Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1349 Sold to you for one pound (2-in-1 chapter)

Remember in one second【】

The heads of the record entertainment companies hummed and left, naturally carrying negative emotions of dissatisfaction.

In the communication group of an entertainment company, those in charge who had hit a wall expressed their dissatisfaction.

"That guy Li Fan is a little arrogant. I haven't even heard the demo of that song, so I directly offered him 1 million pounds. How much trust does this show for him? He actually doesn't appreciate it. That's okay, if he If I really accept it, I will probably regret it. His song is definitely not worth so much money.”

"You are so bold that you actually asked for 1 million rands. Do you really think it is that exaggerated? I offered 500,000 rands, all because he is the number one music player in China. Two No matter how good the music I created is, it doesn’t matter if he refuses, I can buy at least three or four songs like that for 500,000 rand.”

"If he doesn't sell to companies like us, he will sell directly to those singers. I took a look and noticed that most of the singers who went there today are star singers below the third tier, and there are even street singers. Those singers can make a lot of money. How much? It will definitely not exceed 200,000 pounds. Li Fan will regret it later."

"Hmph! He didn't sell it at the high price we gave him. I want to see who he will sell it to in the end? And how much did he sell it for?"


The heads of record entertainment companies expressed their dissatisfaction. In this era of developed Internet, many star singers naturally found out soon.

Some first-, second- and third-tier star singers also expressed their opinions in their own communication groups.

"I heard that all the people in charge of the companies I went to today have hit a wall. Li Fan wants to sell songs directly to singers."

"It's true that we hit a wall. Our company originally offered to buy it for me to sing, but now we have no chance. But it doesn't matter. I didn't care too much about that song, otherwise I would have gone there myself."

"I heard that almost all of the people who went there were people from the third tier or below. Li Fan would probably feel very embarrassed. His songs, which are considered to be the number one in Chinese music, could not attract celebrities from the third tier or above."

"That's normal. He is not the number one musician in our country. In addition, it took two hours to improvise a song. It is already very good to be able to attract so many singers below the third tier."

"Let's wait and see, who will he sell it to? And how much will it cost?"


Head of record entertainment company,

Li Fan didn't know about the discussion with the singers. Of course he knew about it, and he wouldn't care.

He and Ryan are still "interviewing" singers.

Although most of the singers who came were singers below the third-tier level, there were quite a lot of them. From noon to four o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them had "interviewed" hundreds of singers.

Among them, there are no first-tier superstar singers, one second-tier superstar singer, two third-tier star singers, ten wandering singers without star status, and the rest are all fourth- to sixth-tier star singers.

More than 80% of the singers were eliminated in the first round, including the second-tier superstar singer and the two third-tier star singers.

Of course, being eliminated does not mean that their singing skills are not good, but that their timbre is not in line with the song "Scarborough Fair", or the singer's own character is unqualified.

Those singers who were eliminated naturally complained a lot, especially the second-tier superstar singer and the two third-tier star singers.

They were all in the singer exchange group, expressing their dissatisfaction, saying that they were second-tier or third-tier singers, and still fighting for that song was definitely looking up to Li Fan, but Li Fan didn't appreciate it.

Li Fan didn't care about the singers' complaints. He was discussing with Ryan which singer was the most suitable to sing that song?

Li Fan believes that the most suitable singer so far is a wandering singer named Annie. Li Fan is very satisfied with her singing skills, timbre and character.

Ryan said that the singer named Annie is indeed very suitable, but she is a wandering singer and should not be able to buy the copyright.

Li Fan smiled and said: "This does not exist. If she is really the most suitable candidate, I believe she has the ability to purchase the copyright."

Ryan didn't understand why Li Fan said this. In his opinion, the copyright for Li Fan's song, even if it was just a cover in Lan Guo, must be at least 1 million pounds.

If Li Fan released the song demo first and then sold the copyright, it would definitely attract many record entertainment companies. First- and second-tier superstar singers compete to buy.

It's hard to say what price it will fetch in the end, but it will be at least 5 million pounds.

You know, for a classic to great song, a singer may have only this opportunity in his life, and it is worth paying a high price.

How can a wandering singer be able to purchase the copyright?

