Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1340 Scarborough Fair

Remember in one second【】

Chris understood what Ren was thinking, and Li Fan naturally understood it even better, but he was not interested in it. Mobile terminal m.

Whether this guy named Renn believed in his strength or not, Li Fan didn't care.

He didn't want or had any obligation to let this guy experience his style live.

So he said: "Mr. Lane thinks too highly of me. I only have an occasional interest in music. How can I talk about it with dignity? I may disappoint Mr. Lane."

Renn waved his hand and said: "Li Fan is still too humble. I said that appreciating Mr. Li Fan's style is the second best. In fact, the main reason is that I want to learn from Mr. Li Fan. Please give Mr. Li Fan a chance. Don't do it." I declined."

At this time, Eduardo said: "Mr. Renn, this musical achievement is not singing or dancing. How do you want Mr. Li Fan to show it? This is impossible to show. I think you are deliberately making things difficult."

After hearing this, Ren snorted coldly, "Hey! You are really right. I am deliberately making things difficult. What can you do to me?"

However, he said: "Mr. Eduardo misunderstood. I have sincerely apologized to Mr. Li Fan before, so why would I deliberately make things difficult? I really want to get a person who can apologize to Mr. Li Fan." Opportunities to learn.

You should know that for a musician like me, such an opportunity is extremely rare. As for how Mr. Li Fan wants to show it? This is also very simple. Mr. Li Fan only needs one live song.

This is definitely not difficult for Mr. Li Fan. We all know that Mr. Li Fan has the ability to sing fast songs on the spot. Songs such as "Yulin Road" and "Childhood" were all performed by Mr. Li Fan quickly on the spot. It's done. "

After saying this, Ren was very happy. Of course he didn't believe that songs like "Yulin Road" and "Childhood" were composed by Li Fan quickly on the spot, but the relevant rumors were indeed spread like this.

Now that there are such rumors, what Ren said just now seems to have no problem.

Because, since Li Fan has the ability to sing fast songs on the spot, Ren's request is not difficult, right?

Sure enough, Eduardo frowned even more after hearing these words, but he said nothing more. It was indeed difficult to refute these words.

Ren said that the opportunity to learn from Li Fan is rare, and there is nothing wrong with that. And Li Fan has the ability to perform fast songs on the spot, which is even more difficult to deny.

Even Ryan nodded after hearing this.

If Li Fan is really willing to show off his talent for fast songs live, that would indeed be a wonderful thing.

Of course, Ryan is pure and really wants to appreciate Li Fan's style.

However, Li Fan smiled faintly after hearing this and said: "The so-called live fast music is just a rumor from the outside world. Mr. Lane must not believe it."

After hearing this, Ren continued to sneer in his heart. The more Li Fan hid and dared not take action, the more certain he became that Li Fan's fame came through unfair means.

The more certain he was, the more eager he was to expose Li Fan. His previous arguments failed, and Renn was not in a hurry.

He had been fully prepared before coming over and prepared a variety of arguments. He believed that one of them would be successful.

Then he said: "Oh? Mr. Li Fan, maybe he thinks that my musical level is too low to appreciate and understand Mr. Li Fan's music? Mr. Li Fan, please rest assured. Even if I can't understand it, my dear Mr. Lane , and I will certainly be able to understand it.”

Ren's words were a bit ironic, and Chris frowned after hearing this.

Ryan looked at Ryan and shook his head slightly, thinking in his mind that his views and evaluation of Ryan might have to change a little.

Poor Ryan doesn't know that what he just said has changed Ryan's evaluation of him.

On the contrary, he was still feeling proud of his words.

Li Fan looked at Renn, sighed softly, and said calmly: "Mr. Renn misunderstood, it's still what I said before. I only dabble in the field of music occasionally, how can I dare to let Mr. Renn learn anything? Renn Sir, don’t mention this anymore.”

"This doesn't work?" Renn was quite surprised and decided to use another provoking method. For young people, the provoking method is sometimes very effective.

Then he added: "Mr. Li Fan is so pushy and resistant, could it be because Mr. Li Fan's music level is really low? He is afraid that the music will make people laugh, or not come out at all? So he doesn't dare to perform live music at all?"

Renn originally thought that after Li Fan heard this, he would immediately retort with a blushing face, and then impulsively sing a live song to prove himself.

This is exactly Ren's purpose, he wants Li Fan to agree to sing a song live.

As long as Li Fan agrees, regardless of whether Li Fan is unable to produce the music or the music he produces is laughable, Renn's ultimate goal has been achieved.

