Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1296 The situation is not optimistic

Remember in one second【】

A group of martial arts fans were talking about it, and a group of martial arts practitioners were also having heated discussions. . :.

The same goes for Luo YeSiSi, Dali YiSi, Qin Sheng and Crescent Moon, and the most excited person is none other than Crescent Moon.

Because at the end of the serialization of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Crescent Moon once made a bold guess that Xiao Longnu was Yang Guo's master and the heroine.

Regarding Crescent Moon's speculation, Luo Yewu Sheng, Dali Bisha, and Qinsheng didn't agree very much, and their reasons were also very sufficient.

In the Song Dynasty, which attached great importance to secular etiquette, Xiaolong's identity could only be chosen between "Yang Guo's master" and "female protagonist".

But Crescent Moon still insisted on her guess.

Today, a new issue of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is serialized. Is Crescent Moon's guess correct? The answer has also been revealed.

The final result was naturally that Crescent Moon's guess was not wrong. Xiao Longnu was both Yang Guo's master and the heroine.

So, it is natural for Crescent Moon to be so excited.

He laughed loudly and said: "Brother Luo Ye, Brother Dali, and Brother Qinsheng, I accept the concession. Now you won't object. I tell you, you must not treat Gu Yong with common sense."

Luo Ye sighed silently: "It's just like what Brother Crescent Moon said. This time our vision is not as good as Brother Crescent Moon."

With a strong stroke, he said: "Brother Crescent Moon's vision was indeed very accurate this time. However, the readers were very excited to see Gu Yong's arrangement like this, but would the secular etiquette at the time allow them to do this? Unless the two of them lived in this world all their lives. Of the ancient tombs, but that’s obviously impossible.”

Qin Sheng said: "It is true. As long as the two of them travel around the world, it will be quite difficult for them to get married. Does Gu Yong's arrangement mean that the relationship between the two will not be the same? smoothly?"

Crescent moon groaned and said: "I agree with Brother Qinsheng. The relationship between Yang Guo and Long Nu is probably going to have twists and turns. This is consistent with a point we said before. This The part depicts the word 'love' very deeply."

Luo Ye said silently: "No matter how deeply the feelings are portrayed, they are only auxiliary lines after all. The most important thing is the main line. Now that Yang Guo has grown up, the story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" should officially unfold. Next, I We need to pay more attention to it.”

With a strong stroke he said: "Brother Luoye is right,

In the next chapter, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu should leave the ancient tomb and officially enter the world. It is really worth looking forward to! "


Like Luo Ye Wusheng and others, a group of martial arts practitioners led by Fingertips are King are also discussing the content of today's serialization of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

However, the focus of their discussion was different from that of Luo Yewusheng and others. What they discussed was a plot that made them feel very regretful and regretful.

That's what made countless martial arts fans unhappy. Zhen Zhibing accidentally bumped into Xiao Longnu's disheveled clothes.

The more dissatisfied the martial arts fans are with the plot, the more comfortable they feel.

But, it's not enough.

"Alas! What a pity. It would be great if Zhen Zhibing could see Xiao Longnu's body."

"Hehe! In that case, those martial arts 'fans' will definitely get upset. What a pity, it is indeed a pity!"

"I used to think that Guyong was bold and eclectic, but now it seems that it's nothing more than that. If you want to stir up readers' emotions, you don't have to go too far. It's just a disheveled look."

"Yes, he is still the first martial artist. He can only write books honestly and dare not challenge the readers' psychological endurance. If it were me and I wrote that Zhen Zhibing saw the body of Xiao Long Nu, then So what? If readers want to get upset, let them get away with it."

"Gu Yong didn't dare to write like that. Even if he was the first person in martial arts novels, he wouldn't dare to ignore the readers' feelings. After all, readers are bigger than the sky, and it's the same for Gu Yong. If he really did that I have written it, for us, it is definitely a huge happy event, if we just luck it out, it will definitely make many martial arts fans go into trouble."

"Hey! If he really wrote that, why do we need luck? Those martial arts 'fans' are in trouble themselves, we just need to watch a good show and occasionally add fuel to the fire. It's just a pity, that guy is It’s impossible to write it like that, we can’t wait for such an opportunity.”

"Do you think it is necessary for us to 'provoke' him to write a plot that is more challenging for readers to bear?"

"It's useless. I'm not praising him. If he was 'provoked' by us, he wouldn't be able to become the number one martial artist."

"That's true, alas! It's really depressing to finally see an opportunity but not be able to realize it."

"It's really a pity, but there's nothing we can do about it. We'd better wait for the popularity of this game to drop. As Brother Zhijian said before, when it catches up to the popularity of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", its popularity should be It’s gone down. I guess it’s almost over now.”


Sansheng Village.

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying went to the village to play. Li Fan didn't go, he was in the room.

His main purpose is to see martial arts fans discuss the content of the latest two chapters serialized today.

Among other things, what he was most concerned about was the discussion among martial arts fans about the plot of Zhen Zhibing encountering Xiao Longnu, who was disheveled.

and saw related

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After the discussion, Li Fan felt a little sad. The situation was not very optimistic. Martial arts fans were already so unhappy with such a plot. So if the subsequent plot came out, wouldn't it explode?

Li Fan was very sad. Of course, he had been mentally prepared for this, so he was still very calm.

Later, I saw a group of martial arts fans and felt that Zhen Zhibing was quite pitiful. While I silently mourned for Zhen Zhiping in my heart, I also couldn't help but mourn for all the martial arts fans.

When the subsequent explosive plot occurs, I wonder if the martial arts fans will be so angry that they feel sorry for Zhen Zhibing that they beat their chests and feet, and vomit three liters of blood?

Is Zhen Zhibing pitiful? But he's so pitiful!

Actually, Zhen Zhibing is really pitiful, because in the previous life, the Taoist priest who was infatuated with Xiao Longnu in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was originally named Yin Zhiping, not Zhen Zhibing.

But because Yin Zhiping did exist in history, and he was also considered a celebrity, with the Taoist name "Qinghe Zhenren", he was a disciple of Qiu Chuji, and later served as the leader of the Quanzhen Sect.

Therefore, in the latest revised version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Mr. Jin Yong changed the Taoist priest who was infatuated with Xiao Long Nu to a purely fictional character, Zhen Zhibing.

Then, in this world, poor Zhen Zhibing is destined to be killed a thousand or ten thousand times by countless angry martial arts fans.

Li Fan shuddered and could only silently mourn for him.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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