Although Ryan was very confused, he did not ask. Since Li Fan said this, he might have some intention.

The "interview" was still going on, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, no singer came again. The second round of "re-examination" was just beginning.

The singers who passed the first round of "interviews" sat together, looking at Li Fan and Ryan with nervousness, excitement and anticipation.

They know that the competition for song copyright has now reached the most important stage, which is also the bidding stage.

Whoever pays the highest price will be most likely to win the copyright.

Among them, there is one singer who is the most excited. She is the only one among all the singers yesterday.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The singer at the concert hall in the evening, the fourth-tier star singer, Diana.

Diana was the only singer of all singers who had heard that song, and the only one who knew the true value of that song.

Therefore, no matter how high the price is, as long as she can afford it, she will definitely buy the copyright to the song.

There was one singer who was the most uneasy. She was the only wandering singer at the scene, Annie.

She didn't have a record company, and she was financially strapped. She couldn't afford to buy the copyright. She was very worried. She was afraid that it would make Li Fan unhappy. She obviously didn't have the ability to buy, but she still came for an "interview". Isn't this a form of entertainment?

But there was a very special reason why she was eager to sing that song.

So, she came, even though she knew that her chance of getting the copyright... was zero.

At this time, I only heard Ryan say: "Hello singers, you can pass the preliminary election to prove that you are all suitable to sing that song. But the cover copyright of that song in Lan Country can only be sold to one person Singer. Since it’s a copyright competition, the one with the highest price will naturally win.”

The one with the highest price gets it. Li Fan is not opposed to this approach. This does not mean that he cares about the price of copyright and hopes to sell it as high as possible.

But in this way, we can see how much a singer values ​​and desires that song.

As a result, the singers made bids one after another, because they were all star singers below the third tier, and their worth was not high. In addition, they had not heard the song demo.

Therefore, the bids were not high. The highest bidder for a singer only paid 180,000 rand.

Of course, the price of 180,000 rand is actually quite high. You know, even if it is a song by a top-notch musician in the country, the price of a song is only about 100,000 rand.

This made Diana very excited, secretly thinking that she should be able to get this song at a price that was not high compared to the value of the song.

Therefore, Diana directly bid 300,000 pounds, which was close to the highest price she could afford. She wanted to use such a high price to directly scare away other competitors.

Sure enough, when the other singers heard the price of 300,000 rand, they all shook their heads helplessly.

Diana is a fourth-tier star singer, and she is indeed the most "rich" singer among them. She is willing to pay 300,000 rand, but other singers are not willing.

Of course, this doesn't mean that they don't have that much money. Someone can get 300,000 rand, but they don't think the song is worth that much money.

They can accept more than 100,000 rand, but if it exceeds 200,000 rand, they think it's not worth it.

At this point, Anne is the only one who has not made a bid. It's not that she doesn't want to bid, but that she can't afford to bid. Her total net worth is less than 10,000 pounds, so how can she dare to bid?

However, she did not intend to give up like this. After hesitating for a long time, she finally said uneasily: "Mr. Li Fan, Mr. Lane, I am willing to offer 310,000 pounds, but...just...but I don't have that much money now." .”

Anne's words made all the singers speechless. Since they don't have that much money, the price is the same elsewhere. Do you still plan to get it on credit?

But I never thought that Anne really thought like this. I just heard her continue: "I hope Mr. Li Fan can allow me...allow me to make up the money month by month in the future. Please rest assured, Mr. Li Fan, I will definitely do it." Within five years, all the money will be repaid.”

He really planned to pay on credit. All the singers were completely speechless and couldn't understand. Why bother?

Diana's heart skipped a beat and she thought to herself, "Did she also be there last night?"

Li Fan and Ryan were also a little surprised. Li Fan said, "Miss Anne, is there any reason for you to do this?"

Anne nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, I am very eager to sing that song, because Scarborough is also my hometown. I am very eager to sing that song. Mr. Li Fan created it for my hometown." song."


After hearing what Annie said, the singers nodded secretly, which was understandable.

However, despite their understanding, they did not agree with Anne's approach. It was simply not worth it for a homeless singer with financial constraints to get himself into debt just for a song.

