Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1228 Pulling the hook

Remember in one second【】

As the news spread, more and more people became excited, having been looking forward to this moment for so long. .: .

This is true even for those who don't like reading novels.

Although they don't like reading novels, they have to listen to Li Fan's music.

Moreover, although they have not read the serial novel "The Legend of White Snake", they know what the novel is about.

After all, the news about "The Legend of White Snake" has been so big in the past two days, and countless people are talking about it on the Internet. It is difficult for them not to know about it.

Moreover, they are quite looking forward to the TV series "The Legend of White Snake".

So, how can we not watch tomorrow’s song and film MV?

After Li Fan updated Weibo, he browsed the readers' reactions for a while, and then closed Weibo and the webpage.

He still needs to work for a while, coding. There are not many saved manuscripts for "Legend of the White Snake". I have to go to the Magic City tomorrow, so I will be delayed for a few days. It's time to replenish some of the saved manuscripts.

The next day, December 9th.

Qin Yulin's flight ticket is for 10 a.m., so everyone needs to get up early.

Li Fan was naturally used to getting up early, so he didn't have much to pack, so he could finish it in a few minutes.

After that, Li Fan went to the hotel cafeteria and bought five breakfasts. When he came back, the girls had almost finished cleaning up.

After breakfast, everyone left the hotel with a simple salute, took two cars and went straight to the airport.

Now that he was really leaving Tangzhou, Li Fan felt quite emotional. The scene when he first arrived in Tangzhou and traveled to the West Lake with Han Zhong, Bai Yi, Liu Yuan, and Lu Yangdong was still vivid in his mind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the previous classic "The Legend of White Snake" also came to this world and achieved great success.

Although this trip to Tangzhou lasted only about ten days, it left a very deep impression on Li Fan.


You said you would find a way to save yourself from deceiving me, don't forget it. "Qin Yulin, who was sitting next to Li Fan, suddenly said, tilting his head and staring at Li Fan with his big eyes slightly narrowed, which seemed to be a warning.

"This..." Li Fan coughed lightly and said, "Of course I won't forget it. I mean, girl, how do you want my brother-in-law to save him? Tell me."

Qin Yulin blinked his big eyes, thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know now, I don't care, you think about it yourself, you just have to satisfy me anyway. Or I can tell you when I think of it."

Li Fan nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay, okay! I think, I think, you will be satisfied. Well, you think about it yourself too, and when you think about it, tell me, my brother-in-law will definitely satisfy you."

Qin Yulin's face lit up with joy, but he hummed softly: "That's pretty much it."

After that, he turned his head and stopped looking at Li Fan. After a moment, he turned his head and looked at Li Fan again. He stretched out his right hand with his little finger in a "hook" shape and said, "Don't change the hook!"

Li Fan found it funny. Why did this girl act like a child? Just like the little girl at home, she would ask Li Fan to flirt with her from time to time.

However, Li Fan naturally would not refuse. He also stretched out his right hand and hooked his little finger with Qin Yulin's. He suddenly felt soft and smooth, and then smiled and said: "Don't change the hook!"

Qin Yulin nodded with satisfaction, snorted proudly, turned his head again and looked at the street scene outside the window, his face turning slightly red unconsciously.

About an hour later, the taxi arrived at Tangzhou Airport. Li Fan and a few girls got out of the car and entered the airport.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, a flight from Tangzhou to Shanghai took off on time. After leaving behind the legend of the White Snake in Tangzhou and West Lake, Li Fan finally officially left Tangzhou.

However, although Li Fan has left, the legend of White Snake has just begun.

It is now 10 o'clock in the morning, and the latest chapter of "The Legend of White Snake" is automatically updated.

Today, when countless readers read the new chapter, their feelings are slightly different.

Because at one o'clock this afternoon, the film and television MVs of the two songs will be unveiled.

Everyone seems to be more excited than before when watching the latest chapter of "The Legend of White Snake".

And the content of today’s chapter also makes everyone happy.

As mentioned earlier, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian reunited in Suzhou and opened a security hall.

After the incident of Toad Spirit Wang Daoling, the reputation of Bao'an Tang and Xu Xian has been completely established in Gusu City, and Xu Xian is deeply loved by the people of Gusu.

In the blink of an eye, it was the Dragon Boat Festival. Xiaoqing was unable to withstand the high temperature during the Dragon Boat Festival and easily showed his original shape, so he had to leave Suzhou and go to the mountains for temporary refuge.

Bai Suzhen had deeper skills and was originally able to withstand the high temperature of the Dragon Boat Festival, but she never thought that drinking realgar wine during the Dragon Boat Festival is a custom in Suzhou. It is believed that this can ward off evil spirits, eliminate diseases and eliminate disasters.

Therefore, Xu Xian added realgar to the wine at noon, but Bai Suzhen did not know it. After drinking the realgar wine, she revealed her true form, a giant white python.

Xu Xian was frightened to death on the spot, and his soul was taken away by Black and White Wuchang, and he was taken to the Hall of Hell in the underworld.

After Bai Suzhen returned to her human form, she saw that Xu Xian was scared to death by her original form. She was heartbroken and determined to save Xu Xian.

She first went to heaven and begged the Virgin in heaven for a pill of elixir.

However, she "privately" broke into the heaven, and after failing to seek elixirs, she fought again

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Even though she risked her life to grab it, she finally angered the Holy Mother. The Holy Mother captured Bai Suzhen and planned to execute her.

Fortunately, Master Guanyin of Nanhai arrived in time and interceded with the Holy Mother, thus sparing Bai Suzhen from punishment.

However, regarding the elixir, it was impossible to obtain it.

Yesterday's serialization ended here, which made many readers secretly anxious, because as time goes by, even if Bai Suzhen gets the elixir, Xu Xian will be unable to save himself.

Today's story continues. After Guanyin rescued Bai Suzhen in the heaven, he asked Bai Suzhen to calm down, and then directed Bai Suzhen to go to the Antarctic Palace in Ziwei Mountain. Rescue, Xu Xian will have a chance to survive.

Later, after some twists and turns, Bai Suzhen finally got back the resurrection grass from the Antarctic Immortal.

However, this is not enough, because Xu Xian's soul has been taken away by Black and White, and Xu Xian's soul must be recovered.

So, Bai Suzhen forced her way into the underworld again, trying to snatch Xu Xian's soul back.

But she didn't succeed. After all, she was just a demon, so how could she snatch a soul from the underworld?

Fortunately, after checking the life and death book, King Yama found that Xu Xianyang's life was not over yet, so he ordered the bull-headed horse-faced man to send Xu Xian's soul back to the earth to return him to the world.

In this way, after experiencing many twists and turns, Xu Xian was finally reborn.

Later, in order for Xu Xian to eliminate his fear of seeing the white giant python and his doubts about his identity, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing co-acted in a play.

He used magic to conjure a white python, then pretended to fight to the death with the python, and created a coincidence to let Xu Xian "kill" the python with his own hands.

In this way, the fear in Xu Xian's heart finally faded away, and the life between the couple finally returned to peace and happiness.

Today's serialization ends here. After reading it, all the readers breathed a long sigh of relief and felt very happy and happy. This storm has finally passed, and the ending is perfect.

Then, you can wait wholeheartedly for the arrival of one o'clock in the afternoon.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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