Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1299 Xu Xian was sent to Zhenjiang

Remember in one second【】

Zen Master Fahai is the respected founder of Jinshan Temple, so his image should naturally be very positive.

In fact, in the earliest legends related to the Legend of White Snake, the image of Zen Master Fahai is indeed positive.

For example, in the story of Feng Menglong's "Warning Words: The White Snake Will Forever Guard the Lei Feng Pagoda", Fa Hai is a positive image of an enlightened monk.

However, with the continuous interpretation of the legend of "The Legend of White Snake", Fahai's image gradually changed.

Especially some contemporary film and television dramas, and even songs, have overly distorted and vilified Fahai's image, turning him into an image of an evil monk who is indiscriminate, specializes in breaking up people's marriages, and does not understand love.

This may be the need for artistic creation, and it may be understandable, but we should understand and understand that Zen Master Fahai, who transformed history, was an eminent monk who made great contributions to the transformation of Zen Buddhism.

Speaking of Fahai, of course we have to talk about Jinshan Temple.

In the previous life, there were many temples called "Jinshan Temple" across the country, found in many places, but the most famous and influential one is undoubtedly the Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province.

It is also said to be the Jinshan Temple founded by Zen Master Fahai, and the Jinshan Temple related to the Legend of the White Snake.

Jinshan Temple has a history of more than 1,600 years since its establishment. During the Qing Dynasty, it was listed as one of the four famous temples in the country along with Putuo Temple, Shu Temple and Daming Temple.

Jinshan Temple is also the only temple in the country that faces east and west, and the temple's gate faces the Paradise of Paradise in the west.

The sunset has turned red several times, but the Zen temple is still there. The name of Jinshan Temple has always been enduring in history. It has a profound historical accumulation and has welcomed countless people in history.

There are many related legends, and the most famous one is naturally related to the legend of the White Snake, "Water floods Jinshan Temple".

As for why Jinshan Temple is related to the legend of the White Snake, Li Fan guessed that it might have something to do with the legend that Fahai, the founder of Jinshan Temple, had defeated a white python that endangered everyone when he first came to Jinshan.

And what's the real reason? It is not important, and there is no need to delve into it. Even if you want to delve into it, you are bound to not be able to find out the real reason.

After all, they are just some related legends, and sometimes no reason is needed.

The way back to the village,

Li Fan pondered in his mind what happened between Fahai and Bai Suzhen, and remained silent for a while. There was also no answer to the question Qin Yulin had just asked.

Qin Yulin waited for a short while and saw that Li Fan still didn't answer. He couldn't help but said with some confusion: "Brother-in-law, what are you thinking about? When will Bai Suzhen tell Xu Xian about her identity as a thousand-year-old snake demon? We want to know in advance.”

Li Fan pulled his thoughts back and said after hearing this: "After tomorrow's serial "Water Floods Jinshan Temple", Bai Suzhen will tell Xu Xian her true identity. It is precisely because of Bai Suzhen's flood Jinshan Temple that she has A bad feeling."

"The water flooded the Jinshan Temple?" The three women asked at the same time in confusion, "Isn't the Jinshan Temple the place where monk Fahai belongs? Why did Bai Suzhen want the water to flood the Jinshan Temple?"

Li Fan did not say it, but said: "You will know after reading the serial."

"Tch!" The three 'women' said "cut" at the same time, but they did not continue to ask further questions. Since Li Fan said that he knew after reading tomorrow's serial, let's wait until he reads tomorrow's serial.

Anyway, time is running fast. If Li Fan says it now, when he reads the series tomorrow, he may feel less expectant.

Therefore, the three 'women' no longer continued to ask questions, but talked about other topics.

The three 'women' stopped asking questions, and Li Fan naturally stopped answering, but continued to ponder things in his mind.

"The Legend of White Snake" is serialized on Weibo every day, and now we have finally reached the scene where Bai Suzhen floods the Jinshan Temple.

