Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1350 Getting more and more popular

Remember in one second【】

"One pound."

When Li Fan said the price, everyone was stunned and couldn't believe what they heard.

After a while, Ryan was the first to say: "Mr. Li Fan, what...why is this? Doesn't the price of 1 pound mean that it is given away for free?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "It's not a gift, it's a sale. Miss Anne is destined to this song. There is no difference between the price of 1 million pounds and the price of 1 million pounds. If Miss Anne is not suitable for this song, even if It’s 10 million pounds, and I won’t sell it.”

After hearing this, Ryan was silent for a while, then sighed softly and said: "Mr. Li Fan's magnanimity is far inferior to mine. I am ashamed, ashamed."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Mr. Lane, don't try to speak of me in such a noble manner. I'm just not short of the 310,000 pounds."

Ryan smiled, naturally he would not take it seriously, and when Li Fan said this, he showed even more casualness, which made Ryan feel even more emotional.

Ryan's heart just sighed, but Anne's heart was so excited that she felt dizzy. The happiness came so suddenly, and she was completely knocked out.

After a while, Annie regained some composure. Although she was still a little dizzy, she knew what she should do.

She bowed deeply to Li Fan, and then said: "Thank you Mr. Li Fan for your trust. Anne will remember Mr. Li Fan's kindness throughout his life."

Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "Miss Anne, there is no need to thank me. In the final analysis, the most important thing is that I think you are very suitable to sing this song. This is an opportunity obtained by your own bold pursuit. The one you should thank most is yourself." .”

After hearing this, Anne felt even more grateful. She was about to say something more, but she saw Li Fan wave his hand to her and said, "Miss Anne, there is no need to say any more. You can give me the copyright fee."

Anne was stunned for a while before she realized what she was doing. She quickly took out a 1-pound note from her body with trembling hands.

There were some wrinkles on the banknotes. Anne used her trembling hands to carefully and attentively smooth out the wrinkles on the banknotes. Then she walked up to Li Fan and handed the 1-pound banknote to Li Fan very respectfully.

At this time, her mind was still dizzy, like a fog.

Li Fan looked at Annie. She was about twenty-five years old. Although her appearance was not as beautiful as that of the other three girls, she was still considered a rare beauty.

Then he nodded slightly and reached out to take the 1-pound note that Anne handed him, which had an unusual meaning.

Li Fan put the banknotes away, and then said with a smile: "Okay, Miss Anne, our transaction is completed. I have entrusted the next matter to Mr. Lane. You can just talk to Mr. Lane directly."

Annie was still in the clouds, her brain could not organize language effectively, so she could only express her gratitude continuously.

It was only at this time that the other singers finally came to their senses. They were also a little confused, but not as serious as Annie.

Does Li Fan really only charge 1 pound in royalties?

Although they had seen and heard what had just happened with their own eyes and ears, they still couldn't believe it.

It was not until the transaction between the two parties was completed that the singers were finally convinced that everything was true.

They were filled with emotion. Li Fan was indeed not an ordinary person, and at the same time they were extremely envious of Anne.

Although Diana was extremely disappointed, she couldn't help but be deeply impressed by Li Fan. She bowed to Li Fan and said: "Mr. Li Fan was called the number one musician in the world yesterday at the concert hall. He is absolutely Well deserved.”

Li Fan smiled and said: "Miss Diana is over-rated. She is the number one music person in the world. I will never dare to claim that. Maybe there will be a chance for me and Miss Diana to get along in the future."

After hearing this, Diana felt excited and said quickly: "Yes, thank you Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan waved his hand and said to Ryan: "Mr. Ryan, I'll leave the rest to you."

Ryan smiled and said: "Mr. Li Fan is so polite. I am very honored."

Li Fan once again expressed his gratitude, and then said goodbye to Ryan, Anne, Diana, and other singers.

Once the matter was settled, he would naturally leave.

Li Fan has left all the next matters to Ryan to handle, such as when Annie will officially release that song.

Walking out of the office building of the National Music Association with Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, Qin Yulin stared at Li Fan and asked: "Brother-in-law, tell me the truth, did you only sell 1 orchn to others because of the beauty of that woman named Annie?" Pounds?"

Li Fan smiled, flicked Qin Yulin's head and said, "She is indeed beautiful, but she is far inferior to you."

Qin Yulin said proudly: "Of course, brother-in-law, do you feel very happy?"

Li Fan said: "I am indeed very happy. Let's go back and pick up the little girl and Lucy. They have already gone home from school, and then we will find a place to play later in the evening."

Qin Yulin muttered: "I know."

After Li Fan left, Diana and other singers also left one after another.

They also brought the matter of Li Fan selling the rights to the Dutch cover of "Scarborough Fair" to the wandering singer Annie for 1 pound.

Originally, many record entertainment companies, a large number of star singers, and countless friends have been waiting for the outcome of this matter.

Everyone is very nice. Who will Li Fan eventually sell the copyright to? Can be sold again

^0^ Remember in one second【】

How much?

And when the results spread on the Internet, no one believed it at first.

It might be possible for Li Fan to sell the copyright to a wandering singer, as long as the wandering singer has money, but he only sold it for 1 pound, which is too nonsense.

It's simply impossible.

It was not until Ryan personally announced the relevant results on his personal social platform and the official website of the National Music Association.

Everyone has to believe that this thing is true! It actually only sold for 1 pound!

While announcing the results, Ryan also described the process in great detail. After it spread online, it immediately triggered heated discussions among countless netizens.

There are various voices. Some people admire Li Fan for his free and easy behavior. If he is destined, he will sell him for one pound, but if he is not destined, he will not be sold for a thousand gold. He is an absolute master of the world!

Some people analyzed the reason why Li Fan only sold it for 1 pound. Maybe it was because the singer named Annie was very beautiful, and the two of them might have other transactions in private.

Some people laughed at Li Fan for being so stupid. A record company offered 1 million pounds not to sell it, but in the end it only sold for 1 pound.

Some people say that Li Fan only sells it for 1 rand, but in fact it is just for speculation. Anyway, he is not short of dozens or one million rands. And his goal has obviously been achieved, and it is so popular now.

Some people say that maybe the song is not very good, but it is far from exaggerated. Li Fan is embarrassed to sell it at a high price, and is afraid that people will say that he is maliciously speculating on his song in the future, so he only sells it for 1 pound to divert everyone's attention. force.

Someone expresses gratitude to Li Fan, regardless of the quality of the song? It is at least a song Li Fan created for Scarborough, a small town in the country of Lanzhou. Now he has sold the cover copyright to a singer born in the town for 1 British pound. This is worth every penny. The Lan people are grateful.

There are many other voices, many of which seem to make sense.

But no matter what the sound is, the whole incident has become more and more popular, attracting more and more people's attention.

On Christmas Eve, I would like to wish you all peace and prosperity in the countryside!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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