Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1330 You deserve it

Remember in one second【】

"Not five years, but five minutes!"

Lineker and Wei An, as well as everyone around them, did not react after hearing Li Fan's extremely pretentious words.

Earn £100,000 in five minutes? This is just bragging. It doesn't have such a bragging method. This is too exaggerated.

It took a long time for everyone to react, and then there was a burst of laughter. No one believed Li Fan's words, and they were all thinking that this kid had gone crazy?

Otherwise, why would you say such ridiculous and generous words?

The roar of laughter also attracted the audience from outside the VIP area, including Giroud and Telles, into the VIP area.

They were watching outside the VIP area before, and could not hear the conversation between the two parties very clearly. This made them feel very unsatisfied. After hearing the laughter of everyone, they could not help but ran into the VIP area. .

There is no rule that they cannot enter the VIP area. It is just because everyone knows the unspoken rules, which makes them embarrassed to enter.

Now driven by strong good intentions, I don't care about so much anymore. What if I came in?

And when they got closer, they finally saw the faces of the three beautiful women. They were extremely shocked and finally understood why the two men before were so obsessed.

Any man would be obsessed with this if he saw it.

Then, he found out the reason for everyone's laughter, and couldn't help but laugh along with them. They were all thinking, "Brother, we understand that you want to save your face in this way, but you've boasted too much. You blew it. You said it would take a year. Even if everyone is doubtful, it is just doubt after all. Now it only takes five minutes, who will believe it?"

After the laughter, Lineker said: "Boy, don't you know how to brag? There are still five minutes, why didn't you say it for five seconds?"

Li Fan said calmly: "Five seconds is not impossible."

When everyone heard this, they all thought, could this kid really be crazy? This is getting more and more exaggerated.

Lineker sneered and said: "Okay, whatever you brats say, since you can earn 100,000 pounds in five minutes, then you should be very rich. Well, you can simply prove it, please everyone here, How about a glass of wine worth 10,000 rand and we believe you are really rich? There should be less than 100 people here.

You won’t spend more than R1 million. For someone who earns 100,000 rand in five minutes, you should not take 1 million rand pounds seriously. "

After hearing this, Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "To be honest, I really don't care much about 1 million pounds. But why should I treat you to a drink? And why should I prove it to you?"

"Why?" Lineker choked and said, "If you don't prove it, then everyone here will think you are bragging, and no one will believe that you are a rich man."

Li Fandao: "I didn't say that I want you to believe that I am a rich man. If you don't want to believe it, just don't believe it. What does this have to do with me?"

Lineker choked again and said: "If we don't believe you, in our eyes, you are just a poor boy who only knows how to brag. Wouldn't you be very shameless? Can you bear it?"

Li Fan said: "Why you think that is your business has nothing to do with me. Well, if you have nothing else to do, leave now. You are so noisy that you can't even hear the singing. You must know that we are here to listen Singing.”

As soon as Li Fan said this, everyone was stunned. What do you mean? Is this over? This guy really doesn't care what we think of him?

Lineker was also stunned and didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

At this time, Wei An, who had not spoken for a long time, sneered and said: "Lineke, we must not be fooled by him. He is just deliberately making such a gesture to confuse us. Because, he cannot prove that he He is very rich. Under normal circumstances, the boast he just boasted will be exposed immediately. After being exposed, he will be disgraced. However, he is now deliberately putting on a posture that you don't want to believe it, forget it. In this way, everyone will be confused and think he is more mysterious, and no one will care whether he is really rich or fake. "

After Wei An said this, Lineker and everyone around him suddenly realized that Wei An was right. They were really confused just now, and they were all thinking, why does that kid not care about his face so much?

This guy turned out to be the kid who was spreading suspicion in order to divert everyone's attention. Don't tell me, everyone was almost fooled.

Lineker sneered and said: "I asked you why you are always so calm. It turned out that you were planning on this and you almost deceived you. You are very smart. No wonder you were able to deceive three beauties and you. Together. Well, you want to pretend to be mysterious, which really has nothing to do with us, and we are too lazy to continue nagging you. However, these three beauties just played a real trick on us, and almost caused us to be in so many You lose all face in front of others. We can ignore your affairs, but the affairs of these three beauties will not end that easily."

"Oh?" Li Fan glanced at Lineke and said calmly: "So, according to Mr. Lineke's wishes, what do you want to do with this matter?"

Lineker said: "It's simple to say the least. We invite three beauties to drink. Everyone knows what purpose we have. As long as these three beauties are willing to come with us, the matter is over. No one will be hurt." Kindly, we are still willing to treat you to a drink, of course, how about a normal drink?"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Li Fan said: "We do know what your purpose is, but if they don't follow you, what can you do?"

"Oh?" Lineker sneered: "So, today's matter really can't be resolved amicably, can it?"

Li Fan shook his head and said: "No, of course it can be solved amicably. As long as you leave now, nothing will happen to everyone. They deliberately played tricks on you before, because you had thoughts that you shouldn't have. Now, it can be regarded as two people. Cleared.”

"Liang Qing?" Lineker said sharply: "Are you saying that we deserve to be tricked by them?"

Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "Yes, Mr. Lineker's understanding ability is pretty good. You are right. You deserve it."

"You kid..." Lineker and Wei An shouted at the same time, "Very good, you kid is very good, very bold, very bold!"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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