Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1222 1 white, 1 green, 2 figures

Remember in one second【】

As the sky grew brighter, reporters from the media also arrived one after another.

Under the arrangement of the crew, a temporary press conference was held on site. Gu Yuan and Liang Xuesheng attended the conference and accepted interviews from reporters.

Although the reporters most wanted to interview Li Fan, they also knew that Li Fan would definitely not attend the meeting, so they could only feel very sorry.

Of course, it was great for them to be able to interview Gu Yuan and Liang Xuesheng. Moreover, they could also lead the topic to Li Fan, which was equivalent to an indirect interview with Li Fan.

The media here are doing interviews, and more and more tourists are coming to West Lake. People are already standing densely in Broken Bridge, Baidi, Beishan Road and other places, and the whole scene is buzzing with people.

The scenic area office has arranged workers beforehand and immediately went to work to guide and manage tourists on site to avoid accidents.

All the staff in the scenic spot office were filled with emotion. This has just begun, and the number of tourists has already begun to explode. If this trend continues, it won’t be long before the peak number of tourists in the history of the West Lake Scenic Spot is exceeded. recorded.

There were also a large number of tourists surrounding the crew's workshop, watching the various preparations of the crew with interest and also talking about it.

"Do you think Mr. Li Fan is here?"

"I guess so. Didn't the news say that Mr. Li Fan would personally oversee the filming process?"

"I really hope to see Mr. Li Fan. I wonder if there is such a chance?"

"I'll follow the crew later, and I should have a chance."

"Oh no! Those are extras, they have very nice clothes and hair accessories. There seem to be quite a few beauties among them. They look very interesting."

"It's indeed interesting, but it's a pity that I was not selected. The probability of choosing 10,000 people out of 980,000 people is really too small."

"You managed to sign up after all. I didn't even sign up."


The onlookers were talking a lot, and the crew on the other side was already clearing the place.

The first scene shot today is the scene where Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are looking for their savior in the West Lake.

Because I don’t understand what Master Guanyin said,

"You must look for the high places in the West Lake". Where exactly is the "high place"? The two could only search around the West Lake.

The area required for a filming location is not large, so the crew used a cordon to surround the first filming location.

"Tourists please pay attention. Tourists please pay attention. Tourists within the cordon are asked to step back outside the cordon. Our first show is about to start filming. Tourists are asked to stand outside the cordon and watch."

Hearing the shouts of the crew, the tourists within the cordon cooperated and slowly retreated outside the cordon, with expressions of excitement and anticipation on their faces.

The first shooting location has been determined, and the news was quickly passed on by nearby tourists.

After some tourists who were far away knew about it, they quickly approached the first shooting location. However, due to the large number of people, they lost the opportunity. It was difficult to get closer and they could only watch from a distance.

Apart from heads, they really couldn't see much else, which made them depressed for a while. They only hoped that their luck would be better when the crew filmed the next location.

Of course, their position on site is not good, but they can show off online.

"Has everyone gotten up? The first scene is already being filmed. There are definitely a huge crowd of tourists watching!"

"Have you started filming so early? Have you seen Mr. Li Fan? Have you seen Goddess Qin? What is the makeup of the White Snake? And what are the makeups of the two beauties Xia Xiaoyue and Xiao Xiao? Especially Xia Xiaoyue’s Xu Xian makeup, how do you feel about it?”

A series of questions popped up in an instant, making the person who had just pretended to be a bit dumbfounded. The situation was not right, so it was better to dodge first.

"Well... we are just preparing to start shooting now, and the shooting has not officially started yet. When the shooting officially starts later, after the actors have come out, I will report to everyone that I am in a good position and can see clearly. So. , we’ll see you later.”


At the extras office, an assistant director said: "Okay, now the first shooting location has been cleared. Our first batch of actors will enter the location after I finish speaking. What to do according to what I told you before In that case, don't be nervous, just like when you visit West Lake. If you perform well, we may give you a close-up shot."

"I understand." Everyone responded in unison.

"Okay, let's get in." The assistant director said with a smile. These extras without any performance experience actually gave him a headache.

However, these were the lucky readers selected by Li Fan himself. The assistant director did not dare to show any impatience, but patiently explained various issues to everyone in person.

Hearing the word "enter", the first batch of extras were excited, proud and nervous.

Although they were only responsible for the shooting background of the tour, there were countless tourists around, and they had to be in the same place with two beautiful celebrities, Qin Yulin and Xiao Xiao. There might even be cameras, so it was hard not to be nervous!

Of course, they were more excited and proud. They could clearly feel the envy in the eyes of the onlookers.

Walking into the venue, a group of extras were scattered around the venue, either alone or in twos and threes.

After staying at the venue for a while, everyone's mood finally calmed down a little.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

At this time, various shooting equipment has been transported into the venue and is ready for shooting.

Gu Yuan and the filming team also entered the venue.

Among the onlookers, many people recognized Gu Yuan. The news spread, which aroused excitement among the onlookers. The director also entered the scene, and the filming was really going to start.

I just don’t know if Li Fan is there? Everyone speculated.

Gu Yuan was in a very good mood and quite excited. Hearing the onlookers calling his name, he did not forget to wave to everyone and say hello.

"Director Gu, everything is ready!" said a crew member.

Gu Yuan nodded and said: "The actors enter. "

Some tourists who were nearby also heard this clearly, and all of them immediately looked towards the entrance of the venue. Seeing this, the other onlookers quickly guessed the reason and also looked towards the entrance.

Only two figures, one white and one green, appeared at the entrance accompanied by workers.

The cyan figure is wearing a light cyan long gauze skirt, which ends at the ankles. She has a very beautiful face, long eyelashes and big eyes, very smart, with white teeth and red lips, and a charming smile between looking and looking. There is no need to guess, it is naturally Xiao Qing. .

The cyan figure dazzled everyone, and the other white figure made people even more stunned.

I saw a white figure wearing a long white dress. She has a graceful and tall figure, with three thousand black hairs hanging down naturally. She also has a bun on her head, with white gauze hanging down from both ends of the bun. She has a peerless appearance and a smile. , are all touching, this is not a human woman, she is clearly the Nine Heaven Fairy.

This white figure is naturally the White Snake.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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