Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1261 Seeing the Son of an Old Friend Again

Remember in one second【】

Medicine Master Huang used two small stones to calm Li Mochou. Li Mochou planned to escape immediately after injuring the two little girls. . :.

So, she struck Cheng Ying with her palm, but at this moment, she suddenly saw a brocade handkerchief tied around Cheng Ying's neck. It was the love token she had carefully embroidered and given to Lu Zhanyuan. .

For a moment, the tenderness and affection from the past suddenly came to my heart, and I just thought that Lu Zhanyuan had not forgotten her after all, and he actually kept this brocade handkerchief.

Facing Cheng Ying who was so close at hand, Li Mochou was a little reluctant to take action.

This made many readers sigh once again that Li Mochou's affection for Lu Zhanyuan was so deep.

Even though Li Mochou is a cruel and ruthless devil now, in the final analysis, he is still a poor person who has been tricked by love.

The word "love" means that for some people, once they get stuck in it, they will never get out. This is obviously the case with Li Mochou.

Li Mochou didn't know whether to hurt Cheng Ying? Having no idea, I decided to deal with the other girl first.

However, when she slapped her palm towards Lu Wushuang, she found that there was also a piece of the same brocade on Lu Wushuang's neck.

Why are there two brocade handkerchiefs?

While he was doubting, another pebble arrived. Li Mochou was shocked and did not dare to stay any longer. She grabbed Lu Wushuang, started Qinggong, and ran away without a trace in an instant.

Seeing that Lu Wushuang was taken away, Cheng Ying chased him all the way out. After a series of changes, Cheng Ying was hit by one of Li Mochou's ice soul silver needles.

Fortunately, the old man in green robe, Medicine Master Huang, rescued Cheng Ying.

After that, Yang Guo ran out of the cave, saying that he was going to look for Lu Wushuang, who was captured by Li Mochou, and Cheng Ying who chased him out.

However, Yang Guo did not find two 'female' dolls, but found several ice soul silver needles left by Li Mochou in one place.

Yang Guo became curious and played with it in his hand, but he didn't know that the Ice Soul Silver Needle was highly poisonous. As soon as he took it, his palms suddenly became as black as ink, indicating that they had been poisoned.

All the readers felt anxious. It was already miserable enough for Yang Guo to live in a dilapidated cave, but now there was another one who was poisoned. The treatment of this protagonist was really not that good.

Could it be,

Guyong's old habit has returned and he's going to abuse his master again?

All the readers couldn't help but pray in their hearts, praying that Guyong wouldn't make it too difficult for Xiao Yang. Although this child has a glib tone and no seriousness, it can be seen that he is kind-hearted by nature, has a clear distinction between good and evil, and always suffers and screams. What's the matter?

I don’t know if the readers’ prayers really paid off, but Xiao Yang Guo’s luck seemed to have come because he met a weirdo.

Just when Yang Guo felt very scared, he suddenly heard someone say from behind: "Little baby, do you know how powerful you are?"

Yang Guo looked back and saw that the person speaking was holding a piece of wood in each hand, supporting it on the ground. He was standing upside down on his head and feet, with his feet together and supporting the sky.

Yang Guo stepped back a few steps and asked who the weird man was. The weird man put his hands on the ground, suddenly lifted up his body, jumped three feet, and landed in front of Yang Guo, and said again: "I...who am I? I know I am Just who it is.”

Yang Guo was frightened and turned around to run away. However, the strange man stood on his hands and feet and followed Yang Guo all the time. He also said that the faster Yang Guo ran, the faster the poison would spread on his body.

When the readers saw this, their eyes became brighter and brighter. They had already guessed the identity of this weirdo, that was the crazy Xidu Ouyang Feng.

After Dongxie, Xidu officially appeared.

Many martial arts fans have been discussing before, wondering whether Ouyang Feng, the Western Poisoner, will appear in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

Now, we have the answer. Not only will Ouyang Feng appear, but he will appear very early. This is only in the second chapter.

Moreover, looking at this, it is obvious that there will be an intersection with the protagonist Yang Guo.

However, Ouyang Feng is obviously still in a state of madness, or does he still not know who he is?

A generation of martial arts master, one of the five great masters in the world, has been crazy for more than ten years. Readers once again lamented.

However, now that Yang Guo has met Ouyang Feng, it is obviously a chance for Yang Guo. No matter what, Ouyang Feng is a martial arts master after all.

A lot of martial arts fans are looking forward to this very much.

Yang Guo listened to the weird man's words and seemed to know how to detoxify him. He was no longer afraid and instead begged the weird man to help him detoxify.

The weird man was really weird. He said that he could save Yang Guo, but he wanted Yang Guo to promise him one thing, that is, no matter what he said, Yang Guo must listen to him.

The first thing he did was to ask Yang Guo to call him "daddy".

After Yang Guo had many conversations with the weirdo, he actually called him that.

The weird man laughed loudly and was obviously in a good mood. He said that the poison that Yang Guo was poisoned by was the poison of Li Mochou's Ice Soul Silver Needle, which was really not easy to cure.

Then he taught Yang Guo a set of formulas and exercises, and asked Yang Guo to practice according to this method. He would use the exercises to 'force' the poison out every day. After more than a month, he would be able to 'force' all the poison out of the body.

Yang Guo was very smart, he could understand something with just a few words, he could remember it as soon as he heard it. He learned very quickly and acted according to the law. He soon 'forced' out a little bit of venom, and the rest could only wait until tomorrow to continue to 'force' it again.

At this moment, two large eagles flew over the head. The strange man stared blankly at the two eagles, hit his forehead with his hand, frowned and thought hard. Suddenly he seemed to remember something, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted : "I don't want to see them, I don't want to see them."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Then he quickly left with his hands and feet, and immediately disappeared without a trace. Yang Guo wanted to chase him, but how could he catch up?

At this time, a man and a woman came out from behind the willow forest, and the two eagles stopped on their shoulders.

The man has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a broad chest and a straight waist. He is in his thirties and has a slight mustache on his upper lip.

The 'woman' seemed to be less than thirty years old, with extremely beautiful appearance and extremely flexible eyes.

Seeing this, the hearts of the readers were beating wildly and they became very excited and excited. The identities of these two people were almost revealed.

Those were Guo Jing and Huang Rong, who finally made their official appearance.

However, at this time, Guo Jing and Huang Rong were already in their thirties and parents. They were no longer the boys and girls they once were.

Brother Jing and Ronger have both grown up.

All the readers suddenly felt a touch of sadness.

It's like two old friends who haven't seen each other for many years and meet again today, but it's already ten years later and everyone is no longer what they were back then.

Of course, the faint sentimentality did not last long, excitement and excitement were still the main emotions.

Seeing Guo Jing and Huang Rong, the readers felt very friendly and familiar. It seemed that they were back to the time when they watched "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". They missed that time very much.

And now, when Guo Jing and Huang Rong meet Xiao Yang Guo, what kind of story will happen?

Obviously very exciting.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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