Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1238 The audition went very smoothly

Remember in one second【】

In the audition studio. .

When Yu Jing walked into the audition studio and saw Li Fan, she was completely stunned. She never expected that she would meet Li Fan here.

However, when she came back to her senses, she seemed to have figured out one thing, and that was why she received an audition invitation from the crew of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

The expression on Yu Jing's face was all seen by Li Fan, Hu Fei and others.

Hu Fei smiled faintly and said: "Yu Jing, you are right. Just as you thought, the reason why we invited you to audition for the role of Mu Nianci is precisely because Mr. Li Fan recommended you to us. Mr. Li Fan is our Special guest of the crew, I hope you will perform well and not disappoint Mr. Li Fan, and give us a good start for this audition."

Li Fan also said: "Director Hu is right, I recommended you to Director Hu. The Xiaoqing you auditioned last time was quite lacking, but I feel that the performance is quite similar to the role of Mu Nianci." For the sake of integration. Perform well, don’t be nervous, and believe in yourself.”

"As expected." Yu Jing thought in her heart, feeling deeply grateful and very excited towards Li Fan.

Li Fan took the initiative to recommend her to the crew of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which will definitely make a large number of actors envious and jealous.

Because Li Fan's recommendation will definitely put them on a higher level in the director's mind, and their chances of success will undoubtedly be much higher than others.

Since Li Fan was so optimistic about her, Yu Jing suddenly had enough confidence and was no longer nervous. All that was left was her eager audition performance.

She bowed deeply towards Li Fan and said, "Thank you very much for Li Fan's trust. I will definitely perform well."

Then he said to Hu Fei: "I am also very grateful to Director Hu for this opportunity. I will try my best to perform the role of Mu Nianci well."

Hu Fei nodded and said, "You just watched the part you need to perform, so let's start."

"Yes, Director Hu." Yu Jing agreed, trying to adjust her mood and state, and then started her performance.

The performance was not long, only two minutes.

However, this is enough.

Li Fan was quite happy. His previous vision was indeed correct.

Yu Jing is indeed very suitable for the role of Mu Nianci.

In two minutes, Yu Jing performed the role of Mu Nianci perfectly.

Hu Fei was equally delighted and thought to himself: "Brother Li's vision is indeed very accurate. This is a perfect Mu Nianci."

This is really a good start for this audition, definitely a good sign.

Li Fan and Hu Fei were delighted, but Yu Jing herself was so excited that there were tears in her eyes. She actually passed the audition and successfully won the role of Mu Nianci.

This was the picture that she had been imagining in her mind for the past few days, and now it actually became a reality.

She even had some doubts, was she imagining the scene at this time?

But the faint smile on Li Fan's face across from her told her that this was true and not a fantasy.

Because, in her fantasy, Li Fan was not sitting across from him, let alone smiling lightly at her.

Yu Jing returned to the dressing room in a daze. When the makeup artist congratulated her, she finally came back to her senses.

In the audition studio, after Yu Jing left, Hu Fei laughed and said: "Brother Li's vision is really very accurate. This time we really got off to a good start. I'm afraid our audition this time will be quite smooth." ah!"

Li Fan also smiled and said: "I hope, as Director Hu said, this is a good sign."

Perhaps it is because of this good sign that the subsequent casting process of the crew went really smoothly.

On the same day, it was confirmed that Yu Jing would play Mu Nianci, and several actors were confirmed in succession, including Ouyang Ke, Ma Yu and other important roles.

The next day was equally smooth. In the morning, the seven actors who will play the role of Jiangnan Seven Monsters were confirmed.

There are seven people in the Jiangnan Seven Monsters. Each one has very distinct characteristics and unique characteristics. It is actually quite difficult to find such actors.

But unexpectedly, they were confirmed one after another early the next morning, which made Li Fan, Hu Fei and the three assistant directors very happy.

After the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, the auditions are also going on smoothly, with roles such as Genghis Khan, Qiu Chuji, Mei Chaofeng, Sha Tongtian, Peng Lianhu, Liang Ziweng, Master Lingzhi, Qiu Qianren, Yinggu, and the disciples of Peach Blossom Island. The actors are confirmed one by one.

Four days later, the actors for several very important roles such as Tian Xia Wu Jue, Zhou Botong, and Yang Kang were also confirmed.

Among them, the actor who plays the role of Huang Yaoshi is the famous actor Deng Jing who met Li Fan not long ago and fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

When Deng Jing saw Li Fan in the audition studio, she was also very surprised and surprised, and of course very happy.

He was very grateful to Li Fan and had been thinking about going to Sansheng Village to visit and thank Li Fan in person after Li Fan returned to Sansheng Village.

But he never expected to see Li Fan during the audition of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". After thinking about it, he understood the reason. Li Fan should be the special guest of the crew.

If Gu Yong personally invited him, Li Fan would indeed not refuse. Both of them are called unparalleled geniuses, and they would definitely sympathize with each other in their hearts.

That night, Deng Jing was the host and invited Li Fan, Hu Fei and three deputy

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The director and several of his friends had dinner.

The biggest purpose of this meal was naturally for Deng Jing to express his gratitude to Li Fan. Li Fan naturally understood and was glad to be invited.

Another day later, multiple actors were confirmed.

At this point, all the actors for the various roles in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" have been confirmed, leaving only the male and female protagonists Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

The reason why Guo Jing and Huang Rong have not been confirmed yet is because the entire crew has the highest requirements for the actors in these two roles.

In the past few days, many actors have auditioned for these two roles. Several of them were quite satisfactory to the crew, but the crew did not make a decision immediately.

Being quite satisfied means that it is not perfect and may have some flaws.

The crew will continue to search. If they can't find a more suitable actor, they will choose from those actors.

Actors' auditions have been going on in the past few days, and reports from various entertainment media are also coming one after another.

Whenever an actor is confirmed, the media will report it. When actors with important roles such as Wu Jue, Yang Kang, and Genghis Khan are confirmed, there will also be professional commentators from all walks of life to make comments and prospects.

Its popularity and the degree of attention it received from the outside world made other TV drama crews who were also casting at this time envious and jealous.

They are both casting for TV series, so why is the treatment so different?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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