Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1292 Proudness and Unhappiness

Remember in one second【】

Granny Sun was accidentally injured by Hao Datong and died. Before she died, she told Xiao Longnv and Yang Guo to take care of each other for the rest of their lives. ,: .

Yang Guo was so sad that he naturally agreed, and Xiao Longnu finally agreed.

This allowed all the martial arts fans to finally confirm one thing, Xiaolongnu was most likely the heroine.

The little dragon girl is the protagonist, and the martial arts fans are naturally very happy. They like the cold but cold little dragon girl.

As for the fact that Xiao Longnu is a few years older than Yang Guo, in their opinion, it doesn't matter at all. It would be a good thing to find a wife who is a few years older than them.

I just hope that the relationship between Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv can go smoothly and nothing will happen.

Well, it seems a little too early to say this now. Many martial arts fans know that Xiao Longnu promised to take care of Yang Guo. She should only take care of Yang Guo in the way that an elder takes care of a younger one. There is no relationship between men and women at all.

Xiao Longnv is a fairy, how can she be so emotional for a man so easily? Besides, he's just a child.

However, many martial arts fans are very optimistic about Yang Guo's ability to capture the fairy when he grows up, and are full of expectations and hopes for this.

After thinking about it happily in their hearts, the martial arts fans continued to look down.

Grandma Sun died, Yang Guo was very sad, and Xiao Longnv couldn't help but feel sad, but the sadness passed through her heart. Then she said to Yang Guo, everyone is going to die, and Grandma Sun's death now is nothing. .

Well, maybe this is Xiao Longnu comforting Yang Guo not to be sad, but this comfort seems a bit unhuman. All the martial arts fans couldn't help but smile bitterly, letting a fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world comfort a sad person. It's really difficult for her.

Afterwards, Xiao Longnv asked Hao Datong why he didn’t kill himself yet? Hao Datong was startled and asked why he killed himself?

Xiao Longnv said that he killed Granny Sun, so he should kill himself.

This reason is very powerful, and all the martial arts fans silently gave Xiaolongnv a thumbs up. She is indeed a fairy, and she handles things differently.

However, although Hao Datong regrets and feels guilty, he certainly cannot commit suicide.

When Xiao Long Nu saw that Hao Datong had no intention of killing herself,

Then he started a fight with Hao Datong. Hao Datong was one of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, and Xiaolong Nu was better in martial arts. However, due to various reasons, Hao Datong lost this fight.

Hao Datong was so ashamed and angry that he waved his sword and was about to kill himself. Qiu Chuji suddenly arrived, and Xiao Longnv fought with Qiu Chuji again.

But in just one round, Xiao Longnu knew that Qiu Chuji's martial arts was far superior to that of Hao Datong, and she was far from an opponent.

Then, he picked up the bodies of Yang Guo and Granny Sun, performed extremely light kung fu and left.

Qiu Chuji was extremely surprised by Xiao Longnv's display of Qinggong. In terms of Qinggong alone, he was far from Xiao Longnv's opponent.

Afterwards, Qiu Chuji asked about the reason for the conflict between the two parties, and finally found out that Zhao Zhijing had never really taught Yang Guo martial arts, and he couldn't help but be very angry.

He wanted to teach Yang Guo well, but he never thought that something like this would happen. He also felt that he had failed Guo Jing's trust. He only hoped that he would have the opportunity to take care of Yang Guo again.

Qiu Chuji directly deprived Zhao Zhijing of his qualification as the first disciple of the third generation, believing that his skills were high but his moral integrity was insufficient.

Seeing that Zhao Zhijing was finally severely punished, all the martial arts fans were really angry. If this guy hadn't been too narrow-minded, Yang Guo wouldn't have been bullied like this in Chongyang Palace.

However, if it weren't for Zhao Zhijing, Yang Guo would not have gone to the Tomb of the Living Dead by accident, let alone have an intersection with Xiao Longnv.

In this case, I have to thank Zhao Zhijing for being narrow-minded.

