Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1254 Goodbye Guo Jing and Huang Rong

Remember in one second【】

The story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" really continues, and the stories of Guo Jing and Huang Rong really continue. . :.

All the martial arts fans were overjoyed. The deep desire in their hearts had actually become a reality. They felt a little unreal for a while.

But it is all true, of course, and the story continues.

After the blind old man helped Wu Xiuwen treat his injuries, he learned Wu Xiuwen's identity and knew that he was Wu Santong's child.

He also learned from Wu Xiuwen that Wu Santong and Wu Sanniang were waiting at Lujiazhuang, and Lujiazhuang's enemy, the red-trained fairy Li Mochou, came to the door.

The blind old man said that he had admired the name of Nan Di for a long time and felt envious. The little girl's parents had also received great favor from Master Yideng.

The two parties were not outsiders. The red-trained fairy Li Mochou had great martial arts, a great reputation, and was ruthless. Now that he knew that Wu Santong and his wife were going to meet that Li Mochou, he couldn't ignore it.

So, the blind old man asked the little girl and Wu Xiuwen to wait here and not to leave, while he quickly headed towards Lujiazhuang.

Time went back to some time in the past. After Wu Santong took away the four children, Lu Liding saw that his daughter and Cheng Ying were safe, and he was determined. Together with his wife and Wu Sanniang, the three of them Waiting for Li Mochou's arrival in Lujiazhuang.

After a long time, in the complete silence, I suddenly heard a soft song floating in the distance. Although the distance was far away, the words of the song were clear and clearly heard: "Ask the world, what is love? Directly teach life and death. Promise!”

Every time a word was sung, the voice got a lot closer, which showed that the person singing was very fast. Before the third line of singing stopped, the person had already arrived outside the 'door'.

After several bangs and bangs, the latch wood of the inner door of the big door was broken, and the big door flew to both sides. A beautiful Taoist nun walked in slowly with a smile, wearing an apricot-colored Taoist robe. It's the Red Lian Fairy Li Mochou who has arrived.

After seeing this paragraph, all the readers were shocked, Li Mochou was finally here.

And when she appeared, "a beautiful Taoist nun came slowly in with a smile."

Beauty, smile, and slow pace are just a few adjectives that fully reflect Li Mochou's beauty, elegance, and calmness.

After Li Mochou entered the door, she swung her whisk and casually killed a servant and two maids in Lujiazhuang.

Then he smiled and asked,

"Where are the two 'female' babies?"

The readers were shocked again. Who would have thought that under such a beautiful appearance, Li Mochou would be so cruel and ruthless.

The name "Chilian Fairy" is vividly reflected.

All readers marveled at Gu Yong's writing skills, which were able to portray the image of Li Mochou so deeply in just a few words.

And the song Li Mochou sang when she came also made all the readers feel "excited" and "agitated".

"What is love in the world? It teaches you how to make love between life and death!" This sentence is unknown to everyone. From the moment it appears, it is destined to become an eternal classic.

It was after Guyong finished serializing "White Horse Roaring in the West Wind", someone asked Guyong, what is "love"?

Guyong answered with a story, "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai".

In this story, Zhu Yingtai jumped into Liang Shanbo's tomb and both turned into butterflies.

What is love? This is love. If I put it in one sentence, it would be: What is love in the world? Direct education promises life and death!

Now, this sentence appears again in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", appearing in the mouth of the red fairy Li Mochou.

Many readers thought of Lu Zhanyuan's love affair with each other, and of Li Mochou's deep love for Lu Zhanyuan, which has never changed.

Even now, ten years later, even though Lu Zhanyuan has been dead for three years, nothing has changed.

Li Mochou's love for Lu Zhanyuan was so deep that she wanted to kill him.

Readers suddenly discovered that this sentence sung by Li Mochou turned out to be very suitable for Li Mochou.

Although this one is appropriate, it deviates somewhat from the original trajectory.

There was a feeling of emotion in my heart, and the story continued.

As soon as Li Mochou arrived, he immediately killed a servant and two maids. Naturally, the two sides soon started fighting.

Li Mochou's martial arts skills were indeed very strong, and she was able to fight one against three with ease and gain the upper hand.

While the two sides were fighting, the blind old man arrived.

Then, the blind old man and Li Mochou also made a move. After a few moves, both sides were slightly shocked.

The blind old man thought to himself: "This 'female' devil is truly worthy of her reputation. Her martial arts skills are not as good as those of Mei Chaofeng back then. She is absolutely no match for her."

Li Mochou thought: "Who is this lame old man? He has such great skills?"

Then he saw the blind old man's eyes turned white. He was blind. He immediately woke up and shouted: "You are Ke Zhen'e!"

At this point, the article finally officially revealed the identity of the blind old man, who is the flying bat Ke Zhene, the leader of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan.

Although the readers had been 100% sure of the identity of the blind old man before, but now that they saw it officially stated in the article, they still couldn't hold back their excitement, just like seeing an old friend they hadn't seen for many years.

And the following narrative made all the readers so excited that they didn't know how to express their excitement.

After Guo Jing and Huang Rong participated in the Huashan sword debate, they were married by Yao Shi Huang and retired to Peach Blossom Island.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Medicine Master Huang had an eccentric temperament and did not like liveliness. He lived with his daughter, son and son-in-law for several months, but he became bored and left a letter saying that he wanted to find a quiet place to live alone. Floating away from the island.

From then on, we were separated for many years and no news was heard.

Later, Huang Rong gave birth to a daughter, named Guo Fu. She was extremely loving and indulgent, making Guo Fu extremely naughty since she was a child.

A few years later, Guo Fu turned nine years old. During these nine years, Medicine Master Huang never returned to the island and there was no news at all.

Not only Huang Yaoshi, but also Hong Qigong has not been heard from in the past few years.

Although Guo Jing and Huang Rong knew that Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong were invincible and would not have any accidents, they still missed them deeply in their hearts.

Therefore, they decided to leave the island to look for the two of them. Master Ke Zhen'e and his daughter Guo Fu also left the island together.

The four of them first arrived in Jiaxing. Ke Zhen'e asked about his old friends. Some people said that a few days ago, they saw an old man in green robe drinking alone at the top of Yanyu Building. Speaking of his appearance, he seemed to look like Master Huang.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong were overjoyed and searched everywhere in Jiaxing's urban and rural areas.

In the early morning of this morning, Ke Zhen'e took Guo Fu and the two eagles to play in the woods, and unexpectedly met Wu Xiuwen.

Then there is the previous story.

After reading this narrative, all readers suddenly felt a great sense of satisfaction.

They finally knew the subsequent stories of Guo Jing and Huang Rong after the end of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", as well as the subsequent stories of Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong and others.

The abrupt ending of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" finally has a continuation.

Readers are very satisfied!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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