Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1262 The opportunity has indeed come

Remember in one second【】

Guo Jing and Huang Rong officially appeared, and they also met Xiao Yang Guo. The readers continued to read with great expectations. .

While searching for Master Huang, Guo Jing and Huang Rong discovered a fire in Lujiazhuang. After some investigation, they already knew about Li Mochou and Lujiazhuang.

Now, the two of them met little Yang Guo accidentally. When they looked at Yang Guo, they both vaguely felt that the child was somewhat familiar.

When he was thinking about who this child looked like, he suddenly discovered that Yang Guo had been poisoned by Li Mochou's Ice Soul Silver Needle.

Both of them were shocked. Huang Rong rushed to Yang Guo's side, picked up Yang Guo's palm and inspected it for a while, then took out a Peach Blossom Island Jiuhua Jade Dew Pill and asked Yang Guo to take it.

Yang Guo stretched out his hand to take it and took it, but his mouth was full of fragrance, extremely sweet, and a cool air penetrated his Dantian.

At this time, Guo Jing suddenly opened his mouth and whistled, and the whistle was transmitted far away. The birds were startled and flew around, and the willow branches beside him shook.

Before he had finished his whistle, he sent out a second whistle, one after another, and the sounds oscillated and overlapped, like thousands of troops galloping away.

Huang Rong knew that Guo Jing was inviting a fight to Li Mochou, so she became angry and roared loudly.

Guo Jing's whistle was majestic and majestic, but Huang Rong's was clear and high-pitched.

The whistles of the two people intertwined together, like a roc and a bird flying side by side, flying higher and higher, but the bird never fell behind the roc.

The two of them practiced hard on Peach Blossom Island, and their inner strength had reached the state of transformation. The two roars were soaring to the nine heavens, and the sound could be heard for miles.

This vivid description made many martial arts fans excited, as if the roars of the two people could be heard through the paper and resounded in their ears.

Ouyang Feng, who was walking upside down, heard the whistle, quickened his steps, and ran away quickly. He didn't want to see those two people.

Medicine Master Huang, who was holding Cheng Ying, heard the whistle and also quickened his pace. Obviously he didn't want Guo Jing and Huang Rong to find him.

Li Mochou, who was grabbing Lu Wushuang and rushing forward, also heard the whistle and understood that this was Guo Jing inviting her to fight.

At the beginning, there was only Guo Jing's whistle. Li Mochou stopped suddenly, sneered, and wanted to meet Guo Jing for a while.

She has never 'crossed' with Guo Jing.

I just know that Guo Jing's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and he is already well-known in the martial arts world. He really wants to go to the meeting.

But then, Huang Rong's whistle came again, and the two whistles echoed each other, both hard and soft.

Li Mochou felt a chill in her heart, knowing that she was no match for the two of them. She also thought that Guo Jing and Huang Rong would go through the world together and support each other, but she was alone. She felt that all her thoughts were lost, and sighed, ready to leave the land. Wushuang ignored her, but when he saw half of the brocade handkerchief around her neck, he felt sad, grabbed her vest, and walked away quickly.

Afterwards, Ke Zhen'e led Guo Fu to find the direction of the roar and came to Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

When Guo Fu saw Yang Guo, she originally wanted Yang Guo to play with her, but when she saw that Yang Guo's hands were dark and his clothes were dirty, she said that Yang Guo's hands and body were dirty, and she stopped letting Yang Guo play with her.

Yang Guo had originally planned to play with Guo Fu, but when he heard Guo Fu say this, he immediately became angry and turned around to leave.

When Guo Jing saw Yang Guo was about to leave, he hurriedly called out to Yang Guo, saying that he had been poisoned and would wait until they detoxified him before leaving.

However, what Guo Fu said just now stung Yang Guo's heart. Yang Guo ignored Guo Jing and continued walking forward.

At this time, Guo Jing suddenly remembered who Yang Guo looked like, so he rushed forward to grab Yang Guo and asked Yang Guo what his last name was?

After Yang Guo struggled hard to no avail, he punched Guo Jing again, but how could he hurt Guo Jing?

Guo Jing ignored Yang Guo's fist and smiled and said that he would let Yang Guo go as long as Yang Guo told him his name.

Yang Guo was angry and said that his surname was Ni and his given name was Laozi.

