Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1328 Complete Passivity

Remember in one second【】

Lineker and Wei An saw the cunning hidden in Qin Yulin's eyes and finally realized that they might have been tricked. Fastest update

What did the three beauties accept that they meant? What three beauties are going to be theirs soon?

Fake, fake, everything is fake, the faces of the two people couldn't help but become gloomier.

In fact, both of them can be regarded as smart and alert people. Otherwise, it would not be possible for them to have a net worth of millions of pounds at the age of about thirty years old.

It's just that they didn't expect that they, who are usually smart and alert, would have easily lost their way just now. If they hadn't heard the people around them talking about how much money they had ordered in total, they might not have woken up so quickly.

However, even though they have woken up now, things are still quite troublesome.

Qin Yulin asked them if what they ordered was too expensive?

This question is difficult for Lineker and Wei An to answer at all. If they say it is indeed expensive, the price is already unbearable for them.

Then, in the eyes of the onlookers around them, they would lose a lot of face.

Not only is the image of a true rich man gone in the eyes of the people around him, but it also makes people think that they were just pretending to be rich, and they were trying to save face. They obviously have no money, but they still pretend to be very rich and don't care. look like.

This is undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing, and the two of them cannot accept it.

But if you don’t say that these things are too expensive, you still insist on saying that they are not expensive.

Then, the three women opposite will probably continue to click.

Even if they don't order any more and just ask the waiter to bring over what they just ordered, each of them will have to bear a cost of nearly 1 million pounds, which is beyond their ability to bear.

If they could really get three beauties after spending this 1 million pounds, then the two of them would grit their teeth and admit it.

After all, it is not an exaggeration to exchange 1 million pounds for such a top-notch beauty in the world, and they can afford it.

You know, such a top-notch beauty is something you can only meet but cannot ask for. No matter how much money you spend, you can't get such a top-notch beauty.

But the key is that Nima now clearly knows that the three beauties are playing tricks on them.

Even if they spent the 1 million pounds, they would definitely not get three beauties.

In other words, if it is not expensive to continue to hold on, it will be equivalent to spending 1 million pounds just for the sake of face, and it may even cost more than 1 million pounds.

Who knows if the three beauties will continue ordering something? If I continue to order, how much will it cost?

This is even more unacceptable to these two people.

So, now in full view of the public, the two of them are undoubtedly in a dilemma. Whether they admit that what they ordered is too expensive, or they refuse to admit that what they ordered is too expensive, the consequences will be that they are absolutely unacceptable.

What should I do?

Of course, there is no way to do it. Both of them were thinking in their hearts, "Three beauties don't know how to show appreciation. They don't treat them well when they invite them to drink. Instead, they want to play tricks on us. Now that we are in full view of the public, Jin is not the same." Retreating is not an option, so don’t blame us for taking some measures that no one wants to see.”

After thinking about it, both of them sneered in their hearts. If they didn't take some measures, these three top oriental beauties might not know that the place where they were now was the concert hall of their Langdon City.

When did three foreign women from the East become so bold?

Moreover, if they look like this, they will not only get three beautiful girls, but they will also not lose face in front of everyone. It is really the best of both worlds.

Lineker and Vian, both at such a young age, have a net worth of millions of pounds. In addition to their own intelligence and alertness, it is also because they are good at dealing with various people, including So-called people on the road.

Lineker and Wei An calmly sent some messages on their mobile phones.

Then, Lineker sneered and said: "Three beautiful ladies, we kindly invited you to drink and let you do as you please, but you don't seem to be grateful."

When Lineker said these words, the original atmosphere changed instantly.

These changes can also be felt by the people watching around.

Although they didn't know why Lineker suddenly said this, they could feel that the situation seemed to be changing and becoming more and more exciting and interesting.

This suddenly made them feel even more excited. They were just there to watch the excitement, so naturally the more interesting and intense the situation, the better.

Even Giroud, Telles and others who were watching outside the VIP area faintly felt that the atmosphere seemed to have changed.

They also became more excited.

Li Fan has been watching silently and has not made a sound.

Now, sensing the change in the minds of Lineker and Wei An, Li Fan frowned slightly, but still did not say anything out loud.

Although Qin Yulin, Su Qing, and Tang Ying did not know what Lineke and Wei'an were thinking at this time, they also knew that Lineke and Wei'an had noticed their thoughts.

Qin Yulin said doubtfully: "What does Mr. Lineker mean by this? We don't quite understand. Of course we appreciate you inviting us to drink. Why do you say we don't?"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Appreciate it? Do you think what we ordered is too expensive? But when we just ordered something. We obviously asked you, and we only ordered it after you said "it's OK" and "it's not expensive." Besides, if you think what we ordered is too expensive now, then we can return the item, just don't order it. "

Everyone around had not seen the cunning in Qin Yulin's eyes before, but now they couldn't help but nodded when they heard what Qin Yulin said. What Qin Yulin said was indeed true. When they ordered each kind of wine, they did ask them if they could order it. ? It was indeed only after the two of them agreed that they decided.

Now why does Lineker suddenly say that these three beauties don’t appreciate it? Could it be that you really think it’s too expensive and want to regret it, so you just said that on purpose?

Are they not really wealthy people?

When Lineker and Wei An heard the whispers from the people around them, they discovered that the three beauties had been laying a trap for them before, but they had never noticed it.

This situation now puts them in a completely passive state.

A hint of hatred flashed in their eyes, and they both thought viciously in their hearts: "After we get our hands on these three beauties, we must ravage them."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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