Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1343 Singing on stage

Remember in one second【】

The Teague Concert Hall was already overcrowded. For safety reasons, the concert hall office had to temporarily close the concert hall door and prohibit spectators from entering.

However, even if the gate is closed, some people are waiting outside the gate and are unwilling to leave.

Because outside the gate, as long as it is not too far away, you can still hear the singing in the concert hall, but the further away from the gate, the worse the effect.

Now that we are all here, there is no reason to leave. Even if the effect is poor, we still have to listen to it.

In the concert hall, the singers and musicians participating in tonight's performance had already been alarmed by the relevant news.

There are more and more people in the concert hall. For them, it should be a very happy thing.

However, all the singers and musicians couldn't be happy no matter what.

Not only was he not happy, he was also quite angry.

Because they knew that the new people who crowded into the concert hall were not here for them, but for Li Fan from China.

What's even more outrageous is that because Li Fan from China wants to compose a song on the spot, the thoughts of the entire concert hall, including the original audience, will be attracted to him.

Everything the gate talked about was related to Li Fan, and the quality he was looking forward to was mainly the quality of Li Fan.

I no longer have high expectations for the quality of other singers and musicians, and no one even discusses it.

If this doesn't make all the singers and musicians extremely angry?

In the waiting area of ​​the stage, a group of singers who participated in the performance were deeply resentful.

A singer who had just finished his performance snorted angrily: "Damn it! There are obviously audiences all around the stage, but when you sing in front of them, it's hard to feel their enthusiasm. Some of them are just symbolic applause. This feeling is really Awful."

"That's because the audience's thoughts have already gone to the song that Li Fan is creating. This is indeed very bad for us."

"What's even worse is that we still have to perform on stage despite knowing that the audience is no longer here. I really hope the organizer will tell us now that all our performances are cancelled. Everyone just needs to wait. Come on, Li Fan's quality is good.


"Of course that's impossible. Now I just hope that Li Fan's character is not that good at all. When the time comes, the audience outside will be extremely disappointed when they hear it. Then it will be interesting."

"That song couldn't have been that good in the first place. How good can a song that was improvised in two hours be? Therefore, the audience will definitely be disappointed. At that time, they will think that our songs are still good."

"So, Li Fan is going to be embarrassed soon. He is the number one musician in China, but he takes the initiative to come to our country to embarrass himself. Why bother? He will definitely be embarrassed by that time. I regret this stupid decision.”

"Fortunately, he brought his own singer, otherwise he would definitely not be able to find a singer to perform his songs for him."

"Of course, I will never sing a song that was improvised in two hours. If I sing it, it will definitely have an impact on my reputation."

"Of course, I think any singer would refuse, except the one he brought with him."

"Whatever, it will be Li Fan and the singer who are embarrassed anyway. Let's just wait and see the joke."


The resentment among the singers was deep. As soon as the news that Li Fan was going to compose songs on the spot came out, he quickly stole all their limelight.

And a group of musicians also have deep resentments. As singers, their attention was far less than that of the singers who performed their songs, and now they don't even get any attention at all.

They all cursed that Li Fan was so generous and generous, which made Li Fan lose face.

Of course, they also firmly believe that Li Fan's quality is not very good. Even if Li Fan is a genius, he will not be able to create any good quality in two hours.

But they also have a doubt in their hearts. Everyone is behind the song. Why is Li Fan's situation completely different from theirs?

For them, no matter whether the product they release is good or bad, the outside world is always more concerned about the singers who sing their songs, not them.

But Li Fan is different. If Li Fan wants to release a song, everyone will always pay the most attention to Li Fan. No matter who sings his song, the attention will never be higher than Li Fan.

This makes many musicians envious and jealous, but they can't figure out the reason.

The entire music hall is full of noise, and Li Fan is currently composing songs wholeheartedly.

With only two hours, even Li Fan needs to devote 100% of his energy.

Li Fan's hands worked skillfully and quickly on various equipment without any hesitation or pause.

This left Ryan, Chris, Lane, Evado and others watching outside the recording studio dumbfounded.

Except for Evado and Yevtini, the others are all professional music producers.

However, it is precisely because of their expertise that they are even more stunned and feel even more incredible.

Li Fan didn't make any preparations before, it was completely improvised, but now the speed of creation is so terrifying.

Even though he was fast, Guan Jin didn't even hesitate or pause at all. Is he still a human being?

