Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1342 Overcrowded Concert Hall

Remember in one second【】

In addition, for Eduardo and Yevtini, it was pure excitement.

They are not musicians, and they came to Li Fan tonight not for music.

But they were able to appreciate music, and now that they could witness Li Fan's extraordinary achievements in music, they both felt very lucky, and of course they were even more excited.

Ryan, excited and excited, then said: "Mr. Li Fan, I have a heartfelt request. That is, Mr. Li Fan, after the music is created, can the singer sing it live again? Let the entire concert hall The audience will have the opportunity to feel Mr. Li Fan’s style.”

Li Fan nodded and said: "Of course there is no problem, Mr. Lane. The song was originally created for people to listen to. Of course I am willing to let more people hear it."

After hearing this, Ryan was overjoyed again and said: "This is really great, Mr. Li Fan, I will definitely let the best singer at the scene tonight sing your song. Of course, it will only be a live performance tonight." , he does not own the right to sing the song in the future."

Li Fan smiled and said: "As for singers, don't bother Mr. Lane, we have singers here."

"Oh, there is a singer? Could it be..." Ryan looked at Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying in confusion.

If there was a singer, it would obviously be one of the three women.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Mr. Ryan's guess is correct. I am going to let Tang Ying sing this song."

"Tang Ying?" Ryan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, Tang Ying, of course he knew.

When Li Fan introduced Tang Ying's name before, he didn't pay much attention to it. Now when Li Fan said that the song was going to be sung by Tang Ying, Ryan suddenly started to sing. Tang Ying is a famous singer in China.

The singer of "Dream Chaser", one of Li Fan's songs that he likes very much, is Tang Ying.

Then he smiled heartily and said, "Beautiful Miss Tang Ying, I didn't remember your identity just now. I'm really sorry."

Tang Ying smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Lane is so kind. I am very honored to be able to sing this song related to Mr. Lane's hometown of Castleborough."

"I should be very honored," Ryan said.

Afterwards, Li Fan, Ryan, Chris, Su Qing, Tang Ying, Qin Yulin and others left the scene,

Went to the recording studio at the Opera House.

Renn went over to greet his previous companions and followed him to the recording studio. Naturally, they had to follow him.

The Royal Opera House is one of the most famous opera houses in Longtown, so it naturally has a professional recording studio.

And if Li Fan wants to create a song, he naturally has to go to the recording studio.

After Li Fan and his party left, what happened just now spread quickly throughout the VIP area.

Including Ryan's hometown is Scarborough, Li Fan and Ryan chatted a lot about the town of Scarborough, Li Fan decided to compose a song on the spot, about Scarborough Fair, etc., all in Word spread in the VIP area.

Through all the previous discussions, everyone now knows the identity of Li Fan, the first person in Chinese music.

Now, the number one musician in China is going to compose a song live in the concert hall. The entire audience in the VIP area is very excited and looking forward to it.

There was talk everywhere and all kinds of voices.

"Li Fan is the number one musician in China, so there is no doubt about his musical attainments. It seems unlikely that he just improvised songs on the spot."

"Hey! Man, you don't know this. There are rumors that Li Fan has the ability to quickly create songs on the spot. It is said that some of the songs he released in China were improvised on the spot. "

"As you said, they are related rumors. Most of the rumors are exaggerated."

"It is indeed just a rumor. To be honest, I don't really believe it. However, since Li Fan dares to decide to compose songs on the spot, he should have the ability."

"Yes, since Li Fan dares to make this decision, he will definitely be able to create it. The key is how good is the quality of the song?"

"To be honest, I'm not very optimistic about the quality of the song. First of all, it was improvised on the spot, and Li Fan said it only takes two hours. Think about it, what good song can be created in two hours? It's impossible for him to be a musical genius. Secondly, according to our understanding, Li Fan's previous music works were all Chinese songs. He has never composed a Lan song. The song he is about to create should be his first Lan song. Songs. And we all know that there are differences between Chinese music and our Lan music, so I am not optimistic about the quality of the songs.”

