Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1258 All the divine beasts gather together

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan didn't find it strange that many martial arts fans could guess that Yang Guo was the male protagonist, but these guys obviously guessed wrong about the heroine.

Thinking of the heroine, Li Fan suddenly felt a touch of sadness. He hoped that in a certain plot in the future, these guys wouldn't react too intensely.

"It should be certain that the male protagonist is Yang Guo, but is the female protagonist really Guo Fu?" Su Qing, who was lying on the bed, suddenly asked.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Do you think it's possible?"

Su Qing thought for a moment, shook her head, and said, "I don't know. I feel it may be the case, or it may not be."

Li Fan turned off the computer, stood up and said: "There is another heroine who will not appear for a while. Let's go and go out for a walk."

Su Qing got up from the bed, took Li Fan's hand, and walked out, saying, "Is there someone else? What's his name?"

"Little Dragon Girl."

"Little Dragon Girl? What a weird name. Does she look pretty?"

"Beautiful, as beautiful as you."



The two walked out of the yard while talking and went far away.

In the evening, Li Fan sent Su Qing back to school. Tomorrow, Monday, is the beginning of a new week.

In the next few days, the Internet's voices about "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" still dominated the main theme.

The more the martial arts fans discuss, the more they look forward to the follow-up story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and they are always looking forward to the release of the next issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

The next issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" will be released on December 30, and December 31 will be the award ceremony of the 22nd Times Science Award.

These two days were definitely a holiday for all the martial arts fans.

The new chapter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the theme song of the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes\

,"The makeup and styling of the characters will undoubtedly make many martial arts fans look forward to it.

And time did not pass slowly, and December 29th came in a blink of an eye.

All the martial arts fans are getting more and more excited, but Li Fan is now in the Immortal Space.

Because Xiao Ju said that the guy was already awake.

Naturally, that guy was brought back from the Qingyuewan Cave in the Magic City once, that turtle-shaped creature that looked like both a snapping turtle and an elephant turtle.

After Li Fan gave him the Qiling Pill, he woke up today after sleeping for more than ten days.

In the fairy space, beside Baiyun Lake.

Li Fan and Xiao Ju looked at the turtle-shaped creature in front of them.

This guy has now opened his spiritual intelligence. Not only can he understand Li Fan's words, but he can also communicate with Li Fan through induction.

This guy was a little timid now, as if he wanted to escape back into the lake, but he didn't dare to act without authorization. After a moment, he said with some fear, "Master."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

"Yes, Master." The turtle-shaped creature clearly felt Li Fan's thoughts, and the fear in its eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by excitement.

It knows that from now on, its life, well, its turtle life will be different from now on.

Li Fan was very satisfied and said: "That's right, well, as usual, I have to choose a name for you."

The turtle-shaped creature hurriedly said: "Yes, Master, thank you for the name."

Li Fan nodded and began to think in his mind. This guy looked like a turtle, but he was obviously not an ordinary turtle.

In related legends, one of the famous four divine beasts, Xuanwu, is a combination of turtle and snake.

In addition, Bixi, one of the Nine Sons of the Dragon, also known as Baxia, also has a turtle-shaped body.

These are two famous mythical beasts, and their names are quite domineering. Li Fan is thinking about giving this guy a domineering name.

Just combine "Xuanwu" and "Baxia", Xuanba, um, not bad, this is a good name, Li Fan likes it very much.

After thinking about it, Li Fan said: "You look like a turtle, so I named you 'Xuanba'. What do you think?"

"Xuanba?" The turtle-shaped creature seemed very satisfied and said repeatedly: "Thank you Master for the name. This name sounds domineering and I like it very much."

Xiao Ju smiled at this time and said: "This name is indeed domineering, no wonder this guy is so excited."

Li Fan laughed, pointed at Little Curse and said: "Xuanba, this is Little Curse. In this space, when I am not around, you listen to him."

"Yes, I know." Xuan Ba ​​said.

Li Fan nodded and said: "You won't have much time to stay in the space from now on. You have to protect the farm and the tourists in the farm for me. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Master. I feel very proud to be able to protect the farm for Master." Xuan Ba ​​said.

Li Fan smiled and said, "You are good at talking. You have a few colleagues. I will summon them all back later so you can get to know each other."

"Okay, Master." Xuan Ba ​​said.

Li Fan nodded, said hello to Xiao Ju, then left the space, then went to the foot of Baiyun Mountain and called all the guys back to the space.

Then return to the room again, lock the door, and enter the space.

In space, next to Baiyun Lake.

Dasha, Hutou, Xiaotian, Zhuiyun, Xiao Zhuiyun, and Huben all gathered together. Xuanba once again became timid and just thought: "Oh no! Are these guys my colleagues?" ?one

^0^ Remember in one second【】

This one is too strong. "

Dasha, Hutou and other guys didn't release their aura specifically, but it was enough to make Xuan Ba ​​tremble.

After all, Xuan Ba ​​had just woken up, and whether it was size or strength, he was far, far behind Dasha and Hu Tou.

Xiao Tian, ​​Zhui Yun, Xiao Zhui Yun, and Hu Ben closed their eyes and fell asleep, but Dasha and Hu Tou looked at Xuan Ba ​​with interest.

Dasha said: "You are our new colleague, right? You are too small in size and too weak in strength. But it doesn't matter. You can follow me from now on and I will protect you. I am the first one to follow the master." Yes, the strength is also the strongest.”

Dasha's words made everyone angry, and the other beasts roared suddenly. Xiaotian opened his eyes and said arrogantly: "When did you, silly snake, become the strongest? Believe it or not, I can hurt you with just one claw. , I am your natural enemy, don’t you know?”

Dasha ignored them and continued to say to Xuan Ba: "Look at them, they are all fierce and not friendly at all. In the future, you should ignore them and just follow me."

Seeing that his words were ignored, Xiao Tian couldn't help but glare, but there was nothing he could do. The strength between it and Dasha was about the same, and neither could do anything to the other.

Hutou said at this time: "Little guy, don't listen to this silly snake. You should just follow me. Not only do I have a good relationship with my master, I also have a good relationship with my master's parents and sister. You will definitely have a future with me." .”

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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