Don't say I've seen it before, I've never heard of it. This is ridiculous, it's close to

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The speed of theory.

Renn and his companions looked at each other, not only shocked, but also shocked. Renn's heart began to panic for no reason.

Originally, he had been gloating about his misfortune and believed with full confidence that even if Li Fan could create a song, it would definitely be a song of poor quality.

At that time, Li Fan will not only be embarrassed on the spot, but more importantly, the fact that his musical skills are not very good will also be exposed on the spot.

However, now, seeing Li Fan's strange thoughts, speed and state, Ren began to panic. He felt that everything was different from what he imagined.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Li Fan's sex was still coquettish.

Of course, time passed. When nearly two hours passed, Li Fan finally stopped moving his hands.

Ryan, Chris, Ren and others felt their hearts skip a beat, and at the same time a thought occurred to them, "Done?"

This was indeed the case. Li Fan stood up and walked out of the recording studio, smiling and saying, "I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

Ryan asked excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan, has it been completed?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Lane, it's done."

Then he said to Tang Ying: "Yingying, you go in to familiarize yourself and practice a few times."

Tang Ying nodded and walked into the recording studio, followed by Su Qing and Qin Yulin.

Then, Li Fan said to Ryan, Chris and others: "Everyone, let's go to the lounge and wait."

Ryan smiled and said: "To be honest, I really want to go into the recording studio and listen to it now, but I'd better wait until Miss Tang Ying sings on stage. I want to enjoy it for a while longer. Now this extremely The mood of anticipation.”

Chris also smiled and said: "Mr. Lane is right. Although this impatient mood is uncomfortable, it is not a kind of enjoyment."

In this way, a group of people were resting and chatting in the lounge while waiting for Tang Ying to finish her singing practice.

Renne and several of his friends had already left early and returned to the previous VIP area.

When Li Fan walked out of the recording studio, Renn felt that the plot would be completely different from what he thought.

He sighed with mixed emotions, while several of his companions also sighed and shook their heads.

They had all expressed doubts about Li Fan's musical attainments before, but now not only did they no longer doubt it, but they also felt that Li Fan's musical attainments were even higher than they thought before.

This left them with nothing but sighs.

About twenty minutes later, Tang Ying, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin walked out of the recording studio. Tang Ying was already familiar with the song.

Ryan smiled heartily and said, "Let's go back to the concert hall. I'll ask the stage to make arrangements immediately."

In the concert hall.

A little more than two hours later, after everyone had waited, the host's voice suddenly came from the speakers around the concert hall.

"Dear audience friends, good evening. The song "Scarborough Fair" was created live by Mr. Li Fan, China's number one musician. Ma Jing will appear on the stage. The singer of the song is a famous Chinese singer. Singer Tang Ying, let’s look forward to it together!”

As soon as the news came out, the entire concert hall was in an uproar, and the voices that had been hotly debated quickly reached a new high.

As expected, Li Fan only took two hours to complete the creation.

So, what was the final quality of the song?

The answer will soon be revealed.

Li Fan, Ryan, Chris, Aihuaduo and others also returned to the previous VIP area and their previous positions.

Tang Ying, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin, under the leadership of relevant staff, went to the waiting area to prepare to sing on stage.

The audience in the VIP area saw Li Fan coming back and came to express their congratulations. At the same time, they also expressed that they were very much looking forward to the song that was about to be performed.

Li Fan smiled and responded one by one to express his gratitude.

At this time, all the singers who participated in the performance also walked out of the waiting area.

Looking at the lively atmosphere in the concert hall, he sneered with envy and jealousy, "Should we start? Very good, if the quality of the songs is not good later, then it will be interesting."

All the musicians were also sneering. In their opinion, this was the beginning of Li Fan's music and the beginning of Li Fan's disgrace.

Of course, if they had seen the process of Li Fan creating songs like Lane and others before, they would definitely not have such thoughts at this time.

It's a pity they didn't see it.

On the stage, after singing a song, a singer slowly left the stage.

The scene immediately burst into bursts of applause and cheers. These applause and cheers were not for the singer who had just left the stage, but for the next singer who was about to appear.

The next singer to appear is Tang Ying.

Tang Ying's tall and beautiful figure walked slowly across the stage. The stage was still a familiar stage, but the audience around her no longer had Chinese faces.

There is no doubt that this is the most special time Tang Ying has sang on stage so far.

This made Tang Ying slightly excited and impatient.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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