Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1226 Precious Gift

Remember in one second【】

Both the tourists at the scene and the readers on the Internet are talking about it and guessing the answer. . :.

As for the filming, the crew filmed several scenes after Xu Shilin worshiped the pagoda.

At this point, all scenes have been filmed and the entire filming has ended, a complete success.

Li Fan, Gu Yuan, several leading actors, the entire crew, 10,000 extras, office staff of the West Lake Scenic Area, etc. are undoubtedly excited at this moment.

The tourists were also in an excited mood. In the past two days, they witnessed the filming process of the crew, felt the fiery atmosphere of the scene, enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the West Lake, and made many new friends. , these two days are destined to make them think about it for a long time.

After the crew finished filming, it was getting late, it was already past four in the afternoon, and the tourists slowly left the West Lake.

The crew and 10,000 extras are also leaving West Lake.

The 10,000 extras, that is, the 10,000 lucky readers, are very excited now, not because the filming is finished, but because they got the small gifts given to them by Li Fan.

It was a photo, a photo taken of them while they were acting as extras.

The photos are either from the front or the side, with very high definition. They are taken very well, and they should be carefully captured by the professional photographers of the crew.

There are also words on the photo saying who was invited by Li Fan to participate in the filming of the "Legend of White Snake" film and television segment in the West Lake Scenic Area at what time, as well as Li Fan's autograph.

The ten thousand lucky readers who received this special gift were so surprised and excited that they no longer knew how to express their feelings at this time.

They didn't know it when the photo was taken, but now they realize that they were captured by the photographer at that time.

What's more important is that this photo, the words on the photo, and Li Fan's autograph have very important commemorative significance for them.

This is a special gift and a precious one.

Some people can't wait to post their gifts on the Internet before they leave the West Lake Scenic Area. They want to make countless netizens envious and jealous, which will give them a strong sense of superiority.

"After two days of shooting,

I got the gift from Mr. Li Fan. Ever wonder what it is? "

"Oh! Did you get a gift? Tell me quickly what it is?"

"That's right, tell me quickly. I've been curious about it for two days."

"Forget it, it's hard to say. But I can just post it. Wow haha! Everyone, please look carefully!"

Many people posted the photos on the Internet, and after seeing it, countless netizens instantly became envious and jealous.

Such a gift is so memorable and definitely worth cherishing for a lifetime.

Suddenly, many netizens once again became extremely regretful that they were not selected.

"Oh no! Their gift this time is so memorable. I'm so jealous! Why wasn't I chosen?"

"The two days of filming were already very meaningful, and now that I have received such a precious gift from Mr. Li Fan, I am indeed envious and jealous!"

"These photos were all captured on the spot. Mr. Li Fan was really thoughtful. Of course, the photographer who captured the photos was also lucky."


More and more lucky readers are posting their photos online.

Netizens on the Internet are becoming more and more envious and jealous, while the lucky readers’ sense of superiority and excitement is getting stronger and stronger.

The filming went very smoothly, and the entire filming process was completed according to plan. Li Fan invited the entire crew, as well as Liang Xuesheng, Yuan Yizhi and others to have dinner together, which was considered a small celebration banquet.

There was naturally a lot of drinking and drinking at the celebration banquet, and everyone was in high spirits.

After the celebration banquet was over, everyone said goodbye to each other and left.

Li Fan and his party also returned to the hotel where they were staying.

Now that the filming has been completed, only post-production is left, which does not need to waste much time. After the post-production is completed and the two songs are officially released, Li Fan's trip to Tangzhou will be considered complete.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day was the morning of December 8th.

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were ready to leave Tangzhou.

The purpose of the three of them's trip to Tangzhou has long been completed. The reason why they stayed in Tangzhou was to shoot the West Lake yesterday and the day before yesterday.

Now that the filming is over, they naturally have to leave.

Han Zhong said with emotion: "Brother Li, this trip to Tangzhou is very exciting! I am really glad that I invited you to come to Tangzhou with me."

Bai Yi said: "Brother Li! Let's go back to the capital first. How about we go together next time?"

Liu Yuan also said: "As I said before, if Brother Li is with us, the trip will be very interesting. Brother Li, we are waiting for the next time to go together again."

Li Fan laughed and said: "As long as the three brothers are willing, I am also very much looking forward to walking with the three brothers again."

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan also laughed and said at the same time: "This is what I have been waiting for, brother."

Afterwards, the three of them said goodbye and took a ride to Tangzhou Airport.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Li Fan took Tang Ying, Qin Yulin, Wang Qian, and Xiaoyun to Jiaheng Film and Television again.

Today they have to do post-production editing, dubbing, and soundtracking on the film they shot yesterday, so they naturally need to do it again.

"Mr. Li Fan, you are here." Gu Yuan greeted enthusiastically.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Good morning, Director Gu!"

After saying hello, today's work officially started.

The voices of Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing, and Lao Chuanfu were all composed by Qin Yulin, Xiao Xiao, and Liang Xuesheng.

In the opinion of Li Fan and Gu Yuan, there is no problem with their voices. They match the characteristics of the characters and can be matched by themselves.

Another voice actor was found for Xu Xian's voice.

There are not many clips that require dubbing, mainly two songs.

The work went smoothly and quickly. By five o'clock in the afternoon, the entire post-processing work was completed.

At this point, the filming for this time is completely completed, and the two songs can be officially released.

Li Fan once again expressed his sincere gratitude to Yuan Yizhi, the entire crew, and Jiaheng Film and Television.

This time the crew and crew were all provided free of charge by Jiaheng Film and Television.

Yuan Yizhi, general manager of Jiaheng Film and Television, laughed loudly and repeatedly said that Mr. Li Fan was too polite and that Jiaheng Film and Television should feel honored.

Thanks to Mr. Li Fan's filming this time, Jiaheng Film and Television has become the focus of the entire entertainment industry in the past few days, and its reputation has skyrocketed compared to before.

It's already November. I originally wanted to ask for votes in the countryside, but I thought there won't be many updates during this period, so I decided not to ask for votes.

I will try my best to write more in the countryside, and I will come back to ask for your votes when the time comes.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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