What the hell is this? All the martial arts fans were quite depressed.

After Xiao Longnu took Yang Guo and Granny Sun's bodies back to the ancient tomb, she put Granny Sun's body into the coffin that had been prepared.

Yang Guo saw two empty coffins next to him and asked who they were prepared for. Xiao Longnu said it was prepared for her and her senior sister Li Mochou.

Then she said that she needed to prepare a new coffin because Yang came over and she needed to prepare one for Yang Guo. She promised Grandma Sun to take care of Yang Guo for the rest of her life, so Yang Guo could only live in this ancient tomb forever.

These words scared little Yang Guo to the point of trembling. He didn't want to live in an ancient tomb for the rest of his life.

Later, when it was time to sleep, Xiao Longnv originally wanted Yang Guo to sleep in Grandma Sun's room, but Yang Guo said that he was afraid and did not dare to sleep alone.

Xiaolongnu had no choice but to let Yang Guo sleep in the same room with her. She gave up her cold jade bed to Yang Guo, but she slept on a suspended rope.

Before the two went to bed, they had an angry and strange conversation, which gave the cold fairy finally a touch of the world.

This made all the martial arts fans very happy. Yang Guo is a good boy. He is so young and on the first day of entering the ancient tomb, he has already begun to melt Xiao Longnu's ice heart. The young man has a bright future. !

The next day, Yang Guo officially worshiped Xiao Longnu as his disciple. Their sect lived in the ancient tomb and was called the Ancient Tomb Sect.

Yang Guo worshiped Xiao Longnv as his disciple. In this section, martial arts fans had never thought of it before. All they thought about was whether there could be some story between Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv.

Now Yang Guo worships Xiaolong’s daughter

^0^ Remember in one second【】

’ As a teacher, this means that Yang Guo will learn the martial arts of the Tomb Sect from now on.

This is naturally a good thing, and a lot of martial arts fans want it. You must know that the female senior is on par with Wang Chongyang, and the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect is naturally no small matter.

But there is a problem here. Yang Guo worships Xiao Longnv as his disciple, so the relationship between them is that of elder and junior.

Can the elder and the younger generation still fall in love? Even if Xiao Longnv and Yang Guo don't care, will the world approve of their teacher-student love?

Not to mention the Song Dynasty, even now, teacher-student love still causes some criticism.

A group of martial arts fans naturally didn't care, but they knew that it was impossible for the secular world in the Song Dynasty not to care.

Could it be that they had thought too much before? Will the relationship between Xiaolong Nu and Yang Guo develop into a relationship?

Of course, it is okay for both Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv to ignore worldly opinions, so that they can stay together in the ancient tomb for the rest of their lives.

But, is it really that easy and simple? A lot of martial arts ‘fans’ are not sure.

Well, many martial arts fans found that they seemed to be overthinking it again. Yang Guo was still just a child, and it seemed a little too early to fall in love with Xiao Longnu.

Why can't they help but think about this thing? A lot of martial arts ‘fans’ themselves can’t figure it out.

Perhaps we can only blame Gu Yong for portraying Xiao Longnv so likable that everyone really hopes that she can become the female protagonist.

It’s okay for a woman like this to take advantage of Yang Guo, but it’s not something that martial arts fans would do if she took advantage of other men.

Forget it, let’s not think about these issues for now, let’s wait until Yang Guo grows up.

Xiao Longnu became Yang Guo's master and officially began to teach Yang Guo martial arts.

A few days later, Xiao Longnv took Yang to the Chongyang Palace to deliver the antidote to Zhao Zhijing. There was a Taoist priest named Zhen Zhibing who immediately became extremely obsessed with Xiao Longnv's appearance. '.

This made all the martial arts fans quite proud and a little unhappy.

Fortunately, the little dragon girl is indeed a fairy-like existence, even a Taoist priest can't help but be tempted by her.

What makes her unhappy is that a Taoist priest is so obsessed with Xiao Longnu. What the hell is that?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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