After hearing this, Guo Jing was disappointed and let Yang Guo go, thinking that if his surname was Ni, then he would not be him.

Guo Jing, who was simple by nature, could not hear the hidden meaning in it.

However, Guo Jing couldn't hear it, but Huang Rong understood it instantly, and smiled and said that if Yang Guo wanted to be her husband, wouldn't that make him her father-in-law?

Then, he walked to Yang Guo and tested Yang Guo's martial arts. He became more and more sure of his judgment and said, "Your surname is Yang Guo, and your mother's surname is Mu, right?"

Yang Guo couldn't help being horrified, blood surged up in his chest, poisonous gas suddenly rushed back from his hands, his mind became confused, and he fainted immediately.

Huang Rong was shocked and stretched out her hand to support Yang Guo. Guo Jing was overjoyed. It turned out that he was really the child of Yang Kang's brother.

After giving Yang Guo a few massages, Yang Guo woke up faintly and asked how they recognized him.

Guo Jing said that they were friends of Yang Guo's mother, Mu Nianci, and asked Yang Guo where his mother was.

Yang Guo said that his mother had been dead for a long time.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong were shocked when they heard that Mu Nianci had passed away.

At this time, Yang Guo fainted again.

When Huang Rong saw this, she said that Yang Guo was deeply poisoned and that he had to go to the city to find an inn and then prepare medicine to detoxify him.

When the readers saw this, they sighed again. Everyone's previous guesses were not wrong. Mu Nianci was indeed dead.

It is really sad and regretful that he died in his twenties.

Guo Jing hugged Yang Guo and went to the city to find an inn with Huang Rong, Ke Zhen'e and Guo Fu.

Huang Rong wrote a prescription for the medicine and asked the waiter to go get the medicine. Guo Jing was very worried when he saw that Yang Guo was poisoned and his life or death was uncertain.

Huang Rong's expression was also very solemn, obviously

^0^ Remember in one second【】

This poison is not easy to cure.

She knew that her medicine was very biased and the waiter might not be able to prepare it completely, so she went out of the city with Guo Jing to see if she could find the needed medicine.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong went out of the city to look for medicine. After Yang Guo had been unconscious for a long time, the weirdo found the inn and awakened Yang Guo through massage.

Yang Guo was delighted when he saw that it was the weirdo. The weirdo carried Yang Guo and ran to a deserted place outside the city, asking Yang Guo to use the method he taught him to 'force' the poison again.

Yang Guo did as he was told, and in just a cup of tea, he had already 'forced out' some poisonous blood.

Seeing that Yang Guo was so smart, the weirdo couldn't help but say that Yang Guo was smarter than his own son. Thinking of his deceased son, the weirdo couldn't help but moisten his eyes, caressed Yang Guo's head, and sighed slightly.

It turns out that Ouyang Feng's mind has become much clearer at this time. Although he is still crazy, he has gradually remembered many things, but who is he? But I still can't remember it.

The reason why he has been staying in Jiaxing recently is because many of the scenery here feel quite familiar to him, and he only hopes to find himself here.

Yang Guo felt the strange man's true feelings show up, and his heart suddenly felt sour.

He lost his father when he was young, and his mother passed away early. When Mu Nianci was dying, he asked Yang Guo to have him cremated and buried outside Jiaxing Iron Spear Temple.

Because his father was buried there. Then he asked Yang to go to Peach Blossom Island to defect to Guo Jing.

Yang Guo arrived in Jiaxing and buried his mother, but he did not go to Peach Blossom Island to seek refuge with Guo Jing.

Although he was young, he was born to be stubborn and quite arrogant. He did not want to go to Peach Blossom Island to seek refuge with others and live as a stranger.

He was alone in Jiaxing to survive, and was looked down upon and bullied everywhere.

Now I felt the weird man's true feelings, and thinking about the father I had never met, and the mother who had passed away, I couldn't help but feel sad, and I shouted "Daddy" from the bottom of my heart twice.

The weirdo felt that Yang Guo's "Daddy" words were genuine, and he couldn't help but feel even more happy. In his joy, he passed on his most proud martial arts, the Toad Kung Fu, to Yang Guo.

All the readers couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw this. Toad Kung Fu is one of the most powerful martial arts in the world, which can compete with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. This boy Yang Guo's opportunity has indeed come.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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