"It seems that the quality of the songs is indeed difficult to be optimistic about. However, I still hope that the quality can be slightly better. After all, it is a song presented to Mr. Lane. Of course, it can also be said to be a song presented to our entire country. .If the quality is too poor, we will feel a little embarrassed when we tell it in the future."

"I think you are worrying too much. In my opinion, the quality of the song will be very good. After Mr. Li Fan creates it, he will sing it live on the stage. If Mr. Li Fan is not confident, will he agree to sing it live?"

“I hope so, we waited patiently, and the two hours passed quickly. To be honest, although I am not optimistic about the quality of the song, I am still full of expectations and can’t wait to hear it. "

"Of course, we are all looking forward to it, oh! I have to invite a few of my friends over, I think they will be very interested. Two hours is enough for them to come over."

"That's a really good idea, man.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, I also invite my family and friends to come over. "


Li Fan's intention to compose a song live has become the only topic in the entire VIP area.

Everyone was excited, including Lineker and Wei An, but their excitement was slightly different from the others.

They not only expected Li Fan to create a good song, but they also expected it even more. The song Li Fan created was not good, and he lost face in front of everyone.

Both of these expectations made them excited, and these two completely different "excitements" made them the two most special people in the entire VIP area.

Such an exciting and anticipated topic cannot be discussed only in this VIP area.

In fact, it has already spread out of this VIP area and is radiating to the entire concert hall bit by bit.

It didn't take long for everyone in the concert hall to know about this.

And this incident quickly aroused heated discussion in the entire concert hall.

After all, it is so topical and worth looking forward to.

Regardless of the quality of the songs Li Fan finally created? This thing itself is enough to make people excited and looking forward to it!

Among them, a few people seemed particularly excited.

"Oh! My God, Mr. Li Fan is going to compose a song live for Scarborough Fair. Scarborough, that is my hometown, my hometown! I am so honored and so excited! "

It turns out that their hometown is also Scarborough.

"Hey! Man, it's okay for you to be excited, but don't be too excited. After all, the song hasn't been released yet. If the quality of the song is not good, your excitement may be in vain."

"No, no, no, Mr. Li Fan is the first person in Chinese music and an unparalleled musical genius. I believe his music will be very good!"

"I'm not doubting Mr. Li Fan's ability, but man, you have to figure out one thing. Mr. Li Fan created this temporarily on the spot, and it only took two hours. It's really difficult for him to create a song like this. People are optimistic. Of course, even so, I am still looking forward to it!”

"What you said may indeed make sense, but I still have full confidence in Mr. Li Fan. Scarborough, that is a very beautiful town, will wish Mr. Li Fan good luck. Oh, and you can Take a walk around the town of Scarborough, you will definitely like it. ”

"Let me listen to the song Mr. Li Fan composed for him first. If the song is good, I think I will go for a walk."

"If that's the case, then I believe you're going to make a decision."

"I hope that's what you said, man."


The entire concert hall was filled with the sound of Li Fan composing a song on the spot, and this sound was transmitted outside the concert hall through communication methods such as phone calls and text messages.

Many people have chosen to notify their family and friends to come over and enjoy the wonderful time together.

Sounds like this were heard from many places in Langdun City.

"Hey! Man, have you heard? In the Teague Hall of the Royal Opera House, Li Fan from China is going to compose a song about Scarborough Fair live."

"What a coincidence. I did hear about it. I have a friend in there right now and I'm just about to rush over. And you, buddy, do you want to come with us?"

"Of course, how could you miss something like this?"

"Great, let's go together then. By the way, mate, have you ever heard of a place like Scarborough?"

"I've never heard of it, but I think it should be a very beautiful place. Otherwise, why would Li Fan compose a song for it?"


After receiving the news, many people hurriedly came to Teague Concert Hall, making the concert hall with many people increasingly crowded.

Gradually, it was overcrowded. Every corner of the concert hall was crowded with people, and people were still entering at the gate of the concert hall.

In the end, the staff of the concert hall office had to make a decision to close the door of the concert hall and prohibit the audience from entering.

The song "Scarborough Fair" was recommended by the book friend "nce Liang". After listening to it, I felt that this song was indeed very nice.

Moreover, this song also has a very historical background and meaning, so I wrote this song. I hope everyone will like it.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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