Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1295 Just take advantage this time

Remember in one second【】

The martial arts fans moved around for a while, and after their bodies became a little stiff, their eyes returned to the magazines in their hands. . :.

It's obviously not enough to watch such a wonderful product once. Many people decided to watch it again.

Although there was a plot in today's two chapters that made them quite unhappy, the process of slowly developing feelings between Xiao Longnv and Yang Guo was worth recalling.

As for the end of today's series, Xiao Longnu, Yang Guo, Li Mochou, and Hong Lingbo were trapped in the Tomb of the Living Dead forever, but the martial arts fans were not worried.

Although it seems that the door to the ancient tomb can never be opened again, everyone knows that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu will definitely get out.

Otherwise, this work would have been finished.

As for how to get out? A group of martial arts fans can't guess now, and they don't intend to guess. Anyway, the next issue of the serial will have the answer.

They just have to keep looking forward to it.

Now it's better to reflect on it quickly. The contents of the two chapters serialized today are the real business.

Today's two chapters may seem a little dull on the surface, but they are actually not dull. There are still many places worth recalling.

Moreover, these two chapters are very important and play a very important role in the development of the entire story.

After the male protagonist Yang Guo experienced many twists and turns from Peach Blossom Island to Chongyang Palace and then to the Tomb of the Living Dead, he finally settled down, officially started learning martial arts, and gradually grew up.

The female protagonist Xiao Longnu has finally made her official appearance. Now we can be 100% sure that Xiao Longnu is the female protagonist.

The relationship between Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv went from a pure master-disciple relationship to a gradual secret love for each other, all of which promoted the development of the storyline.

On the Internet, more and more martial arts fans are becoming active.

"From Peach Blossom Island to Chongyang Palace, and then to the Tomb of the Living Dead, Yang Guo finally officially started to learn martial arts, and he has grown up, and the female protagonist Xiao Longnu has also officially appeared. From now on, "The Condor Heroes" The story of "The Couple" should really unfold."

"In the next chapter, Yang Guo and Xiaolong 'Nv' should leave the ancient tomb,

I have officially entered the world of martial arts, and I am very much looking forward to it! "

"Oh no! I suddenly discovered that the story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has not unfolded at all, but the beginning is already very exciting."

"The previous highlights are actually related to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" to a large extent, but from now on, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" should be able to show its own highlights."

"No matter what, as long as the content is good. Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong and others have not appeared until now. It seems that they will not appear until Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv start to make their way in the world. I don't know. It’s really worth looking forward to whether they will have any interactions with Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv.”

"Little Yang Guo has finally grown up, and the huge world of martial arts is waiting for him outside."

"Yang Guo has not only grown up, but his relationship with Xiao Longnv has become deeper and deeper. I'm talking about the love between a man and a woman. Look at the end of Chapter 6, Xiao Longnv does not care about her own life. We also need to let Yang Guo escape from the ancient tomb. After Yang Guo escaped, he ran back without hesitation when he saw that Xiao Long Nu was in danger. If we continue, I think the two of them will be inseparable."

"I think the relationship between the two of them has reached the point of being inseparable, or even beyond that. They are both willing to risk their own lives for each other. This is definitely a deeper incompatibility, but they don't show it how. "

"Of course, this is not a romance novel, and of course it cannot be a full-length description of the feelings of two people. However, although "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is not a romance novel, I feel that it is about the word 'love'. I’m afraid it will take a lot of romance novels and go deeper.”

"It's hard to say now, let's see what happens later. However, if Guyong is willing, he will definitely write an unforgettable 'love'. Don't forget, Guyong is very good at writing 'love'. "

"Indeed. Whether it is the previous "White Horse Roaring in the West Wind", or those pure love works, as well as the two most classic sentences, 'Ask what love is in the world' and 'The furthest distance in the world', we can all see that Gu Yong A great deal of ‘deep affection’.”

"Gu Yong is indeed very good at writing emotions, but sometimes it makes people a little uncomfortable. For example, Zhen Zhibing actually saw Xiaolong's disheveled appearance, which made people feel uncomfortable."

"It's true that the Taoist priest is obsessed with the little dragon girl. He thinks about the little dragon girl all day long and wants to see the little dragon girl. After all, who is a fairy-like figure like the little dragon girl? Men don't like it? Taoist priests are men too, and we have no right to let the Taoist priest dislike Xiao Longnv. However, Gu Yongda actually let the Taoist priest see Xiaolongnv's disheveled appearance. This is not an advantage to the Taoist priest. Is it okay? This is a bit unpleasant. This plot can be changed a little. "

"Yes, a few sentences have been changed, but Gu Yong wrote it exactly like this. In my opinion, Guyong definitely did it on purpose and wanted to make us unhappy."

"Actually, it's okay. It's still acceptable. Just let Guyong have his way with him for a while."

"We also complained about it, and it is indeed acceptable. However, I hope that Mr. Gu Yong will not do this kind of plot again."

"Don't worry, it won't happen again. What kind of plot do we like and what don't we like?"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Gu Yong knows all the plots, so how can he always write plots that we don't like. "

"That's right. Zhen Zhibing has been given an advantage this time. How can we let him take advantage a second time?"

"Okay, okay, Zhen Zhibing is just infatuated with Xiao Long Nu. He has not done anything bad, and he has not targeted Yang Guo. This incident happened to him accidentally, and he was not a voyeur on purpose. Please forgive me. He’s a little Taoist priest.”

"Yes, the little Taoist priest is quite pitiful. He is completely infatuated with the little dragon girl, but the little dragon girl is destined to be the fairy he will never get. It is indeed a bit pitiful when you think about it."

"Not only can't he get it, but even meeting and saying a word to Xiaolong'nv is an extravagant wish for him. What a pity! Damn it! Why do I feel sorry for that little Taoist priest? Shouldn't we be disgusted with him?"

"Come on, let's change the topic quickly. If we continue talking, that little Taoist priest Zhen Zhibing will really become a pitiable person."


A group of martial arts fans were originally very disgusted with Zhen Zhibing, and they were also very disgusted and unhappy when Zhen Zhibing saw Xiao Longnu's disheveled clothes.

But while everyone was talking, they suddenly felt sorry for Zhen Zhibing, which made everyone very depressed. What the hell is this?

Therefore, I quickly changed the topic and stopped thinking about Zhen Zhibing. I also hoped that Zhen Zhibing would not appear again in future stories.

This time, because he was really pitiful, the matter of him taking advantage was forgotten and passed.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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