Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1294 Martial arts fans are a little hurt

Remember in one second【】

All the martial arts fans are looking forward to it in their hearts, when will Xiao Longnv and Yang Guo be able to practice the internal strength chapter of "Jade Girl's Heart Sutra" together?

And they soon knew the answer, and within a few days, the two officially began to practice together on the internal strength chapter of the "Jade" and "Nv" Heart Sutra.

However, the scene of the two practicing is somewhat different from the scene that martial arts fans expected.

It turned out that Yang Guo accidentally discovered a place outside the ancient tomb. There were powerful bushes of flowers in that place. They were lined up several feet long, densely packed in layers, with red petals and green branches, fragrant and fragrant. There were trees hanging down all around. It looks like a natural "flower" tree house.

At night, the two of them practiced here, sitting across the flowers, with their palms intertwined. Although they both had their clothes open, no one could see the other.

A group of martial arts fans originally felt a little regretful about the way the two practiced Kung Fu, but when they looked at it, they suddenly became excited.

It turned out that even though the two of them were sitting across a bush of flowers and neither could see the other, their palms were intertwined and they were in the same mind when practicing. They also simulated imaginary enemies and cooperated with each other to attack the enemy.

In this way, there will be some stories that many martial arts fans want to see happen.

Finally, when the two of them were imagining an enemy, Yang Guo risked his life to protect Xiao Longnv regardless of his own danger. Xiao Longnv, who had always been as cold as ice, couldn't help but blush, feeling a little uncomfortable, and his eyes showed shyness. Meaning...

In fact, the two of them had been getting along in the ancient tomb for a long time, and their love had grown up early. One was reserved and indifferent, the other was respectful and respectful, and there was nothing overly polite in his words.

At this time, they imagined joining forces to fight against the enemy. The two of them were on the line between life and death. All kinds of etiquette precautions had long been weakened, and they naturally followed the innate nature of mortals.

Xiao Longnu is still the same fairy who is refined from the worldly world, but this fairy has now moved her mortal heart.

Seeing this, all the martial arts fans became excited. It seemed that the matter between Xiao Longnu and Yang Guo was done.

Although the two people have not yet pierced the window paper and still treat each other politely, the martial arts fans can be sure that it will be a matter of time before the two people pierce the window paper. Not in a hurry.

But what happened next made all the martial arts fans almost vomit three liters of blood.

One night,

Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv were practicing among the flowers, but two Taoist priests from Chongyang Palace, Zhao Zhijing and Zhen Zhibing, came nearby and started arguing with each other.

The place where the two practiced was outside the ancient tomb, and it was not part of the forbidden area of ​​Chongyang Palace, so Taoist priests from Chongyang Palace could also come.

But no one expected that two Taoist priests would come here in the middle of the night and quarrel.

Zhao Zhijing was exempted from punishment by Qiu Chuji because of Yang Guo's incident. He became the third generation chief disciple, and the new third generation chief disciple was Zhen Zhibing.

Zhao Zhijing was naturally dissatisfied and wanted to take back the identity of the third generation chief disciple from Zhen Zhibing, and he also grabbed a handle on Zhen Zhibing.

The two quarreled over this matter.

It turned out that Zhen Zhibing had been absent-minded all day long since he met Xiao Longnv. He missed Xiao Longnv very much and his mind was filled with the figure of Xiao Longnv.

He often walked back and forth in the forest outside the Tomb of the Living Dead, mumbling to himself, trying to see Xiao Longnv again. On Xiao Longnv's birthday, he prepared a gift for Xiao Longnv and placed it under the living dead. The forest outside the tomb.

Zhen Zhibing's various thoughts about Xiao Longnv were discovered by Zhao Zhijing, and Zhao Zhijing wanted to use this matter to threaten Zhen Zhibing, so that Zhen Zhibing would take the initiative to return his identity as the third generation chief disciple.

In the end, the two got into a fight not far from where Yang Guo and Long Nu were practicing, and during the fight, they kept getting closer to where Yang Guo and Long Nu were practicing.

Xiao Longnu was at a critical moment in her practice and turned a deaf ear to the fight between the two. She must not be disturbed at this time. Yang Guo couldn't help but become more and more anxious.

Finally, the two of them fought and reached the place where Yang Guo and Xiaolong were practicing, and found the two of them. Xiaolong's daughter was also disturbed, and her practice went awry, and she fainted immediately.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv, their clothes are quite disheveled at this time.

