Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1345 The Charm of Great Music

Remember in one second【】

Teague Hall.

Tang Ying on the stage finished singing the last line of lyrics, and the melody resounded in every corner of the concert hall and was slowly fading away.

This fading melody suddenly awakened everyone in the concert hall from their intoxication.

They are restless and unwilling to leave. They stretch out their hands to catch the disappearing melody. They want to let the ancient and distant, then beautiful and refreshing melody flow forever.

However, they are destined to be unable to catch it, and they cannot be intoxicated forever. They must wake up and return to the real world.

Of course, they don't have to be sad. They can also hope in their hearts, hoping that the eternal and distant melody will sound again, hoping that the pure and moving singing will echo again, and hoping that the distant lover will enter their hearts again.

On the stage, when the ancient and distant melody completely disappeared, Tang Ying bowed slightly in all directions of the stage. It was already the curtain call.

Everyone in the concert hall clearly knew this, and an extremely strong feeling of reluctance lingered in their hearts.

The next moment, there was a complete explosion.

A roaring sound like a tsunami suddenly sounded in every corner of the concert hall, and everyone shouted the name of the extremely beautiful woman on the stage.

Because of the previous trailer, everyone knows the name "Tang Ying".

They shouted as hard as they could, not because of Tang Ying's stunning appearance. They just wanted Tang Ying to sing the song again.

Let their thoughts return to that distant and beautiful town, and let them take another look at the beautiful girl in the town, their former lover.

However, Tang Ying on the stage waved to them and then slowly walked off the stage.

The song finally ended.

Behind the stage, as soon as Tang Ying stepped off the stage, Su Qing and Qin Yulin greeted her. Qin Yulin said excitedly: "Sister Yingying, you sang so well."

Tang Ying smiled and said: "You girl's harmony is also very good."

Qin Yulin said: "I was singing blindly, how can I be with Sister Yingying? By the way, I never sing. This time I made an exception to harmonize. I have to ask my brother-in-law to make up for it."

Su Qing knocked on Qin Yulin's head.

Said: "The most he can compensate you for is two glares. Let's go. The singing is over and our mission is completed. Let's go back to your brother-in-law this time."

"Okay!" Qin Yulin and Tang Ying said at the same time.

After that, the three women walked out of the stage waiting area and walked towards the previous VIP area.

At this time, there were many people in the concert hall and outside the gate of the concert hall, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly lively.

The beautiful woman on the stage had already walked off the stage. Everyone knew that there would be no second time to sing the song. They were very reluctant to part with it, but they were not disappointed.

Because they are the first people in the world to hear this song. They are already the luckiest people, so how can they be disappointed? Don't dare to be disappointed.

Moreover, although they could not hear it a second time, they could still discuss it and share it with each other, sharing the excitement and excitement at this moment.

There were excited voices from the audience everywhere, and the organizer did not immediately arrange for the next singer to sing the song.

Because everyone knows that at this time, everyone in the concert hall is afraid that they will never be able to listen to other songs. The next singer will only make the singer feel very embarrassed.

In this case, let the audience have a good discussion first.

"Oh my God! I am the first audience of this song. I am so lucky!"

"This song is really... really... Oh, my vocabulary is limited, I don't even know how to describe it. All I can say is that it's so nice."

"No, no, no, this song is far more than just beautiful. Its melody is timeless and timeless, as if it has traveled through centuries. It is a song of God."

"Yes, I have the same feeling. Both the melody and the lyrics seem to have existed for centuries. This feeling is so unique and wonderful."

"I can guarantee that this will be a great song, and it will spread throughout every city in Lan Kingdom in a very short time."

"Now I am full of longing for the town called Scarborough. That town must be blessed by the goddess of luck, so that Mr. Li Fan from the distant country of China can create such a great song for it. .”

"Is this the strength of Mr. Li Fan, the number one person in Chinese music? In just two hours, he created such a song. Mr. Li Fan's strength can no longer be described by the word 'genius' Described.”

"I must apologize to Mr. Li Fan, because I didn't think the songs that Mr. Li Fan improvised on the spot would be very good before, but now, I have been severely slapped in the face. Of course, for such a slap in the face , I enjoy it very much.”

"I think Mr. Li Fan should not be the number one in Chinese music, but the number one in the world. Who else in this world, except Mr. Li Fan, can create such a song in two hours?" song?"

"That's right, the absolute number one music player in the world. Who dares to doubt Mr. Li Fan's ability in the future? I'm just a big talker."

"This is a love song filled with a touch of sadness. It reminds me of my former lover. I wonder how she is doing now?"

"Hey! This is indeed a love song with a touch of sadness, but if you think it is just a love song, you are totally wrong."

"Oh? Is there another mystery behind this song?"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"Of course, although I still don't know what kind of mystery it hides? But I must definitely exist. When this song was sung in the second half, did you vaguely hear it? Another voice?”

"Yes, there is indeed another voice. It seems a bit like an illusion, but it shouldn't be an illusion."

"Yes, the other voice is the mystery hidden in this song. It's just that the voice is a bit ethereal, and it doesn't sound very real. It can only be vaguely heard, and it seems to be related to the war. Of course, it is exactly this This ethereal effect adds to the charm and mystery of the song.”

"Oh! My God! This song really has a secret. In this case, this song will be even more extraordinary and great. Mr. Li Fan is really too strong."

"So, what kind of mystery is hidden? I suddenly want to know now."

"Hey! I want to know too, just wait, it won't take long and we will know."


Everyone was discussing excitedly, and those whose hometowns were Scarborough had tears of excitement rolling in their eyes.

"Did you hear it? Did you see it? That's my hometown of Scarborough, that beautiful place." They walked around the crowd, always taking the trouble to ask this question over and over again.

Anyone who is asked will answer with envy and excitement: "Oh, yes, man, I heard and saw it. It is indeed very beautiful there. Congratulations. Your hometown is favored by the goddess of credibility. It is very beautiful." It will soon be famous all over the country. Oh no, its fame may even spread abroad."

Hearing such an answer, they always said excitedly: "Oh! Thank you so much. So, will you go there and take a look?"

Then, they always hear the answer: "Of course, I will."

They are excited, they are excited, and they know for sure that their hometown of Scarborough will soon be famous all over the country, and even around the world.

This is the charm of a great piece of music!

They believe it!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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