Remember in one second【】

Award ceremony.

Huang Yaoshi appeared behind the stage like a god, walked to the front of the stage, and once again put Yuxiao to his mouth to play. His posture was chic, his temperament was refined, and his expression was cold and arrogant. He vividly displayed the style of a peerless master, and the whole audience was fascinated by it. They are very fascinated.

Huang Yaoshi's costume style also surprised and satisfied the audience.

They had just regarded Huang Yaoshi as the real "Huang Yaoshi" instead of being played by a modern actor.

Now when I took a closer look, I discovered that Huang Yaoshi's appearance was very similar to that of the famous actor Deng Jing, and then I remembered that Deng Jing played the role.

This feeling of being fake and real surprised all the viewers.

After Huang Yaoshi, the picture on the big screen suddenly changed from the beautiful Peach Blossom Island to the vast wasteland of the Western Regions.

A tall man dressed in white, with a high nose and deep eyes, a brown face and a beard, and a handsome man with sword-like eyes appeared on the screen.

No need to guess, this is Xidu Ouyang Feng.

As before, all the audience felt their eyes dazzled again. Ouyang Feng disappeared from the screen, and Ouyang Feng suddenly appeared on the stage in front of him.

The audience was even more excited. This time they were already prepared, but they still couldn't see clearly. How did Ouyang Feng appear on the stage?

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that when Ouyang Feng appears on the stage, he gives people a very scary feeling. Huang Yaoshi is still much taller, and his eyes are like swords, which makes people shudder at the first sight. .

Of course, the audience felt shuddering, but they were also very excited, because the more they felt this way, the more it proved that the actors had a high degree of restoration of their roles.

Huang Yaoshi was like this before, and Ouyang Feng is like this now. The audience is becoming more and more looking forward to the role that will appear next!

If nothing else goes wrong, the next person to appear should be the Southern Emperor Duan Huangye, or Master Yideng.

Sure enough, after a video clip, Master Yideng appeared on the stage wearing a coarse cloth monk's robe, with two long white eyebrows hanging down from the corners of his eyes. He had kind eyebrows and kind eyes. Although there was sadness hidden in his eyebrows, he had a graceful and luxurious look.

After Master Yideng, there is Northern Beggar Hong Qigong.

I saw Hong Qigong appearing on the stage, with a rectangular face, a slight beard under his chin, thick hands and big feet, his clothes were patched in pieces here and there, but he was clean, and he was holding a stick in his hand. The green bamboo staff is as bright as jade, and it carries a large gourd of vermilion paint on its back.

After Hong Qigong, there is the magical king Chongyang, who is very tall, dashing, heroic and elegant.

At this point, all the Five Wonders of the World have appeared. Each one has its own characteristics and is very recognizable. Even if there are no subtitles on the previous big screen, everyone can see it at a glance.

After The Five Wonders of the World, important characters in "The Condor Shooting" continue to appear.

The old naughty boy Zhou Botong, Yang Kang, Mu Nianci, Qiu Qianren, Jiangnan Seven Freaks, Qiu Chuji, Ma Yu, Ying Gu, Peng Lianhu, Sha Tongtian, Lingzhi Ren, etc. appeared on the stage one by one.

The actors' character makeup looks are finally shown in front of the audience. Each character is still very recognizable. Anyone who is familiar with the original novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can easily identify it.

And this special way of display gives people a strong visual impact.

The audience just felt that they had entered the world of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and everything was so real.

At this time, the picture on the big screen suddenly changed to a vast desert with yellow sand, and a continuous rapid string of music came from the live speakers.

A man and a horse appeared in the desert. The man on the horse raised his whip to urge the horse, and the horse galloped, throwing up waves of yellow sand behind him.

At this time, in the live sound, accompanied by the rapid strings, "Ahhhhhh..." appeared, a harmony like overwhelming yellow sand.

The high-spirited and aggressive attitude made everyone present and in front of the TV look excited and their faces flushed.

It was as if each of them was suddenly in the vast desert, whipping up their whips and urging their horses to gallop thousands of miles, with a sudden burst of passion!

Everyone became excited and excited, they knew that it had begun, it had begun, the theme song "Iron-Blooded Heart" created by Li Fan for the TV series "Legend of the Condor Heroes" had begun!

Just the beginning of the prelude has already shown a strong appeal and rendering power. When people listen to it, their hearts are stirred and they instantly enter the artistic conception of the song.

This is one of the greatest charms of Li Fan's music. All his previous works were like this, and this song "Iron-Blooded Heart" is still the same.

Just by hearing the prelude, all the audience were already sure that this song "Iron-Blooded Heart" will be an undoubted classic.

Such a prelude, coupled with the large-screen picture, will undoubtedly have a stronger appeal and visual sense.

As for the man in the picture, leaping on his horse and whipping his whip, there is no doubt that he is the male protagonist Guo Jing.

The camera zoomed in, and it showed that he looked like a young man under twenty years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a hint of youthfulness.

At this time, the aggressive and passionate string music softened slightly, and the picture on the big screen also rushed from the vast desert to the endless grassland.

Guo Jing was no longer alone. There was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old woman beside him.

The woman has long hair shawl, and is dressed in white. Her skin is as beautiful as snow, and her face is absolutely beautiful. She cannot be forced.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

She looks like a fairy, so naturally she is the heroine Huang Rong.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong each ride a horse and walk slowly. The camera is very far away and very long. They are obviously like a couple of gods, but they seem to be a little empty and lonely.

At this time, the prelude became more relaxed, and a figure holding a microphone appeared at the back of the stage. There was no light, so the appearance was unclear for the time being, but it could be seen that it was a girl.

Immediately afterwards, the girl put the microphone to her mouth, and the first singing line came from the live speakers.

"It seems like I've seen it before in my dream, and there are waves in my heart.


The audience felt their minds wander again. It was indeed a female voice. The timbre was crisp and clear, a little ethereal, and had a touch of vicissitudes of life.

What surprised all the viewers was that this was a Cantonese song.

It seems that some people's previous guesses were indeed correct. The theme song Li Fan created this time is really a Cantonese song.

This is also Li Fan's first Cantonese music piece.

In fact, there is a big difference between Cantonese songs and Mandarin songs in composing music and lyrics.

People who are proficient in composing and writing Mandarin songs may not be able to create Cantonese songs of acceptable quality.

But Li Fan, the top music master, obviously has no difference in the creation of Mandarin songs and Cantonese songs.

His Mandarin songs are timeless classics, and so are his Cantonese songs.

Everyone is convinced of this!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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