Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1338 Very interested

Remember in one second【】

Chris returned to Ren and his party and brought back the news that the young oriental man was indeed Li Fan from China.

"It's really Li Fan from China. When did he come to Langdun City? He even appeared here tonight. This is so surprising."

"Oh! My God, it's really Li Fan from China. Then we were talking about him just now... That was the stupidest thing we did tonight."

Several people felt regretful and ashamed about what happened before. They actually said that the first person in Chinese music did not understand music. This was indeed a very stupid thing.

However, Renn didn't think so. He frowned and said, "So what if it's Li Fan from China? Does he have the right to say that he doesn't care about all the songs tonight? This is a bit too arrogant. Bar."

Chris said: "Ren, Mr. Li Fan doesn't seem to have said this. Whether it's the previous relevant rumors or my recent personal contact, Mr. Li Fan is very humble and low-key."

Ren said: "Of course he won't say it himself, he will only say it through other people's mouths. When Evaldo said this before, he didn't have the slightest bit of embarrassment or intention to deny it. It was purely acquiescence. Eduardo’s statement.”

Chris frowned and said, "Ren, you seem to have some misunderstandings about Mr. Li Fan."

Ren said: "No, I didn't misunderstand him. I was just analyzing it realistically. Moreover, I still doubt his music level. Who knows if the songs he released in China are really from You know, many of his songs don't look like they could have been created by a young man in his twenties."

"Ren, do you suspect that the products he made in China were not created by him himself?" someone asked.

Lane said: "Isn't it doubtful? How old is he? Moreover, as we know, he is not only involved in the field of music, but also in many other fields, and his results seem to be not bad. A person like this Isn’t it doubtful that young people have achieved very good results in multiple fields at the same time?”

After hearing what Ren said, the others couldn't help but nodded slowly after thinking about it carefully. Li Fan seemed to be doubtful.

After all, it is normal for a person to be a genius in one field, but it seems impossible to be a genius in multiple fields at the same time.

Only Chris did not nod, but said: "His achievements are indeed very incredible and shocking, but I never believe he is fake. I can only say his level of genius.

Far beyond us. "

Ren said: "Well, there is no point in us arguing about this. Anyway, I will never believe how deep his attainments in music are, unless he can prove it to himself."

Chris frowned and said, "Ren, how do you think he has to prove it? Only then do you believe it."

Ren said: "Creating a song from our country on the spot does not require high quality. To be able to have a song like mine tonight, half of the quality is enough. If he can do it, then I will believe in him."

Chris said: "Ren, you are obviously trying to force someone to do something difficult. How can a song that requires quality be said to be created by creativity? It was created on the spot. Besides, what he is good at is the music creation of their country. There are some differences between Chinese music and our Lan music.”

Not only Chris thinks so, but even the other people feel that Ren's request is purely to make things difficult for others.

Renn said: "Since he is called an unparalleled genius, then this requirement should not be difficult for him, right? Besides, if he cannot even do this, he is not qualified to be called Unparalleled genius, isn’t it?”

Ren's words did make some sense, and the others nodded slowly.

Chris shook his head and said: "Well, as you said, it is meaningless for us to discuss this here. Mr. Li Fan probably doesn't care. Whether we believe him or not, it is naturally impossible to prove it on the spot. Guys, you Keep drinking here, I have to leave for a while.”

"Chris, where are you going?" a man asked.

Chris said: "Go and tell Mr. Lane that Mr. Li Fan from China is in the concert hall now. I think Mr. Lane will be very interested."

After Chris finished speaking, he left directly.

"Mr. Lane?" Another man said in surprise, "Is it Mr. Agris Lane, the chairman of the National Music Association? Oh! My God, Mr. Lane actually came to the scene in person."

"Tonight's original music performance was originally hosted by the National Music Association. It is not impossible that Mr. Lane will come to the venue." Another man said.

At this time, several people, including Renn, all became excited.

Agris Lane is not only the president of the National Music Association, but also the most famous musician in the country.

If he arrives at the scene, tonight's original music performance will have a different meaning again.

Directly opposite the stage, in a private room on the second floor, an old man of about sixty years old was listening intently to the song being sung on the stage.