Only in this way can the fact that Li Fan's music level is not good be truly exposed.

If Li Fan keeps pushing and resisting and is unwilling to take action, it will only make everyone doubt his musical level.

However, it is a pity that Li Fan still had no reaction after hearing this, and still said calmly: "I've been saying it all the time. In the field of music, I only dabble occasionally, so naturally I don't dare to perform live music. How did Mr. Lane get there? Only now do you understand?”

After hearing this, Ren almost spit out a mouthful of blood. Even the ultimate provoking method couldn't work. He really had no choice.

It’s a long story to describe all this, but in fact it’s just two people, Li Fan and Ren En.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Within a few words of conversation, everyone already knew what Ren's purpose was.

Ryan frowned and looked at Renn. He thought Renn was good at first, but now it seems that Renn may indeed have musical talent, but his heart and character are really not that good.

Even if such a person succeeds in the end, his success will definitely not be too high. Ryan feels a little disappointed in his heart.

However, it was not convenient for him to say anything. Ryan was not a member of the National Music Association. The relationship between him and Ryan was neither a subordinate nor an elder-younger relationship. He had no right to criticize or accuse Ryan.

He could only hope that Li Fan wouldn't have a grudge against their Lan country musicians because of Ren's relationship.

Of course Li Fan wouldn't have any grudges. There were all kinds of people in Lan Country and Hua Country. He was not so childish as to deny a group because of one person.

He respected Ryan very much and saw Ryan's worries, so he smiled slightly and said: "I wonder when Mr. Ryan will be free? Li Fan wants to invite Mr. Ryan to visit Sansheng Village in China? I wonder if Mr. Ryan can Want to show off?"

Ryan was overjoyed after hearing this. Since Li Fan said this, it meant that he didn't have any grudges in his heart. He immediately smiled heartily and said, "Mr. Li Fan's Sansheng Village is definitely famous in our country of Lan. I have already I want to pay a visit. There are still 10 days until the traditional Chinese New Year. I plan to visit Sansheng Village during your Spring Festival. I wonder if Mr. Li Fan will welcome me?"

Li Fan laughed and said, "Mr. Lane is welcome to come at any time. Of course, if Mr. Chris and Mr. Eduardo are willing to show off, Li Fan is also very welcome."

Chris and Eduardo were overjoyed after hearing this. They thanked Li Fan repeatedly and said that they would definitely find time to go to Sansheng Village to bother Li Fan.

After that, Ryan said: "It is rumored that Mr. Li Fan's hometown, Sansheng Village, is very beautiful and can make anyone forget to leave. And my hometown, Scarborough, is also a very beautiful place. I welcome Li Fan at any time." My husband also visited my hometown.”

"Scarborough?" Li Fan's heart suddenly moved. He was no stranger to this name, and he immediately said: "Mr. Lane's hometown of Scarborough is located on the North Sea coast of North Yorkshire?"

"Oh?" Ryan was surprised when he heard what Li Fan said, and said, "Mr. Li Fan knows Scarborough? Although it is very beautiful, it is just a small town. Even in Lan Country, there are no Although he is not famous, Mr. Li Fan actually knows this, which really surprises me.”

Lane was surprised, but he didn't know that Li Fan was equally surprised. From this point of view, Lane's hometown of Scarborough was really that Scarborough.

Later, Li Fan said with a smile: "I don't have any advantages. I usually have a wide range of interests. I also learned about a small town like Scarborough by chance. Moreover, I also know that in Scarborough In the history of Luo Town, there is also a market that lasts for one and a half months every autumn. I wonder if this is the case? "

After hearing this, Ryan was even more surprised and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, it is indeed the case. That is where the Vikings often landed in history."

Then he said with great emotion: "Mr. Li Fan's interests are so broad. It's no wonder that Mr. Li Fan has achieved such success at such a young age."

Ryan sighed with emotion, and Chris and Eduardo on the side were even more emotional. Even they didn't know that there was a place like Scarborough in Lan State, and Li Fan actually knew about it.

Not only do you know it, but you seem to be very familiar with it, including the history of the town of Scarborough. Who is the native of Lan Guo?

Chris and Evado were filled with emotion. This may be one of the reasons why Li Fan achieved such success at such a young age.

Even Ren, who was beside him but did not leave, had to sigh with emotion. This guy was able to achieve such a great reputation, and he did have some abilities.

Because, he actually didn't know that there was such a small town in Lan Country.

Of course, it's normal not to know. Although the land area of ​​Lan State is far less vast than that of Hua State, it still has countless towns.

In an unknown town, except for the locals and a few geographers, who knows?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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