Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1348 Right to cover songs

Remember in one second【】

After sitting at Jared's house for a while, it was getting late, and Li Fan said goodbye.

On the way back to the hotel, Su Qing said with emotion: "The old scientist named Alves is really worthy of respect. It's just a pity that his wish to make more money is destined to not be realized."

Qin Yulin said: "There is no other way. After all, he is already in his seventies and his body is still strong. Apart from collecting waste, it is difficult to find other ways to make money."

Tang Ying said: "Actually, there is no need for the old man to make more money. 5,000 pounds per month is not a small amount."

Su Qing said: "Although this is true, the old man obviously does not think so, otherwise he would not feel unwilling and regretful."

Li Fan said: "I may have a way to make that old man earn more money."

After hearing this, the three women were all stunned and asked at the same time: "What can we do?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "The way is... you will know in two days."

"Tch!" The three girls rolled their eyes at the same time and took the little girl's hand and walked forward. They obviously did not intend to "associate" with Li Fan anymore.

Li Fan chuckled and followed leisurely.

Li Fan was returning to the hotel. The news about him composing the song "Scarborough Fair" live at Teague Hall has already spread completely on the Internet.

Not only has it attracted the attention of a large number of netizens, but it has also attracted the attention of many singers, record entertainment companies and musicians in the country.

In addition, the reasons and consequences of Li Fan creating such a song are also circulating on the Internet.

The causes and consequences are naturally related to Ryan, the chairman of the National Music Association, and Ryan's hometown of Scarborough also attracted attention on the Internet for the first time.

Of course, it's just a matter of attention now.

Countless friends are talking about it on the Internet. Most of them are itching to hear that song right away.

Some people are also worried about why they didn't go to Teague Concert Hall tonight? I missed such a sensational thing.


Many people have also raised doubts, saying that Li Fan's song may indeed be good, but Luo's statement is obviously too exaggerated.

No matter how good the song is that was created in two hours, how can it be so good?

However, no matter what, Li Fan and his "Scarborough Fair" have completely become popular on the Internet in Lan Country, and have become one of the hottest topics on the Internet now.

Netizens are talking about it, and a lot of celebrity singers are also talking about it.

In a communication group with only third-tier star singers and above.

"What do you think? Are Luo's claims exaggerated?"

"I think it's an exaggeration. After all, it's too exaggerated. Even words like 'great' are used."

"I also think it is exaggerated. However, Li Fan is the number one music artist in China, and his strength is undoubted. Even if it is improvised on the spot, the quality should not be bad. So, that song will be a good song. This It’s certain.”

"Weren't there other singers in the concert hall at that time? Are there any from our group?"

"Probably not, but I know Diana was there at the time. It's just that when I asked her what the song was like, her reaction was a little strange."

"Diana is a fourth-tier star singer, why is her reaction so strange?"

"She was a little evasive and didn't answer my question directly. She just said that Li Fan is really well-deserved. Isn't this the same as not answering? As long as the song is acceptable, Li Fan can be said to be well-deserved, after all. It was just a song created live in two hours.”

"It's indeed a bit weird, that's all. I think it's an ordinary good song. Luo said it was too exaggerated. I just stopped and didn't bother to care about it."

"I'm getting off too, it's getting late."


After a group of celebrity singers discussed it for a while, they no longer cared much about it.

Obviously, they also didn't think that the songs Li Fan created in two hours would be very good.

Luo's statement is a bit too exaggerated.

They no longer care, which means they have given up the right to cover "Scarborough Fair" in Lan Country.

If the singers at the scene tonight knew about this, they would definitely be very happy.

Of course, not all first-, second- and third-tier star singers have given up. There are still some first-, second- and third-tier star singers who are very interested.

In their opinion, even if the song is not as exaggerated as Luo said, it is at least a good song and is worth fighting for.

In addition, some entertainment record companies are also considering whether to buy the cover rights?

The result of consideration is that some record companies choose to give up, while others choose to fight for it.

Li Fan returned to the hotel with Su Qing, Qin Yulin, Tang Ying, and the little girl.

After shopping all day today, the three girls all felt a little tired, so they went to bed early.

The little girl chose to sleep with Su Qing tonight.

Li Fan stayed in the room for a while, and after watching the heated discussions among his friends, he also fell asleep.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day came, which was also the early morning of January 19th.

The little girl still went to school with Lucy, but when she left, she told Li Fan that he would come back to pick her and Lucy up when they went to play in the evening.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Li Fan also agreed. Since the little girl wants to go, he can take her with him.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying went to the office building of the National Music Association.

Because today there will definitely be many singers, or record entertainment companies, going to the National Music Association to buy the right to cover "Scarborough Fair" in Lanzhou.

Originally, they were supposed to go to Li Fan, but they couldn't find Li Fan, so they had to go to the National Music Association.

Regarding copyright matters, Li Fan definitely needs to check it personally.

Therefore, Li Fan could only come to the office building of the National Music Association.

This song originally belonged to Lan State, so Li Fan would naturally not mind selling the right to cover the song to a singer from Lan State.

When Li Fan and the three girls arrived at the downstairs of the office building, Ryan went downstairs to greet them personally, which made Li Fan repeatedly express "I don't dare take it".

And Lane said that's as it should be.

After that, singers interested in the right to cover songs and heads of record entertainment companies arrived one after another.

Ryan accompanied Li Fan to start the "interview". Li Fan first had to conduct a preliminary selection of singers to select singers with suitable voices, singing skills and good character.

He only looks at the voice, singing skills and character, not the star level of the singer. Those who are unqualified, even first-line superstars, will still be eliminated. Those who are qualified, even if they are just street singers, can advance to the next round.

As for the record entertainment companies, they will all be eliminated. Li Fan is not prepared to sell the cover rights directly to the record entertainment companies.

Because if the cover rights are sold to a record entertainment company, then it has nothing to do with Li Fan which singer the record entertainment company arranges to sing.

Li Fan definitely cannot accept this. He must be responsible for the classic songs of his previous life.

This naturally made the heads of the record entertainment companies very dissatisfied. They all said how much their companies were willing to pay to buy it. They also said that the price they offered must be the highest price, and Li Fan would definitely regret it if he didn't sell it.

Li Fan was naturally unmoved, and the heads of the companies hummed and left.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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