Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1297 Bai Suzhen and Fa Hai

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan was watching the discussion among martial arts fans in the room, and the time slowly reached noon.

Li Fan heard the voices of Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying coming from the yard. Knowing that the three women were back, he turned off the computer and got up and went downstairs.

After lunch, Li Fan did not go back to the room, but accompanied the three girls out of the door.

A few people went to Longshan Township Market first and bought three smaller suitcases, one for each of the three women.

The suitcases brought by Qin Yulin and Tang Ying were too big. It was obviously impossible to bring such big suitcases to Lan Country.

On the way back to the village after buying the suitcases, the three girls laughed and joked for a while, Qin Yulin said: "Brother-in-law, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is serialized once a week, but "The Legend of White Snake" is serialized every day at 10 p.m. If you want to update, will you update every day after we go to Lan Country?”

Li Fan nodded and said: "Of course it will be updated. The most taboo thing about serializing novels on the Internet is interruption, so everything still needs to be updated every day."

Qin Yulin nodded and said: "It seems to be true. Readers are used to seeing updates at 10 o'clock every day. If there is no update one day, readers will definitely feel a little unhappy. But there is a problem here. Our 10 o'clock , but it’s like two or three o’clock in the morning over there in Lan Guo. Did you update at that time?”

Li Fan didn't say anything, but Su Qing smiled, and then said: "You silly girl, he can set a scheduled automatic update."

Li Fan also smiled and said: "It is true that automatic updates can be set. I have set automatic updates many times before."

Qin Yulin stuck out his tongue and said, "That's okay. I don't like to use Weibo, and I almost never use it. I don't know that I can set up automatic updates."

After a while, Qin Yulin said again: "By the way, brother-in-law, when will Xu Xian know that Bai Suzhen is actually the thousand-year-old snake demon? Doesn't he know it all the time?"

Li Fan said: "Xu Xian will know, and he will know soon."

"Oh?" After hearing what Li Fan said, not only Qin Yulin, but also Su Qing and Tang Ying also looked at Li Fan. The three women asked at the same time: "How did she know? After knowing, he What’s your reaction? Fear? Or continue to be in love with Bai Suzhen?”

Li Fan smiled and said: "Bai Suzhen told him personally. After Xu Xian knew that Bai Suzhen was a thousand-year-old snake demon, the couple became even more affectionate."

After hearing this, the three ‘women’

The expressions were very happy, but there were also some doubts. Qin Yulin said: "Isn't Xu Xian afraid at all? In the previous episode of the Dragon Boat Festival, Bai Suzhen accidentally drank realgar wine and revealed her true form. After Xu Xian saw it, he was frightened to death. . Later, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing got a fake white python and asked Xu Xian to kill it with his own hands, which gradually eliminated Xu Xian's fear. Now Xu Xian knew that the white python he saw at that time was his wife. , he’s not afraid at all?”

Li Fandao: "Bai Suzhen has true feelings for Xu Xian and has paid so much for Xu Xian. Even if she is a demon, what is there to be afraid of? You know, some people are actually more terrifying than demons."

After hearing this, the three 'women' thought thoughtfully, and Su Qing said: "It is true that people have good people and evil people, and monsters also have good monsters and evil monsters. Evil monsters are even more terrifying."

Tang Yingze said: "But why did Bai Suzhen tell Xu Xian her true identity? Wasn't she always trying to hide it in every possible way?"

Qin Yulin and Su Qing nodded and asked at the same time: "Yes, why did she tell Xu Xian her true identity?"

Li Fandao: "You will know after reading the series in the next few days. Because Bai Suzhen knows that her relationship with Xu Xian may be coming to an end."

Hearing what Li Fan said, the three women were shocked. Qin Yulin said: "But what you said in Baiyun Mountain last time was that Bai Suzhen was going to be suppressed by the monk Fahai under the Leifeng Pagoda? Didn't you say that Bai Suzhen would eventually Are you leaving the tower to reunite with Xu Xian?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "That's true, but Bai Suzhen didn't know the story at the time. She only knew that she might be captured by Fa Hai, so how did she know the story behind it?"

After hearing this, the three girls thought, "This is really the case," and their worries were relieved. No matter what, as long as the relationship between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, the relationship between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian will not come to an end, and there will be twists and turns. , that is inevitable.

After all, the human monster has a different path, so how can it always go smoothly?

Of course, understanding is understanding, but it does not mean that the three girls are not angry. Qin Yulin said angrily: "That monk Fahai is really hateful. There are so many evil monsters in the world. He doesn't conquer them. He stares at Bai Suzhen every day. What are you doing with Xiaoqing and the two of you?"

Su Qing said: "Judging from the current situation, Monk Fahai wants to break up the couple Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, and wants to conquer Bai Suzhen. There are three main reasons. First, he believes that human beings and monsters have different paths, and humans and monsters cannot marry. They were husband and wife. The second was the personal grudge between him and Bai Suzhen. When he was young, Bai Suzhen stole the elixir given to him by the Buddha. The third was the aggressive approach of Prince Liang of the Liang Palace. He threatened to demolish Jinshan Temple if Fahai did not subdue the two demons, Green and White."

Qin Yulin curled his lips and said: "In my opinion, the second reason mentioned by my sister is the main reason. Fortunately, Fa Hai is still an eminent monk, and his mind is too small. Brother-in-law, don't you think so?"

After hearing this, Li Fan smiled and said, "Maybe."

In fact, in the past life, among the many related legends about the Legend of White Snake, Bai Suzhen and Monk Fahai have always been mortal enemies.

But why does Fahai keep targeting Bai Suzhen? The reason is that there is no accurate statement. The main theory is that Bai Suzhen and

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Fa Hai and Fa Hai had some grudges before they transformed into human form.

Or from a story perspective, the relationship between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian needs a character like Fahai who wants to break them up.

In the TV series "The Legend of the White Snake" in the previous life, which was also the novel "The Legend of the White Snake" launched by Li Fan in this world, the reason why Fahai wanted to conquer Bai Suzhen was almost the same as the three reasons mentioned by Su Qing.

Bai Suzhen once secretly ate the elixir given to Fahai by the Buddha, and the two had a long-standing grudge. Fahai's Jinshan Temple was funded by Prince Liang, who had a deep grudge with Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing. He asked Fahai to immediately subdue the green and white demons, otherwise the Jinshan Temple would be demolished.

These two reasons should be the main reasons.

In addition, there may be a fourth reason. The reason why Fa Hai wanted to imprison Bai Suzhen in Leifeng Pagoda was actually to help Bai Suzhen enter the immortal world early.

This reason may seem ridiculous at first sight, but after careful analysis, it may not be unreasonable.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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