Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1339 Apology is fake, making things difficult is real

Remember in one second【】

Ryan, the president of the Languo National Music Association, accompanied by Chris, arrived at where Li Fan and others were, and the two sides had a pleasant conversation.

Not far away, Ren En and others looked in the direction of Li Fan and others with envy and hatred.

They knew that Chris was going to tell Ryan that Li Fan was here, but they didn't expect that Ryan would come to see Li Fan in person and come so eagerly.

Lane snorted and said, "How did that guy get his fame? There's another question. Mr. Lane actually went to see him in person. That guy's arrogance is too big, right?"

A person next to him said: "Lane, Li Fan's reputation may indeed be questionable, but Mr. Lane going to see him can only show that Mr. Lane attaches great importance to him, but it does not seem to mean that Li Fan is big. After all, we Everyone knows that it was Mr. Lane who took the initiative to see him. "

Lane added: "No matter what, it should be that guy who takes the initiative to visit Mr. Lane, right?"

The person next to him frowned and said: "Then Li Fan didn't know that Mr. Lane was at the scene, so how could he take the initiative to visit him? Lane, we can doubt Li Fan's strength, or we can express envy, jealousy, or even jealousy to Mr. Lane by taking the initiative to see him. I hate it, but I can’t be unreasonable.”

Lane said: "The key point is here. If that guy's strength matches his reputation, there is nothing wrong with Mr. Lane going to see him. I'm afraid that guy's fame was obtained through some deceptive means, and we will be It doesn’t matter if he cheated, but Mr. Lane must not be cheated by him.”

The person next to me asked: "Ren, what do you mean?"

Lane sneered and said, "Find a way to let Mr. Lane know that that guy's strength is far less than his reputation."

The people who are always paying attention to Li Fan and his friends are far more than just Ren and his friends.

In fact, in the entire VIP area, everyone who had seen the previous incident had been secretly paying attention to Li Fan and the others.

This was especially true for Lineker and Wei An. They were each forced to spend nearly 1 million pounds. They were naturally full of hatred for Li Fan, but they were frightened by Li Fan's terrifying skills and did not dare to show it.

The people at the tables next to Li Fan were keeping their ears open all the time, listening to the conversation between Li Fan and the people who came to see him. Although they couldn't hear everything clearly, they could probably hear some parts of it. .

After listening to seventy-seven, eighty-eight, they

He also quietly spread some important information about him to the surroundings, which naturally included Li Fan's identity.

In this way, Li Fan's identity gradually spread throughout the VIP area.

Some people gasped for a moment, while others were confused for a moment.

"Li Fan of China? Who is he? Is he famous? Why do you have such an unbelievable expression?"

"Hey! Man, you haven't heard of Li Fan's name in China, but do you know that there is a place called Xianyuan Farm in China?"

"Xianyuan Farm? Of course you know that. It is said that the ingredients produced there are the most delicious food in the world. I don't know if it is true or not?"

"Of course it is true. You will know when you have the opportunity to taste it in the future. Then, let me ask you again, do you know about the Harry Potter series?"

"Of course I know. My two little ones like Harry Potter the most. I have gone to the bookstore to buy this book several times. To be honest, its price is really not cheap."

"You know it's easy to handle, so let me tell you now that the owner of Xianyuan Farm and the owner of the Harry Potter series is a person named Li Fan. Now it seems that he is in the same VIP room as us District, tell me, isn’t this incredible?”

"You mean...oh! Oh my God, it's such a young man. It's really unimaginable!"

"The facts are more than that. Li Fan is also the number one musician in China. In addition, there are many other rumors about him, such as there is a mysterious beast that protects the village in Xianyuan Farm, and he himself is also a fighting master, etc. His fighting skills, which we have just seen with our own eyes, are indeed terrifying. From this, it can be seen that the other rumors about him are also very likely to be true. "

"This is simply unbelievable. He actually has so many identities, and each identity is enough to shock people. Wait, then what he said before, it only takes five minutes for him to earn 100,000 rands. it is true?"

"Since he is Li Fan of China, it must be true. It's incredible. Also, do you know who the old gentleman is talking to Li Fan now?"

"It looks very familiar. I should have seen it somewhere."

"I think it was on TV or in a magazine. He is the president of the National Music Association, Mr. Lane, and he is also the most famous musician in our country."

"Mr. Lane? Yes, yes, I remembered it as soon as you said it. Mr. Lane went to meet Li Fan, probably because of Li Fan's status as the number one music artist in China."

"That's for sure, tonight was a really great night."


As Li Fan's identity slowly spread, the entire VIP area was whispering that Li Fan's fame had already spread to Lan Country.

