Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1243 Like the feeling of going home

Remember in one second【】

Ignoring all the comments from the outside world, Li Fan got on the bus back to Longshan Township. .

This train goes directly from the provincial capital to the Longshan Township Market, which saves the trouble of changing trains in Zixian County along the way.

In the car, Li Fan leaned on the back of his chair and looked at the scenery outside the window, feeling quite comfortable.

It has been almost a month since I came out this time. Time flies very fast, but the harvest is very rich.

First, "The Difficult Road to Shu" was launched in the Jianmen Pass Scenic Area, and its influence is destined to be extremely far-reaching.

On the cliff of Jianmen Pass, the poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult" has already been engraved.

Now, countless tourists go to the cliff every day, look at the poem, and sigh at the height of the sword gate and the danger of the Shu road.

Then he went to Tangzhou West Lake and released the previous classic "The Legend of White Snake".

Now, at ten o'clock every morning, Li Fan's Weibo will still update the three latest chapters on time, and readers are getting deeper and deeper into it.

And with the popularity of the film and television music videos of the theme song "A Thousand Years of Waiting" and the interlude song "Du Qing", the fame of West Lake and West Lake Broken Bridge is also growing.

Now, the Broken Bridge is no longer an ordinary bridge, but a place where tourists compete to chase.

Countless tourists come and go on the Broken Bridge, or stay on the Broken Bridge for a long time, imagining the beautiful scene of the White Snake and Xu Xian meeting on the Broken Bridge, and dreaming that they can also encounter a beautiful myth here.

As the Broken Bridge became famous, the remaining snow on the Broken Bridge naturally became famous as well.

Only then did the tourists realize that there is another scenic spot with such a beautiful name here at Broken Bridge.

It's a pity that there aren't many opportunities for snow in Tangzhou, so tourists can't appreciate the beautiful scenery of the broken bridge, which makes them all very disappointed.

At this time, a painter who often sketched in the West Lake area donated a painting to the West Lake Scenic Area for free, showing a broken bridge and a snowy scene.

That was painted by the artist after a heavy snowfall in Tangzhou last year.

That painter was naturally Lu Yangdong, whom Li Fan and Han Zhong met at the West Lake.

Lu Yangdong's look of "broken bridge with remaining snow\

,"It was given to the West Lake Scenic Area for free, and he was very excited and excited.

Because of that, countless West Lake tourists can see the enchantment and beauty of the broken bridge and the remaining snow.

That painting "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow" can show its own value to the greatest extent. This is what Lu Yangdong is most proud of.

He still remembered what Li Fan said to him that day, asking him to keep the "scenery of the broken bridge and the remaining snow" carefully, maybe it would be put to great use one day.

Now, that painting has really come in handy, and less than twenty days have passed.

"It turned out that everything was as he expected." Lu Yangdong sighed with emotion.

The West Lake Scenic Area was very surprised when it received the painting as a gift from Lu Yangdong. It immediately used a series of methods to print out another large copy of the painting, which was high-definition and lossless but enlarged dozens of times. For tourists to enjoy.

Lu Yangdong's original paintings were included in the West Lake Scenic Area Museum.

Of course, it will also be shown to tourists.

Countless tourists to West Lake finally saw the scene of "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow", which is indeed as beautiful as its name.

The reputation of broken bridges and "snow on broken bridges" is becoming more and more popular.

After the incident in Tangzhou was over, he went to the Magic City again, met with Mr. Qin, and brought back the guy in the cave.

Now, the guy is still sleeping after taking the Spirit-enlightening Pill. When the guy wakes up, Li Fan's pet army will have a new member.

After returning to the provincial capital from the magical capital, the cast of the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was confirmed, as well as other related matters about the TV series.

This nearly one month has been a fruitful time for Li Fan.

He leaned back in his chair and thought about these things lazily as the car sped all the way to Zixian County and then drove through the county to Longshan Township.

The mountains, rivers and fields outside the car window are becoming more and more familiar, and home is getting closer.

No matter how beautiful the outside world is, no matter how long the delay is, the increasingly familiar mountains and fields outside the car window are ultimately the deepest and most familiar ties in my heart.

Looking out the car window, a faint smile slowly appeared on Li Fan's lips.

He likes this feeling of returning home, and it doesn't matter if it takes a long time.

At noon, the bus slowly drove into Longshan Township Market Station. Li Fan stretched, got up and got off the bus with other passengers.

Today is Friday. Su Qing has class in the morning. Li Fan looked at the time. It was 11:20, and there were still 30 minutes until get out of class ended.

Since there is still time, it is still the old way to get a bouquet of wild flowers for Su Qing.

Li Fan walked out of the market, gathered in the mountains and fields for a while, and after some weaving, a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers was completed.

Li Fan looked at it carefully and nodded with satisfaction. After thinking about it for a while, he gathered again and made another bunch of flowers, which was given to the little girl.

Big beauties have gifts, and little beauties also need gifts.

Although the little beauty is only 11 years old, Li Fan still wants to treat everyone equally.

Holding two bouquets of wild flowers, Li Fan smiled and greeted the doorman. After saying hello, he swaggered towards the classroom where Su Qing was attending class.

get out of class hasn’t ended yet, and the campus is relatively peaceful.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Quiet, only students taking physical education classes on the playground will make some noise.

Li Fan came outside the classroom where Su Qing was teaching. Su Qing's familiar voice had already reached his ears. He looked at the time and saw that get out of class was over in five minutes.

Li Fan was leaning against the wall, listening to Su Qing's lecture with interest, and was analyzing a text.

Although Li Fan had not learned this text when he was in elementary school, it gave him the illusion that he was listening to the Chinese teacher analyze the text in elementary school.

A few minutes later, the bell suddenly rang, interrupting Li Fan's thoughts.

The voice of "Goodbye, teacher" was heard in every classroom in the entire teaching building.

Then, the quiet campus soon became noisy.

The voice of "Goodbye, teacher" also came from the classroom where Su Qing was attending class.

After that, the front door of the classroom opened, and Su Qing's tall figure walked out, holding textbooks and lesson plans in her right hand, still as stunning as ever.

Li Fan greeted him with a bunch of flowers.

Su Qing knew that Li Fan was coming back today, so there was no look of surprise on her face. When she saw the cluster of flowers in Li Fan's hand, she smiled sweetly, reached out to take it, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it, and it bloomed. With the most beautiful smile in the world, the delicate flowers in her hands were instantly eclipsed.

At this time, a burst of children's voices suddenly sounded from behind.

Su Qing then remembered that she was still outside the classroom and all her students were watching.

These little guys are almost ten or eleven years old, and they have reached the age where they understand what love is.

The little guys made bursts of cheers, which made Su Qing's face turn red. She glared at Li Fan angrily, then quickly left with the flower cluster.

Li Fan laughed, but he did not catch up immediately. A group of little guys had already surrounded him, calling "Brother Li Fan" and "Brother Li Fan" non-stop. The little guys already knew him.

The little girl stared at him with a pair of big eyes, quite angrily.

When Li Fan saw this, he handed the remaining bouquet of flowers to the little girl and said, "Girl, this is for you. The teacher has it, and you have it too."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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