Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1344 A magical and beautiful song

Remember in one second【】

Tang Ying stood in the center of the stage and exhaled slowly. She was ready.

All the audiences in the concert hall were also prepared, and the lively and joyous scene just now quickly became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, the first-class audio equipment distributed in every corner of the concert hall began to play the prelude of the song.

The prelude has a far-reaching artistic conception, is soothing and lively, and the spirits of all the people present were immediately lifted.

They seemed to smell the distant historical atmosphere, which was the history of the small town of Casbro and the ancient songs of the Vikings and Celts.

This kind of ballad with a distant and ancient atmosphere gradually makes everyone intoxicated. It is a tune full of sensitive poetry and subtle resentment.

Those tunes seem to have cut off the turmoil of the mortal world, dispelling the haze and ambiguity of the world, and bidding farewell to the hustle and bustle and glitz of the busy city.

Let everyone's hearts become pure and comfortable at this moment, forgetting everything, and only being immersed in the distant tunes.

Of all the people, Ryan was undoubtedly the one who felt the deepest emotion. This distant melody brought all his thoughts back to his hometown, that beautiful town.

Ryan closed his eyes gently. At this moment, his eyes were unnecessary. Only by closing his eyes could he see his hometown more thoroughly.

Looking at his beautiful hometown, Ryan was very excited. It was just the prelude. Ryan knew that this would be a great song.

He is convinced!

It’s not just Ryan who is excited, there are many, many people, such as Chris.

After hearing the prelude, Chris only had one thought in his mind, and that was that Li Fan's musical attainments were so terrifying.

At this time, Ren could only sigh silently. At this time, he finally believed that there was a kind of genius in this world, which he could never touch at a height.

Those who were waiting to see Li Fan's joke, the musicians and singers participating in tonight's performance, all looked at the extremely beautiful figure on the stage in shock.

Just the prelude of the song seemed to have broken all their previous assumptions.

They couldn't believe it.


Tang Ying brought the microphone close to her mouth and sang the first verse.

"are you going to scarborough fair?

(Are you heading to Scarborough Market?)

parsley, sage, rosemary, and, thyme.

(Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.)

remember me to one who lives there.

(Say hello to a girl there for me.)

she once was true love of mine.

(She was once my lover.)

tell her to make me a cambric shirt.

(Ask her to make me a linen shirt.)


The melody is long and profound, and Tang Ying's singing voice is long and crisp. The sound and the melody are perfectly integrated, so that every audience at the scene will never be able to get away from Tang Ying's singing after hearing the first word.

"Cathborough Fair" is an ancient British folk song from a previous life. Its lyrics can be traced back to at least the 13th century England, while the melody is even earlier and originated in Scotland.

Of course, in the new century, the popular version of "Casborough Fair" has been processed and recreated by modern musicians.

The most famous version is the version processed by Simon and Garfunkel.

In this version, in the second, third, and fourth verses of the song, at the end of each line, there is a less obvious voice singing another set of lyrics.

Another set of lyrics was written by Simon, mainly expressing his anti-war wishes, while the melody was written by Garfunkel.

Another set of newly added lyrics begins like the dusk and desolate sky of autumn, quietly describing the sufferings and hardships of the war. This makes this version of "Scarborough Fair" no longer just a song. A sad love song, but also a sharp anti-war song.

This is the version Li Fan chose. The main song is sung by Tang Ying, while the other set of less obvious lyrics are temporarily harmonized by Qin Yulin.

Although the girl's singing skills are not very good, the singing voice of the other set of lyrics is not obvious, and the singing skills are not high, so the girl is completely competent.

The first verse of the lyrics has a touch of sadness. The protagonist asks a person if he is going to Scarborough Market. Let him say hello to a girl in the market, who was his former lover...

The second line of lyrics, "parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme", are four flowers, representing the sweetness, strength, loyalty and courage of love respectively.

Everyone felt that faint sadness, as if their former lover was a girl from Scarborough Market.

And now, they can never see that girl again.

On the stage, Tang Ying's singing continued.

“parsley, sage, rosemary, and, thymen.

(Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.)

s nor needle work.

(There is no need to sew the noodles, nor

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Use needle and thread. )

then shell be a true love of mine.

(She will be my true love.)

tell her to find me an acre of nd.

(Tell her to find a piece of land for me.)


The scene was quiet, except for Tang Ying's singing, which sounded from every corner of the scene. Every audience member was immersed in the singing.

Although they have never been to the town called Scarborough.

But now, they seem to be able to see that beautiful place in their minds.

There is the smell of the sea, the smell of sunshine, the fragrance of spices...

There is a feast of spices. With a gentle sniff, you can seem to smell the faint fragrance of parsley, sage, thyme, and rosemary.

There are endless fields, rivers that are about to freeze, and seas that sigh forever. There are all things that are "beautiful".

And when the song reached the second half, all the audience's ears seemed to vaguely hear another voice.

That voice seemed to be in front of me, and it seemed to have passed through the sea of ​​eternal sighs and came from a distant place.

The voice was not very clear, it could only be heard vaguely, and it seemed to be telling information related to the sound of horns and soldiers.

That sound seems like an illusion, but it doesn't seem to be an illusion. That sound complements and blends with the main sound, giving people an extremely unique enjoyment.

This is a divine and beautiful song. Everyone at the scene hopes in their hearts that this song will never end. They hope that the singing can last longer, and longer...

However, a song will eventually end, and Tang Ying on the stage finally sang the last line of lyrics.

The ancient and distant melody is gradually fading away, and the sound is getting smaller and smaller, until it disappears.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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