This is undoubtedly a very important plot in the entire film. Bai Suzhen violated the law of heaven because the water flooded Jinshan Temple and hurt many innocent creatures, and she was eventually imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda.

Previously, Xu Xian was sent to Suzhou and opened a security hall in Suzhou. With Bai Suzhen's secret assistance, Xu Xian's medical skills became famous in Suzhou.

This aroused the jealousy of members of the "Three Emperors Patriarchs Association" who were fellow doctors, and they jointly planned to frame Xu Xian, but Bai Suzhen resolved them one by one.

Moreover, Xu Xian also took the position of leader of the "Three Emperors Patriarch Association".

According to the rules, when Xu Xian was in office, he needed to display treasures to the outside world. In order not to embarrass Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen asked Xiaoqing to steal them. Four treasures from Prince Liang's Mansion were put on display that day.

Later, Liang Lian, the son of Prince Liang, went to Gusu to invite Xu Xian to treat Prince Liang. At the Three Emperors Patriarch Association, he discovered four stolen treasures from the Liang Mansion.

They designed Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian to treat Prince Liang's illness in Beijing, while he stayed in Gusu and led the government officials to conflict with Xiao Qing and wanted to arrest Xiao Qing.

After Bai Suzhen learned about it in the capital, she hurried back and advised Liang Lian that it was best to settle the matter, otherwise he would report it to the Liang Mansion.

Because those four treasures were not the property of the Liang family, but tributes from other barbarian states to the imperial court. They were privately withheld by Prince Liang. If they were found out, it would be a serious crime for the whole family to be executed.

In the end, Liang Lian returned to Beijing with the treasure. When leaving, Bai Suzhen asked Liang Lian to send Xu Xian back to Suzhou safely.

However, after Liang Lian returned to Beijing, he tortured Xu Xian, penetrated his collarbone, and took him to Gusu Mansion for punishment.

Later, after a series of conflicts, Bai Suzhen threatened Prince Liang on the grounds of informing Prince Liang's palace. Prince Liang had to order Chen Lun, the prefect of Gusu, to give Xu Xian a light sentence.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

Xu Xian was assigned again, this time to Zhenjiang.

Later, Prince Liang wanted to kill Xu Xian because he was worried that Xu Xian would file a lawsuit in the capital.

So, Liang Lian invited a monk who had subdued demons and led the officers and soldiers of Prince Liang's Mansion to surround the tea shed where Xu Xian and Bai Fu, who were ordered to protect Xu Xian, stayed.

Liang Lian had people set fire to the tea shed, and a monk and two men joined forces to kill Bai Fu (later Bai Fu was reborn with the help of Bai Suzhen), but Xu Xian was lucky enough to escape.

After that, Xu Xian went to the capital to look for Bai Suzhen and was captured into the Liang Mansion. Fortunately, he was rescued by a monk who was detained in the Liang Mansion. He and his master risked their lives to escape from prison, and escaped from the capital with the help of an old man.

However, at this time Xu Xian already knew that Bai Suzhen had left the capital, and it was very likely that she went to Zhenjiang because she knew that she was sent to Zhenjiang.

So Xu Xian decided to go to Zhenjiang to find Bai Suzhen.

Xu Xian's brother-in-law, Li Gongfu, learned that Xu Xian was sent to Zhenjiang again, so he went to Zhenjiang to take care of him. However, because of a past grudge with the guards of Prince Liang's Palace, he was hunted down by the guards of Prince Liang's Palace.

Later, he was met by Liang Lian, who also ordered the guards to kill Li Gongfu. Fortunately, he was met and rescued by Xiao Qing.

In this conflict, Xiaoqing finally killed Liang Lian in anger.

Fa Hai rushed to the rescue, but was ultimately a step too late and failed to save Liang Lian, but he seriously injured Xiao Qing.

Fourth update, additional update for Herodo (1/4)

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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