Although this old man is not young anymore, he has a rosy face, good hearing and good eyesight, and is in good spirits. He is the chairman of the Lan Country National Music Association, Agris Lane.

After the song was sung on the stage, Ryan nodded and said to an assistant-looking person next to him: "The piece Alan played just now was also quite good. There are many good songs tonight, not bad, not bad."

Seeing that Ryan was in a very good mood, the assistant also smiled and said

^0^ Remember in one second【】

: "This shows that our country's musicians are very knowledgeable in the creation of folk music. This is undoubtedly very good news for our country's folk music."

Ryan said: "Yes, yes, folk music is the traditional music of our country and must be passed down from generation to generation."

At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door. Ryan nodded and his assistant went over to open the door.

Outside the door was a man about forty years old, it was Chris.

Ryan seemed to have a good relationship with Chris. He smiled slightly and said, "Chris, didn't you go find your fellow musicians? Why are you here again? But because your song is going to be on stage tonight?"

Chris laughed and said, "It's not like Mr. Lane said. I came here because I met someone in the concert hall. I think Mr. Lane will be very interested."

"Oh?" Ryan's face showed a look of interest and said, "Chris, you know there are not many people who can interest me. If I am not actually interested in the person you are talking about, you might It’s a little embarrassing.”

Chris still smiled and said: "Mr. Lane, I believe that will never exist. Because you will definitely be interested in that person, and you will be very interested."

"Oh?" Ryan said with growing interest, "Who is he?"

Chris didn't intend to sell it off, but said directly: "Mr. Li Fan from China."

"Mr. Li Fan from China?" Ryan was surprised and said quickly, "Chris, are you talking about that talented musician from China, Mr. Li Fan, who is in this concert hall now?"

Chris nodded and said: "This is indeed a bit unbelievable, but it is true. How about it, Mr. Lane, are you very interested?"

Ryan smiled heartily and said: "Of course, I have been friends with that mysterious young musician for a long time. Let's go, Chris. I can't wait to meet that mysterious young musician."

Christao smiled and said: "Of course, I will take you there."

In the VIP area.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, Tang Ying, as well as Aihuaduo and Yeftini were sipping fine wine and listening to music, which was very comfortable.

Li Fan had a bad impression of Renne and his group, but he had a good impression of Chris who came later.

Now, Chris has returned, and there are two more people around him, one is an old man in his sixties, and the other is about the same age as Chris.

Chris smiled and said: "Mr. Li Fan, Eduardo, I am really sorry to bother you again."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Mr. Chris is too polite. I think the reason why Mr. Chris comes back is because of the gentleman next to him."

The two people next to Chris were naturally Ryan and his assistant.

After Ryan approached, he kept sizing up Li Fan. Although he was prepared, Li Fan's youth still really surprised him.

Moreover, he found that he couldn't see through Li Fan at all, which surprised him even more. He thought to himself: "It's no wonder that there are all kinds of incredible rumors about this young man. This young man is indeed no ordinary person."

After hearing Li Fan's words, Ryan smiled heartily, and without waiting for Chris' introduction, he said: "Mr. Li Fan is not wrong. It is indeed me who wants to see Mr. Li Fan. My name is Agris Lane, please excuse me." Mr. Li Fan, I am very sorry."

Li Fan was slightly surprised. He knew that this name was the chairman of the Languo National Music Association.

Tonight's original music performance was hosted by the Languo National Music Association. Li Fan did not find it strange that Ryan would be present.

What surprised Li Fan slightly was that Ryan actually came to him. Regardless of his status or age, Li Fan did not dare to neglect him.

He immediately stood up and said with a smile: "It turned out to be Mr. Lane. Mr. Lane came here in person, which made Li Fan feel very ashamed. No matter from which aspect, I should be the one to visit you."

After hearing what Li Fan said, Ryan had a better impression of Li Fan. He smiled heartily and said, "Mr. Li Fan is a guest from afar. I should have shown my friendship as a landlord."

Afterwards, the two shook hands and sat down respectively. Li Fan introduced Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, while Ryan introduced his assistant.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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