Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1310 Western Music

Remember in one second【】

On January 18th, it was early morning in Langdun, Lan State. . :.

After Li Fan got up early as a habit, he left the hotel and walked around the nearby streets a few times.

At eight o'clock in the morning, I returned to the hotel and called Su Qing, Qin Yulin, Tang Ying, and the little girl to bed.

The three girls put some makeup on in the room, and Li Fan took the little girl to have breakfast first, because the little girl would go to school with Lucy later and had to eat early.

After breakfast, Li Fan arrived with the little girl again. At the door of the apartment where Jared lived, he happened to see Jared and Lucy coming out of the door of the apartment.

After the two sides said hello, Lucy and the little girl went to school hand in hand.

The school is nearby, so the two of them can just walk there.

Jared went to his magazine. He needed to go to the magazine to deal with things today.

After Jared said goodbye, Li Fan returned to the hotel. By this time, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying had also finished breakfast.

Li Fan said: "Let's go, I'll take a taxi and go directly to the city center."

The three women nodded at the same time, and then they took a taxi directly in front of the hotel and headed directly to the city center.

Langdun is a very large city, and the area in the center of the city is not small. An hour later, Li Fan and Su Qing got off the car near the Dalan Museum.

It is close to London University and Russell Square, and is very lively and prosperous.

A few people did not enter the Dalan Museum, but walked along a street from east to west.

Walking on the streets of Langdun City is naturally a completely different feeling than walking on the streets in China. In addition to the completely different architectural styles on both sides of the streets, almost all of the people flowing back and forth are also Western faces.

This kind of exotic customs made Li Fan and the others feel quite fresh and very interested.

And when a few people walk on the street, the rate of turning back is also very high, especially the rate of men turning back, which is almost 100%.

Naturally, what everyone is looking at is not Li Fan, but Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying.

There may be differences between Western and Eastern people's aesthetic standards for beautiful women. Many Eastern beauties may not look very beautiful in Western eyes.

But the looks of the three girls, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, completely broke the aesthetic gap between Eastern and Western people.

In the eyes of Westerners, the appearance of the three of them is equally stunning.

If there was only one of them, the return rate wouldn't be so high, but now that the three of them are together, it's really eye-catching.

Li Fan had an excellent ear. Along the way, all he could hear were the incredible low voices and whispers of praise from passers-by, both male and female.

Among them, the majority are naturally male.

"Oh! God, look at those three beautiful women. I can't believe there are such beautiful women in the world. I guess they must be from China. In the far east, there must be only China. Only then can such a beautiful woman exist."

"They are so beautiful. I have never seen such beautiful women. I really can't believe that there are such beautiful women in the East. Well, they must be from China."

"Who is that oriental man walking with them? To be honest, I am very envious of him. Okay, I admit, I am jealous."

"It is indeed very enviable. It must be a very happy thing to be with those three beautiful women."


The voices he heard in his ears were either admiration and praise for the three women's looks, or envy and jealousy of himself. This made Li Fan feel a little proud. This was comparable to the voices he heard marveling at his talent. Much more proud.

However, the three girls, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, felt a little unnatural as they walked. Although they were already used to the way other people looked at them, if the rate of turning back was too high, they would eventually feel a little unnatural. Not natural.

Qin Yulin whispered: "Sister, Sister Yingying, why don't we go buy a hat? I feel a little uncomfortable being looked at like this all the time."

Su Qing nodded and said, "Then let's find a store nearby and buy one."

Tang Ying also said: "Okay, there seems to be a house in front of us. Let's go there and have a look."

Su Qing and Qin Yulin both said "hmm" at the same time. Then Su Qing turned back to Li Fan and said, "Which store should we go to and take a look?"

Li Fan nodded. He had already heard what the three women had just said. He smiled faintly and followed the three women into a shop in front.

In the store, the three women each chose a fashionable hat with a wide brim. They put it on their heads and lowered the brim so that half of their faces could be covered.

After walking out of the store and walking on the street again, although the rate of return is still not low, it is much less than before, and it will not make the three women feel uncomfortable.

After passing through several streets in this way, Qin Yulin clicked his tongue and asked: "Do people in Langdon like to watch operas? We didn't walk long and we already saw at least four theaters, and they were all grand theaters."

Li Fan smiled and said, "That seems to be the case. According to what Jared said before, many people in this city have a special preference for music. The theaters we just saw have free music performances every day. , classical music, jazz music, folk music, country music, etc. are available.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

There is even music from other places, and the range of performances is very wide. "

"I see." Qin Yulin nodded, and then said, "Brother-in-law, do you know their Western music?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "There should be no problem. Music is essentially the same. Whether it is Western music or Eastern music, music that can touch people's hearts is good music. It's just because of the cultural backgrounds of the two places and other factors. The differences just cause the music in the two places to be different."

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up and he said, "Brother-in-law, when will you compose a Western music to listen to?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Why don't you create Western music when you have nothing to do? You are the only girl who has too much to do."

Qin Yulin curled his lips and said to Tang Ying: "Sister Yingying, if I give you a song in Lan Wen, will you sing it? You are so fluent in Lan Wen, there should be no problem, right?"

Tang Ying thought for a while and said, "There is no problem. Aren't you and Qingqing's Lan Wen equally fluent? In fact, you can also sing."

Qin Yulin said: "Sister and I don't sing. Besides, our singing is half-key. How can we compare with you, sister Yingying?"

Tang Ying smiled and said: "That's because you two don't want to sing. If you are willing to sing, after some professional training, you will never be worse than me."

Qin Yulin said: "Sister Yingying, you can sing alone. Sister Yingying, when will you ask your brother-in-law to write a Lan Wen song for you? Didn't he say he can? Let's see if he really can?" "

Tang Ying said: "He will definitely do it. Why do you, girl, suddenly think of Lan Wenge?"

Qin Yulin stuck out his tongue and said, "There's no reason. I just saw so many opera houses and it suddenly reminded me."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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