performance.

Of course, when it comes to the director's professional skills, Li Fan actually doesn't know much about it, and he can only control it overall.

The filming of the first scene has officially started, and at this time, new tourists are coming to West Lake.

According to incomplete statistics from the scenic area office, the number of tourists in the scenic area now exceeds 600,000, and at this time, it is only 8:30 in the morning.

It has far exceeded the record number of tourists for the same period in history.

At this time, the Internet was even more lively. Although the vast majority of readers could not go to the scene, their thoughts were all on the scene.

"I heard that the first scene is already being filmed.

It's a play between White Snake and Xiao Qing. I really want to see it! "

"Some people say that Qin Yulin is much more beautiful in person than on the screen. I don't know if it is true or not? She is already extremely beautiful on the screen. If she is much more beautiful, what kind of beauty will it be? I can't imagine it anymore. .”

"Those lucky readers who guest-starred as extras are so lucky! They can be up close and personal with Qin Yulin."


Although everyone on the Internet cannot see what is going on at the scene, there are many people at the scene who are constantly sharing the scene on the Internet.

Everyone on the Internet also found it quite enjoyable, and finally the regret of not being able to go to the scene was slightly reduced.

West Lake scene.

The first scene didn't take too long to be filmed. After the filming was completed, Qin Yulin and Xiao Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

The cheers, applause, and discussions from the surrounding tourists also became much louder.

All the extras also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, they had always been a little nervous.

Especially when Qin Yulin and Xiao Xiao approached them, or when they approached them, their hearts would beat nervously.

First, because they are so close to the two beautiful celebrities, and second, they know that the camera is near them.

Now, after they relaxed, they recalled the various scenes just now, but they couldn't help but feel excited.

"I wonder if there is a close-up shot of myself? There was one time before that the camera seemed to be very close." Many people thought this in their hearts.

After the first scene, Qin Yulin and Xiao Xiao went back to the temporary lounge to rest, while the crew immediately started preparing for the second scene.

The second scene is the main scene. The White Snake and Xu Xian meet for the first time at Broken Bridge.

The process was the same as the first scene. The venue was cleared first. There were many people near the broken bridge. However, under the organization of the crew, the tourists were very cooperative and quickly gave up the venue.

Subsequently, the filming equipment came into the scene, and another group of extras also entered the venue.

One of the extras carrying painting tools is quite special. He is naturally Lu Yangdong.

With Li Fan's consent, Lu Yangdong will paint not far from the broken bridge. The scene he paints is exactly the broken bridge, and he will definitely give a close-up shot.

Therefore, Lu Yang Dongyuan was more excited and nervous than others.

The second scene shot on the Broken Bridge was a very important scene. Outside the cordon, there was a dense crowd of tourists, and everyone was talking while waiting.

Everyone knows that Xu Xian will officially appear in this scene.

What will be the effect of the beautiful girl Xia Xiaoyue cheating on Xu Xian? In the past few days, there has been a lot of discussion on the Internet. Everyone is making assumptions, guessing, and looking forward to it.

Now, it's finally time for the answer to be revealed.

At this time, extras were already stopping on the broken bridge to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the West Lake. There were more extras walking back and forth on the broken bridge, up and down.

Not far away, there was another person with an easel in front of him, painting.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the broken bridge, making the eyes of all the tourists around suddenly brighten.

It was a young man in a light blue coat. His hair was tied neatly with a square scarf. He had fair skin and looked a little frail. His eyes were very lively and energetic. He was carrying a simple umbrella on his shoulder. He was standing on the broken bridge and looking around, with a rather mesmerized look on his face.

What a good young master with a hint of bookishness, no need to guess, he is Xu Xian and Xu Hanwen.

"That's Xia Xiaoyue?" The tourists around were a little surprised. If they hadn't known in advance that it was Xia Xiaoyue who played Xu Xian, they really wouldn't have equated the good young master in front of them with Xia Xiaoyue.

Of course, after knowing that she is Xia Xiaoyue, if she takes a closer look, who is she if she is not Xia Xiaoyue?

It is a strange thing that a delicate and beautiful woman can have a very harmonious feeling when she dresses up as a man.

It's no wonder that Li Fan suggested that Xia Xiaoyue cheat on Xu Xian that day. The effect was indeed perfect.

Xu Xian has already appeared on the broken bridge, and the filming of the second scene has naturally begun.

After the scene ended, Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing appeared again. The two women had been looking for a benefactor in the West Lake for a long time, but finally saw Xu Xian who was looking at the scenery on the broken bridge.

White Snake secretly promised, and staged a romantic encounter on a broken bridge with Xu Xian.

The camera continued to shoot one after another, and the tourists around were very enjoying and satisfied.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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