Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1260 Reappearance of the magical power of snapping fingers

Remember in one second【】

The readers sighed in their hearts and continued to look below. .

Sure enough, as Ke Zhen'e said, Li Mochou followed him outside the cave and asked the people inside to throw the two female dolls out, whether they were dead or alive. The sound is like a silver bell, both crisp and soft.

Wu Santong walked out of the cave and saw Li Mochou gently waving the fly whisk in her hand. Her skin was delicate, her expression was leisurely, her beautiful eyes were looking forward to it, and her cheeks were hazy. She hadn't seen him in ten years, but she was still as young and beautiful as before.

The beauty of Fairy Chi Lian once again made the readers feel suffocated, and then they sighed again when they thought of what she just said.

Wu Santong asked Li Mochou to spare the lives of the two female dolls because Lu Zhanyuan and his wife were dead and Lu Liding and his wife were about to die.

Li Mochou naturally refused and started fighting with Wu Santong.

Wu Santong's martial arts was not weak, but in the end he was inferior to Li Mochou and was gradually at a disadvantage.

At this time, Guo Fu arrived here with the two eagles. Ke Zhen'e quickly asked the two eagles to attack Li Mochou to help Wu Santong.

Although the two eagles were handsome, Li Mochou didn't take them seriously, but she became more and more anxious.

Because she had recognized the two eagles as those of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and also guessed that Guo Fu was their daughter.

If Guo Jing and Huang Rong were nearby, it would be very difficult.

Seeing this, the hearts of all the martial arts fans were moved. Could it be that Guo Jing and Huang Rong were about to officially appear?

Then she felt a little funny in her heart. This Li Mochou was really conceited. After knowing that Guo Jing and Huang Rong might be nearby, she just felt that it was very difficult. This meant that she had the confidence to fight against Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

This Li Mochou is obviously overestimating her abilities. According to Ke Zhen'e's evaluation, her martial arts skills are on par with those of Mei Chaofeng back then.

At the end of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Guo Jing's martial arts was far superior to Mei Chaofeng.

Now, more than ten years have passed. Guo Jing's martial arts must be stronger. How could Li Mochou be his opponent?

All the readers shook their heads, Li Mochou was too conceited.

Thinking like this, many readers suddenly became very excited and curious about a question.

That's Guo Jing's current martial arts, to what extent?

At the end of "Shooting the Eagle", Guo Jingneng, Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi fought for 300 rounds each without losing.

Now, more than ten years have passed, Guo Jing's martial arts must be much stronger than at the end of "Shooting the Eagle". I wonder how he will compare with Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong and others now?

Everyone can't help but look forward to Guo Jing's appearance and actions.

However, Guo Jing had not yet appeared. A ragged young man appeared first.

A young man in ragged clothes, holding a rooster in his left hand, singing slang songs in his mouth, jumped over. Seeing someone in front of the cave, he shouted: "Hey, what are you doing at my house?" ?”

Walking in front of Li Mochou and Guo Fu, she turned her head to look at them and said with a smile: "Tsk, tsk, the big beauty is so beautiful, and the little beauty is also very delicate. Are these two girls here to see me? Their surname is Yang. I don’t have such beautiful friends.” His face was so cute and his words were so glib.

After seeing this paragraph, the hearts of all the readers jumped sharply, and they all couldn't help but think, "Fuck it, this ragged young man calls himself Yang. Could it be that he is the male protagonist we are waiting for, Yang Guo?"

First of all, the age is right and the surname is right. The most important thing is that when this young man sees two beauties, big and small, he will tease them no matter what the occasion. This is exactly the same as that of Yang Kang. This boy is definitely Yang Kang's. son.

Back then, in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", when Wan Yankang, the young prince of the Kingdom of Jin, appeared on the stage, didn't he really tease Mu Nianci on the martial arts stage?

However, one is a young prince from the Kingdom of Jin, and the other is a ragged young man living in a dilapidated cave dwelling. The gap does not seem to be as big as usual.

A lot of readers were surprised. They never thought that Xiao Yang Guo would appear in such an image?

Of course, readers don't think there's anything bad about this image, they just think it's too different from his father's appearance and is a bit weird.

Well, that’s not right. Readers thought again that Yang Kang is dead, but Mu Nianci is still there. Mu Nianci’s martial arts is not weak, and he was supported by Guo Jing and Huang Rong. No matter how good his life is, he is not Living in a broken cave is not.

Could it be that Mu Nianci is also dead? Only Xiao Yang Guo is left to survive?

Thinking of this possibility, many readers couldn't help but feel sad.

Fortunately, he saw that although Yang Guo was in rags, he was very cheerful and in the mood to tease beautiful women. His life was quite carefree, his mentality was good, and he didn't feel how miserable he was, so he felt better. .

No matter what kind of life it is, being able to feel happy is the most important thing and it is gratifying.

As the story continues, Li Mochou was worried about the arrival of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, so she decided to fight quickly, rushed into the cave, grabbed the two girls Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang, and prepared to go away.

When Yang Guo saw that the two girls were about to be taken away, he reached out and hugged Li Mochou's waist.

Li Mochou was hugged by Yang Guo. She originally wanted to use her palms to kill Yang Guo immediately, but then she heard Yang Guo praise her beauty and his words were sincere, which made her feel a little fond of her.

If these words were spoken by a grown man, they would only offend her. However, coming from the mouth of a twelve or thirteen year old boy, they only showed the truth. He was so soft-hearted that he could not take action.

This section describes

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The writing makes the readers feel shocked again. It seems that Li Mochou is not absolutely ruthless.

At this moment, the two eagles returned again and attacked Li Mochou. Li Mochou waved his left sleeve and shot out two ice-soul silver needles. Inside the body of the double eagle.

At this critical moment, two small hidden weapons arrived first and knocked down the two silver needles at a faster speed.

But the two hidden weapons were actually just two small pebbles. Li Mochou was shocked. Knowing that the person who made the move secretly must be far better in martial arts than her, she decided to hurt the two girls Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang. Escape immediately.

Li Mochou didn't know who was the person who secretly rescued the two eagles, but the readers did.

The readers instantly became excited, because the person who secretly acted must be Medicine Master Dong Xiehuang.

The martial arts that caused two pebbles to hit first must be one of Huang Yaoshi's proud skills, the magic power of a snap of his fingers.

From "Shooting the Eagle" to "The Divine Eagle", Dongxie finally made another move, and this move immediately revealed his demeanor as one of the five best in the world.

Two small pebbles made Li Mochou, who was extremely conceited, realize that his martial arts was far inferior to Li Mochou's, and he suddenly became frightened.

As expected of Dongxie, the readers felt very comfortable.

At this point, Dongxie has officially made his appearance. Who will he be next? Guo Jing? Huang Rong? Or is it Hong Qigong? Master Yideng? Or is it Ouyang Feng who has gone crazy?

Readers are looking forward to it very much!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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