Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1329 Not 5 years, but 5 minutes

Remember in one second【】

The situation was very passive. Lineker and Wei An both thought in their hearts that they must find a way to get rid of the current passive situation. . .

Otherwise, the situation will become increasingly passive.

After thinking about it, Lineker said loudly to the people around him: "Dear friends, please think carefully about the situation just now. The poor boy didn't have money to treat three beauties to drinks. We came here to treat three beauties to drinks with good intentions. We also asked the three beauties to order by themselves. But think about it, are there any people who order wine like them? It’s not that we can’t bear to part with the 1.82 million pounds, but it’s that they clearly tricked us on purpose.”

After hearing what Lineker said, everyone around them thought it made sense. It was indeed unusual for three beauties to order 1.82 million pounds worth of wine in one go.

However, Lineker and Wei An invited three beauties to drink, which could relieve the three beauties from their previous embarrassment. The three beauties should be grateful. There is no reason to deliberately trick them.

The situation seems to be getting more and more interesting, the people around are getting more and more excited, and the voices are divided into two groups.

One group supported Lineker and Wei An, saying that it was indeed unusual for three beauties to order something, and they were suspected of deceiving others.

The other group supports three beauties, saying that three beauties are unnecessary and there is no reason to deceive two people.

Lineker and Wei An secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw someone supporting them. The situation was finally not as passive as before.

Later, Lineker snorted coldly at the three women: "You know best what you think in your heart. I advise you not to play tricks. Let's all drink together happily, and everything will be fine."

Qin Yulin said: "Mr. Lineker, what you just said, do you mean you don't want to spend this money? Then we won't spend it. Waiter, I'm sorry, we don't want all the things we just ordered. These two gentlemen don’t have that much money and can’t afford it.”

When Lineker heard this, he said angrily: "What's so great about a mere 1.82 million pounds? How can we not afford it? We just don't want to be cheated by you. As long as you follow us immediately after drinking these drinks, we will immediately How about paying and letting the waiter serve the wine?”

Qin Yulin chuckled and said, "I'll follow you. This probably won't work. Before you invited us to drink, you didn't say that I would follow you after we drank."

Lineker became even angrier and said to everyone around him: "Everyone knows now, they didn't even think about leaving with us, but they still ordered so many things.

Isn't this a deliberate attempt to trick us? "

These words made everyone around him nod again. It was true. Generally speaking, if someone takes the initiative to invite you to drink in a place like this, everyone knows what he means.

If you don't have that intention, then just reject others directly. Now you have taken the initiative to order a drink, and even ordered a sky-high price, but you said you don't plan to go with me. This is really unreasonable.

In this way, the vast majority of the people around them supported Lineker and Wei An.

However, Qin Yulin added: "Actually, it's not that we don't want to go with you, but that our husband doesn't agree with us going with you."

"Your husband?" Not only Lineker and Wei An were confused, but everyone around them was also confused.

Lineker frowned and said, "Your husband is here? Who is he? Where is he?"

Qin Yulin smiled and nudged Su Qing with his elbow. Su Qing understood, got up and walked to Li Fan, took Li Fan's arm and said sweetly: "He is our husband!"

This scene surprised everyone at the scene, and they all found it very incredible. The person who was reluctant to consume even the cheapest red wine was actually those three extremely beautiful gentlemen?

This is a little too crazy.

It is precisely because it is too crazy that no one wants to believe it.

Lineker and Wei An were even more jealous and angry. They thought that the three beauties had no intention of following them, so they deliberately said that the poor boy was their husband.

It was an excuse and an opportunity to ridicule them. In the eyes of everyone around them, they said, "Look, we would rather say that this poor boy is our husband than go with them."

Lineker said angrily: "That poor boy is your husband? You are teasing us. I advise you not to think of any tricks and just follow us. Otherwise, just because you have played tricks on us again and again today, This can’t be done well.”

Qin Yulin hummed softly: "You are a poor boy on the left and a poor boy on the right. Are you rich yourself? You are not willing to spend even 1 million pounds. You think you are rich."

Lineker was even more angry. This girl said it lightly, but she was reluctant to spend even 1 million pounds? This is money that countless people will never earn in their lifetime, okay?

So, he said angrily: "You said I have no money? What a joke, I have a net worth of millions of pounds and I have no money? If I call it no money, who is that poor boy? That poor boy, let me ask you , how much is your current net worth? You'd better tell the truth, don't just say an astronomical number, it will be easily exposed." The second half of the sentence was naturally directed towards Li Fan.

Hearing Lineker's question, everyone around him looked at Li Fan with good intentions, wanting to see how Li Fan would answer?

Li Fan saw everyone's eyes focused on him, smiled lightly, and said lightly: "I don't know."

After hearing this, Lineker sneered and said: "Poor boy, I think it's not that you don't know, but you are embarrassed to say it, right?"

Li Fan still said calmly: "I really don't know, I won't lie to you.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


Li Fan's indifferent tone made Lineker feel very unhappy, and said angrily: "How can a person not even know how much he is worth? You kid is obviously embarrassed to say it."

However, Li Fan still said calmly: "Because there are too many, I haven't calculated it, and it's not easy to calculate, because it keeps rising at any time."

Lineker laughed angrily and said, "Are you kidding us?"

Li Fan waved his hand and said: "What's the point of teasing you? Well, in your country, there is a very famous sports car that sells for about 100,000 rand. Let me ask you, if you want to make enough money to buy such a car, How long does it take to pay for a sports car?”

Lineker was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that Li Fan would ask this suddenly, and he didn't understand what the purpose of Li Fan's question was.

However, Li Fan's question clearly gave him a chance to show off.

So, Lineker proudly said loudly: "For me, it only takes a month to earn enough money for a sports car worth 100,000 rand."

However, after Lineker finished speaking, he did not hear the expected sounds of surprise, admiration, and envy.

It was only later that I realized, Magan! This is a VIP area, and those who dare to spend money here are more or less wealthy.

Earning 100,000 rand a month, in the eyes of ordinary people, is definitely worthy of surprise and admiration, but in this VIP area, everyone is obviously not that surprised.

This guy was not pretending, and Lineker was quite annoyed. Fortunately, he could still pretend to be cool in front of the poor boy in front of him and the three beauties, so he said again: "How about it, boy, are you very surprised?" , very jealous?”

However, Li Fan shook his head and said with a faint smile: "No, no, no, one month is too slow."

"Really?" When Linek heard what Li Fan said, he was no longer angry. He just sneered and said, "Poor boy, how long will it take you to earn so much money? Ten years? Twenty? "

Li Fan shook his head and said, "It doesn't take that long?"

Lineker continued to sneer and said: "Really, how long will it take, nine years? Eight years?"

Li Fan still shook his head, but this time he didn't speak anymore. Instead, he stretched out his right hand and spread his five fingers to show the number "five".

When Lineker saw it, he sneered: "Five years? You brag, how do you expect to earn 20,000 pounds a year?"

Li Fan said calmly: "It's not five years, it's five minutes!"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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