Unless that song is as exaggerated as Luo said, but that is simply impossible.

Of course, they didn't think Li Fan would agree. It's impossible to lend you songs on credit just because your hometown is Scarborough, right?

Ryan said with some joy: "Is Miss Anne's hometown also Scarborough?"

Anne said: "Yes, Mr. Lane, when I heard yesterday that Mr. Lane's hometown is Scarborough, I really felt very honored."

Ryan smiled and said: "Okay, I'm very happy too, Miss Anne."

Diana secretly said "No" and said quickly: "Mr. Li Fan, Mr. Lane, I am willing to offer 400,000 pounds."

Four hundred thousand pounds was actually more than she could afford, but she could still get it together.

Seeing that Ryan was so happy, she was really afraid that Li Fan would lend Annie the song on credit. To be on the safe side, she directly raised the price to 400,000 rand.

If it weren't for the fact that her net worth was also limited, she would directly bid 1 million pounds or even more.

Because she knew it was definitely worth it!

The singers were stunned when they heard Diana's direct bid of 400,000 pounds. They couldn't understand why Diana cared so much about that song.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


Are you willing to pay 400,000 rand? It's too exaggerated.

Anne was anxious, and then sighed secretly. She couldn't say anymore that she was willing to pay 410,000 pounds, right?

Because if she says this again, it will definitely make people think that she just writes a blank check, and the sense of trust will be reduced a lot.

Li Fan looked at Diana and nodded secretly. He knew that Diana should be at the concert hall last night.

Of course, this is not important. Diana knew the value of that song because she was there last night, and that was also her opportunity.

However, if Anne's hometown was really Scarborough, then she would obviously be more suitable for Diana.

And Annie obviously didn't lie. Li Fan could sense this with his powerful perception, and he could also feel the sincerity and desire in Annie's heart.

Anne's hometown is Scarborough, which also surprised Li Fan. It was obviously a perfect thing to have a local singer from Scarborough sing the song "Scarborough Fair".

And Ryan would obviously be happy about this, and he and even Li Fan were even happier.

In fact, Ryan really hopes that Li Fan can sell the copyright to Annie, but Annie's credit method makes Ryan unable to speak.

When everyone was busy with their own thoughts, Li Fan said: "Dear singer friends, thank you for your trust in my songs. Who will I sell the copyright to? I have made a decision now."

The hearts of the singers jumped and their eyes showed anticipation. Although their bids were not as high as Diana's, it did not mean that they had no chance at all.

What if Li Fan thinks that Diana is more suitable for them.

And Diana was very nervous. Will she be able to successfully obtain the copyright? It's now.

Anne was relatively the calmest. She had no hope because she knew how ridiculous the way she proposed it was.

She fought for it, tried it, and that was enough.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little tense. Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "I decided to sell the copyright to Miss Anne. The reason is just as you think, because her hometown is Scarborough."


Everyone was surprised. They did not expect that Li Fan accepted Anne's credit offer simply because Anne's hometown was Scarborough.

However, except for Diana, the others are not too disappointed and forget about not winning.

Only Diana was extremely disappointed, but he knew that Li Fan's decision could not be changed. She could only feel deep regret and sigh.

This was perhaps the best opportunity in her life, but it passed her by.

Annie was so surprised that she couldn't believe her ears. It took a while before she came back from her excitement and excitement.

He said repeatedly: "Mr. Li Fan, thank you so much for your trust. As for that sum of money, I will definitely pay it back within five years."

However, Li Fan waved his hand and said, "No, I don't intend to pay on credit."


Everyone was stunned again, and Annie said anxiously: "But Mr. Li Fan, I can't afford that much money now... now... now. "

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "No, you can get it."

Annie became more and more anxious and said: "No...Mr. Li Fan, I really..."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "I didn't say I would sell it to you for 310,000 pounds."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned again, wasn't it 310,000 rand? How much is that?

Annie asked anxiously: "Then what is the price Mr. Li Fan said?"

Li Fan stretched out his right hand and signed the word "1".

100,000 rand? Everyone thought so, and Anne was about to say that she couldn't afford the 100,000 rand now.

But I heard Li Fan say: "One pound."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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