Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1331 4 muscular men

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan's faint words made Lineker and Wei An gnash their teeth in anger. The atmosphere at the scene was obviously tense. . :.

Li Fan smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously. However, everyone around him became more excited.

It's great to be tense. What they see is the excitement, and naturally they hope that the more excitement the better.

And among the crowd, Giroud and Telles are undoubtedly the most excited. Regardless of whether the kid is really rich or fake, now he has completely offended two rich people, Lineker and Wei An. There is no doubt about it.

The two of them now only hope that Lineker and Wei An can give Li Fan a good lesson and make him realize that this is Langdun City of Lan Kingdom, not their Chinese Kingdom.

In this way, they may not need to take action outside later, and the kid will no longer dare to go, and the law enforcers of Langdun City will report them.

Lineker was very satisfied with the tense atmosphere he created, and said sharply again: "Boy, congratulations, you have successfully made us angry. Now, even if three beauties are willing to follow us, this matter can't be done Okay, you kid, wait. I'll see if you can still be this calm."

At this time, Xiao Ju's voice sounded in Li Fan's mind, "Master, there are four strong men who have entered the main door of the opera house and are heading towards the main door of the concert hall. Come on, they will be here soon, they should be the helpers these two guys just called for."

After Li Fan answered the small curse in his mind, he looked at Lineker and Wei An and said, "I saw you guys messing around on your mobile phones for a while. You must be looking for help. Now, they have arrived."

When Linek and Wei An heard what Li Fan said, they couldn't help but were stunned again, and then sneered again. Linek said: "You are right, we did call for help just now. I really don't know what to do now." I admire your courage, knowing that we called for help, but you are still so calm. Also, why are you pretending to be mysterious? Even we don't know where they are now? Why do you say they have arrived? "

Just as Linek finished speaking, the cell phone in his pants pocket suddenly rang. Linek took out the phone and looked at it. His face suddenly changed. He looked up at Li Fan, his face full of surprise and disbelief.

Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "What's wrong? Did they call you? You should answer it!"

Lineker snorted: "I'm really fooled by your boy. Very good. Since you can't wait for them to come, I can't let you down."

After saying that,

Lineker quickly answered the phone. He wanted to tell the person on the phone which VIP area he was in? Because the entire concert hall has more than one VIP area.

Lineker was on the phone, and the people around him couldn't help but whisper again.

"Oh! My God, that kid actually said it accurately. He said that the person has arrived, but the person has actually arrived. How did he know?"

"This should be just a coincidence. Although it is indeed a bit incredible, only coincidence can explain it."

"This may indeed be a coincidence, but that kid knew that the other party had found helpers to attack him, but he was still so calm. This is the point."

"Yes, that boy was too calm, and the three beauties also had calm faces, as if this matter had nothing to do with them."

"It's okay if he has been calm just now. Now he knows that the other party has invited people to come to trouble him, and they have already arrived, but he still looks calm. This is not normal. This is definitely not normal. What on earth is that boy doing? What can I rely on?"

"I don't know what I can rely on, but maybe that kid is not an ordinary person. Hey! It's getting more and more interesting."

"It is indeed getting more and more interesting. I decided to come to this concert hall today, and I really made the right decision."


Everyone around was whispering, and Su Qing whispered in Li Fan's ear: "How many people are here in total? Will there be any trouble?"

Li Fan smiled slightly and said softly: "There are four of us in total, don't worry, there won't be any trouble."

Su Qing nodded with relief after hearing this. She knew that if Li Fan said there was no trouble, then there would definitely be no trouble. Then she whispered a few words in the ears of Qin Yulin and Tang Ying respectively.

Although the two girls absolutely believed in Li Fan, they still couldn't help but worry about Li Fan. This was a foreign country after all. Now after hearing Su Qing's whisper, they were completely relieved.

After Lineker hung up the phone, he and Wei An looked at each other, and both seemed quite excited. They were very confident in the four helpers they invited, and they were all fighting masters who were 'working' on the road.

Moreover, it has something to do with Baidao. As long as it doesn't cause any life-threatening incidents, it will be fine.

In this way, not only can the hateful boy be given a severe lesson and the evil spirit in his heart be vented, but the three beauties will not be able to escape their grasp.

It's just a pity that they have to share those three beauties with those four people.

Because the reason why those four people were willing to come to help them was not only because they had to pay a high fee, but also mainly because they told those four people that there were three absolute most beautiful girls in the world here.

Otherwise, those four people would not come in person. At most, they would send some other younger brothers over.

While waiting, Lineker looked at Li Fan and snorted coldly in his heart, "Made, I feel uncomfortable seeing that kid's indifferent expression. I wonder if he will look like this after a while.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Annoying expression? "

After a while, the crowd of onlookers moved from the outside to the inside and made way for a passage. Four burly men walked in along the passage that the crowd made way for.

The four of them are all of average height and very strong. You can feel them through their clothes. They must be full of muscles.

As these four people walked in, they seemed to exude a kind of bastard aura, causing everyone around them to subconsciously stay away from them, and the passage became wider and wider.

Lineker and Wei An were overjoyed and rushed forward to greet him. Lineker said to one of the people who seemed to be the boss: "Jike, here you are, that boy."

However, no one of the four muscular men headed by Jike answered, because they were staring at the three women, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, with wolf-like greed in their eyes.

The three women were too dazzling, and the four muscular men saw them as soon as they arrived.

Li Fan frowned and walked in front of the three women. The three women leaned beside Li Fan and looked at the four muscular men opposite with disgust in their eyes.

After a while, the four muscular men with difficulty turned their eyes away from the three women. From the beginning to the end, they never looked at Li Fan, as if Li Fan did not exist at all.

Later, the boss Jike excitedly said to Lineker: "Very good, Lineker. You really didn't lie to us. You are indeed the three most beautiful girls in the world."

Lineker smiled and said: "Of course, Jike, if it weren't for the most beautiful girls in the world, we wouldn't let you come here. However, if we want to take away those three beauties, we need to get rid of that boy, and this matter must be done Please. You know, it is not convenient for Wei An and I to take action."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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