Lineker and Wei An were stunned as they listened to the discussions around them. That person turned out to be Li Fan from China.

And when they knew Li Fan's identity, the hatred they felt towards Li Fan slowly disappeared, leaving only a sigh.

Li Fan heard the whispers of the people around him clearly, but he didn't care. He was talking to

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Ryan's pleasant conversation.

The two had a very good chat, and the content of their chat covered a wide range of topics, but the most important thing was about music.

Ryan is quite familiar with Li Fan's songs in China. His two favorite songs are "Loyalty to the Country" and "Dream Chaser". He even sings these two songs in Chinese.

In this world, China is a superpower with thousands of years of history. China is also very popular in the world, and many people are proud to know China.

Ryan can communicate with Li Fan using Hua, and singing two songs is no problem.

Li Fan was actually not very familiar with Lane's music, but he was a man with advantages and disadvantages. With the help of searching for items in the space mall, he could see all the music Lane had created in his life.

Li Fan was learning and selling now, and talked eloquently about Ryan's music taste, which surprised and surprised Ryan, and the conversation between the two was even more joyful.

While the two were chatting happily, Renn walked over again.

Chris frowned slightly. He knew that Renn had a deep prejudice against Li Fan. If this guy came here now, he might not have any good intentions.

Then he sighed again in his heart, "This Ren is quite talented in music. He has already joined the ranks of musical celebrities at a young age. Why can't he be more free and easy?"

Chris said to Lane: "Ryan, what are you doing here? Mr. Lane and Mr. Li Fan are having a pleasant conversation. Don't disturb them."

Chris' words actually meant to remind Renn that Renn was so enthusiastic about Li Fan and told Renn not to have any bad thoughts.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you will lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot.

However, Renn did not understand what Chris meant, or in other words, he understood what Chris meant, but deliberately pretended not to understand.

He deliberately raised his voice and said: "Chris, it's like this. I didn't know Mr. Li Fan's identity before, and I was very offended by what Mr. Li Fan said. Now I came here specifically to apologize to Mr. Li Fan. "

Chris glanced at Renn suspiciously. If that was the case, that would be great. Then he nodded and said nothing.

When Li Fan and Ryan heard what Ryan said, they stopped talking and looked at Ryan at the same time.

Renn first greeted Renn and said, "Are you Renn? The young man is very good, and the piece you performed tonight was also very good."

Hearing Ryan's praise, Ryan was very excited and expressed his gratitude again and again, not forgetting to look at him proudly.

Ryan smiled and said: "From what you said before, does it mean there was some misunderstanding with Mr. Li Fan?"

Ren nodded and briefly told what happened before.

Of course, his narrative was evasive. He only said that he did not know Li Fan's identity before and said a few inappropriate words. Now he came here to apologize.

After hearing this, Ryan was quite satisfied with Ryan's attitude of recognizing his mistakes and correcting them. He praised him a few more times, which made Ryan even more excited and excited.

Eduardo and Chris frowned slightly, but did not say anything, because Ren did not deliberately distort the facts, he just avoided the important and spoke out his previous contempt and rudeness very skillfully, so that the two of them were It’s hard to say anything.

Later, Renne apologized to Li Fan very "sincerely" and said: "Mr. Li Fan, I didn't know your identity before, and what I said to you was very offending. Now I come here to apologize to you. I hope Mr. Li Fan Don’t take what you said before to heart.”

Li Fan was naturally aware of Ren's little thoughts, but he was too lazy to point it out. After hearing Ren's "sincere" apology, he smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Ren is serious, and those words are not offensive. I didn’t take it to heart.”

What Li Fan said was true. How could he take Ren's words to heart?

After hearing this, Renn sneered in his heart, but on the surface he said with great joy: "Mr. Li Fan's magnanimity is really admirable. Of course, what I admire even more is that Mr. Li Fan has such profound attainments in music at such a young age. It’s really enviable.”

After hearing this, Li Fan said: "Mr. Lane is overly praised, but it is just some false reputation from the outside world. When it comes to his musical attainments, I dare not trust him in front of Mr. Lane, Mr. Chris, and of course Mr. Lane. "

Ren waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Mr. Li Fan is too humble. You are the number one music person in China. You are called an unprecedented musical genius. Your musical attainments are naturally much higher than mine. In fact, When I just found out Mr. Li Fan’s true identity, I was excited and excited at the same time, thinking that Mr. Li Fan has such profound attainments in music, and I might be able to experience Mr. Li Fan’s style live tonight.”

Hearing what Ren said, Chris's heart skipped a beat and he thought to himself: "It's true that this guy came to apologize. It's true that he wants to take the opportunity to make things difficult for Mr. Li Fan."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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