Fortunately, Yang Guo was quick to see the opportunity, and before Zhao Zhijing and Zhen Zhibing discovered them, he quickly covered the little dragon girl with his clothes, and did not let the little dragon girl's beauty shine.

Otherwise, a group of martial arts fans would have a falling out. How could two Taoist priests see the fair and pure body of Xiao Longnu?

At this time, at most two Taoist priests suspected that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv were doing something indecent here.

For a group of martial arts fans, this is barely acceptable, as long as the two Taoist priests don't go out to promote it.

Of course, even if they could barely accept it, all the martial arts fans would have to vomit three liters of blood before they could do it. They all complained in their hearts, what kind of plot was arranged by Guyong.

In the end, Zhao Zhijing and Zhen Zhibing, for different reasons, each swore a vicious oath not to reveal anything about what happened today.

Yang Guo, on the other hand, quickly returned to the ancient tomb with the seriously injured Xiao Longnu in his arms, trying to find a way to treat Xiao Longnu's injuries.

Such an accident caused Xiao Longnu to be seriously injured, and all the martial arts fans didn't know how to complain about Gu Yong.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

I just thought in my heart that it is really hard to be the protagonist in Gu Yong's works. No matter if it is the male protagonist or the female protagonist, I don't know when Gu Yong will abuse her.

As readers, of course they have to work hard. When Guyong is abusing the protagonist, he is actually abusing them.

Fortunately, Xiaolongnu's Bingqingyujie body was not seen by the two Taoist priests. Everyone was a little injured and got over it after complaining for a while.

What everyone is worried about now is that Xiao Longnu has been so seriously injured. Will there be any more accidents?

But in fact, another accident really happened.

In order to treat Xiao Longnu's injury, Yang Guo left the ancient tomb and went down the mountain to find some herbs.

As soon as they reached the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, they met Hong Ling Bo, a disciple of Li Mochou. Hong Ling Bo came to Zhongnan Mountain this time to steal the "Jade Girl's Heart Sutra" from the Tomb of the Living Dead. .

When Yang Guo learned that Hong Lingbo was going to the ancient tomb, he was worried that Xiao Longnu was in danger, so he had to temporarily give up looking for herbs, but pretended to be stupid and followed Hong Lingbo back to the ancient tomb.

Xiao Longnv was seriously injured, and one Hong Lingbo was already troublesome enough. What was even worse was that Red Train Fairy Li Mochou quietly followed the two of them into the ancient tomb.

When Li Mochou saw that Xiao Longnv was seriously injured, she couldn't help but be overjoyed and wondered in her mind, what kind of magic method should she come up with? Only then can Xiao Longnv be forced to hand over the "Jade Girl's Heart Sutra".

After many changes in this turmoil, Xiao Longnu's seriously injured body got better. She originally wanted Yang Guo to escape from the ancient tomb alone, but how could Yang Guo abandon her?

Xiao Longnv was familiar with the mechanisms in the ancient tomb. She could have relied on the mechanisms to trap Li Mochou and Master Hong Lingbo in the ancient tomb, and she and Yang Guo left the ancient tomb.

However, Xiao Longnu must obey her master's orders and guard the ancient tomb well, and must not let outsiders occupy it.

Therefore, she cannot leave the tomb.

Xiao Longnv refused to leave, and Yang Guo refused to leave no matter what, saying that he would die in the ancient tomb with Xiao Longnv.

In the end, Xiao Longnu activated the mechanism and put down the dragon-breaking stone in the ancient tomb, trapping herself, Yang Guo, Li Mochou, Hong Lingbo and his disciples in the ancient tomb.

The Broken Dragon Stone weighs more than 10,000 kilograms. It was the final stone built by Wang Chongyang to prevent the Jin soldiers from attacking. Once it was put down, the entire ancient tomb was sealed and could not be opened again.

This also means that from now on, the Tomb of the Living Dead will be sealed forever, and Xiao Longnv, Yang Guo, Li Mochou, and Hong Lingbo will never be able to leave the tomb again.

At this time, the serialization of Chapter 6 "Jade's Heart Sutra" has ended, and the serialization of this issue of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has also ended.

A group of martial arts fans looked away from the magazine and saw the present in one breath. Their reading postures had not changed much. They needed to simply move their bodies.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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