Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1308 Gift

Remember in one second【】

Jared's house. .: . Mobile terminal m.

Jared's wife Rose gave a very warm reception to Li Fan and his party, and Li Fan and others expressed their gratitude.

At this time, the doorbell rang. Jared said "Sorry" and then got up to open the door.

Outside the door was a young man dressed as a deliveryman, with a large package behind him. After seeing the door open, he smiled politely and then said: "Dear Mr. Jared, hello! Here is There is a consignment package from you, which is consigned from the distant country of China. Could you please sign for it? To be honest, this package is really heavy. "

Jared was a little surprised and said, "Oh, thank you! This package does look heavy, but I'm not sure who sent it to me?"

Li Fan walked to the door and said with a smile: "Mr. Gired, don't be surprised. This is the gift I prepared for you, but I can only send it to you by consignment, because I can't handle such a heavy package." It can’t be brought here directly.”

Hearing what Li Fan said, the look of confusion on Jared's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of surprise. He had already roughly guessed what was in the package? It should be various ingredients produced by Xianyuan Farm.

This made him very excited, not because he was greedy for Li Fan's gift, but because the various ingredients produced at Xianyuan Farm were definitely the most delicious ingredients in the world.

In Lan Country, the ingredients of Xianyuan Farm cannot be bought even with money.

Of course, this does not mean that Languo does not have ingredients from Xianyuan Farm.

In fact, more and more people from Languo are traveling to Sansheng Village in Huaguo, and the various ingredients from Xianyuan Farm are must-buys for them.

However, they treat the ingredients they bought as if they were treasures, so how could they be willing to sell them?

Therefore, Jared was very surprised and happy about the gift Li Fan gave him, and said: "Thank you so much, dear Mr. Li Fan, this gift is really too valuable for us."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Mr. Jared, you're too polite. It's just some edible ingredients, far from expensive."

Jared added: "These ingredients may not be valuable in Mr. Li Fan's eyes, but these ingredients are so expensive in our country, Lan, that you can't even buy them with money."

Li Fan smiled,

Without saying another word, Jared signed for the package form. Li Fan and Jared carried the package into the house. It was really a bit heavy.

Rose was also very pleasantly surprised. She had eaten the ingredients Jared brought back from Sansheng Village before, and they were truly the most delicious food in the world.

It's just that Sansheng Village is too far away from Langdon, so it's not easy for them to buy ingredients from Sansheng Village.

This is because the ingredients in Sansheng Village can only be purchased by guests in person. After the guests purchase in person, if they don’t want to take them away themselves, the farm can help mail them.

But if you want to place an order and have the farm mail it directly, that won’t work. The farm won’t accept this business.

It’s not that the farm is making money, but the supply of the farm’s products simply exceeds demand. Even the customers who go to the farm can’t be fully satisfied, so where are they taking orders?

But now, Li Fan brought them such a large package of ingredients, which was really a surprise.

Ross was once again grateful to Li Fan.

At this time, Lucy took the little girl's hand and was about to take her to her room to play. When Li Fan saw this, he said, "Lucy, brother Li Fan also brought you a gift." .”

When Lucy heard this, she ran over excitedly, opened her beautiful big eyes and said, "Is it true? Brother Li Fan, what gift did you bring me?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course it is true. I believe Lucy will like this gift."

After speaking, Li Fan took out a book from Su Qing's bag, handed it to Lucy and said, "Lucy, this is a gift for you."

Lucy took it with great expectation, looked at the cover, and cheered excitedly: "Oh! It's Harry Potter, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", Brother Li Fan, this is The fourth part of Harry Potter?”

Li Fan nodded and said: "Yes, this is the fourth "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". It is not yet available in the market. Lucy's Dutch version is the only one in the world now. One of several books, and the only one in Lan Country, Lucy, do you like it?”

'Lucy' looked more and more excited and said: "I like it, I like it, brother Li Fan, I like it so much, thank you, brother Li Fan!"

Li Fan smiled and said: "It's okay, as long as Lucy is happy."

Jared was also very surprised and said: "Mr. Li Fan, thank you for the gift to Lucy. It is really too valuable."

Li Fan waved his hand and said: "Mr. Jared is serious. This is nothing valuable. Lucy likes it."

Jared was still very pleasantly surprised. The book "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" that Li Fan gave to Lucy was absolutely meaningful and worthy of being treasured forever.

In addition, there is another thing that surprises Jared, that is, Li Fan has completed the creation of the fourth Harry Potter movie. That means that the fourth movie will be released on the market soon.

This is definitely a big surprise for Sander Publishing House.

Of course, it is also a surprising and exciting event for many publishing houses in many countries around the world, as well as countless Harry Potter fans around the world.

So far, three Harry Potter series have been released

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, more than 50 countries around the world have introduced this work, and the total sales volume has reached nearly 100 million copies.

The number of Harry Potter fans around the world is countless, and at least "hundred million" is needed as the unit.

Countless people have been looking forward to the fourth part of Harry Potter for a long time, and now, it is finally coming out.

Jared said excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan, when do you plan to release the fourth part?"

When will the market open? Li Fan naturally had a plan. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "About twenty days from now, after our country's traditional Spring Festival."

Jared said happily: "That's great. Mr. Li Fan, this is definitely great news."

Li Fandao: "I feel very honored that this work is so popular, and it is not in vain that I brought it to this world."

Jared smiled and said: "It should be the countless Harry Potter fans in this world who want to thank Mr. Li Fan for bringing them such a work."

Li Fan smiled. What he said was true. He brought it to this world. In fact, it had another meaning. However, only Li Fan himself could understand this meaning.

After that, time passed slowly and it was time for dinner. Ross prepared a sumptuous dinner for the guests.

Naturally, the guests and hosts enjoyed this dinner and it was a very enjoyable meal.

After dinner, Li Fan and others sat for a while, then got up and said goodbye and went back to the hotel.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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