Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1353 There is something in the words

Remember in one second【】

At the event site, guests and guests walked on the red carpet and walked to the stage one after another, and the atmosphere gradually reached its first climax. (. .)

A total of sixteen writers attended today, including some of the most famous detective novelists in Lan Kingdom, and the rest of the writers were also somewhat famous.

Among these properties, Tris is the most famous, and he can be said to be the most famous detective novelist in Lan Country.

There have long been rumors that Tris will announce his new book today, and book fans are looking forward to it!

Jared found Li Fan and the old man in the crowd, and said to the old man: "Mr. Alves, I didn't expect you to really come. It's really rare that you would go out for other things."

The old man said: "It's Jared. You have to know that I have the brain of a detective. Today's matter to me is nothing else."

Jared smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Detective Alves." He knew that although the old man was stubborn, he sometimes had a naughty heart.

As the saying goes, young people, old and young, sometimes act like children when they get older. There is some truth in this saying.

Then he added: "However, Mr. Detective Alves, you really made the right choice by coming here today. Tris will announce his new book later, and I remember that you seem to like his works the best."

But the old man said: "No, no, no, what I am most looking forward to now is no longer Tris's new book."

"Oh?" Jared asked confused: "Whose new book is Mr. Alves looking forward to the most? Droman? Jones? Or Frank?"

The old man shook his head and said: "No, no, no, none of them. What I am most looking forward to now is this young man's new book?"

Jared naturally knew who the young man the old man was talking about. He immediately looked at Li Fan in surprise and said, "Mr. Li Fan is also planning to write the next detective novel?"

Li Fan laughed and said, "Maybe. I just made an agreement with Mr. Alves. The appearance of the protagonist of my next detective novel will be based on Mr. Alves."

"I see." Jared smiled. He finally understood why Alves was looking forward to Li Fan's new book the most.

Then his mind suddenly moved, and he remembered what Li Fan said to him the night before yesterday. Li Fan said that he went to Baker Street once,

I'm just interested in today's event.

And that day on Baker Street, he met Mr. Alves, who lived in Apartment 221b on Baker Street.

Now it is said that the appearance of the protagonist of the next detective novel will be based on Mr. Alves.

Could it be that Li Fan's next detective novel has any special purpose? Something to do with Alves?

Jared was a little excited. He wanted to ask Li Fan clearly, but now was obviously not a good time to ask questions, so he had to suppress his excitement for the time being.

At this time, the stage is going on, where the host interacts with book fans. The host will randomly select some book fans who want to ask questions and ask questions to their favorite readers.

This kind of link is undoubtedly one of the favorite links for book fans. They have too many questions and want to ask their favorite readers.

Therefore, the atmosphere at the scene was very hot, and many book fans were eagerly looking forward to it, hoping that the host would choose them.

After a while, Jared said to Li Fan again: "By the way, Mr. Li Fan, since you already have plans to write a new detective novel, do you want to take advantage of this opportunity and announce your plans?" ’s new book?”

Li Fan nodded and said, "Of course, I do have this plan. This is free publicity, so I must take advantage of it."

The reason why Li Fan came to the scene today was to take advantage of today's opportunity to bring the classic detective novel from his previous life to this world.

It would obviously be a great pity if he came to Lan Country without leaving that part behind.

Coupled with the reason of old man Alves, he wanted to keep that part.

This is exactly what he said to Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying the night before yesterday to help the elderly earn more money.

Li Fan absolutely believes that once that product is released, it will be very easy for the elderly to make more money.

After hearing this, Jared said happily: "This is great, Mr. Li Fan. This will definitely be good news for today's book fans."

Li Fan smiled and said, "I hope so."

After a while, the interaction between the family and the book fans ended, and it was time for reporters to ask questions.

All the book fans still pricked up their ears, and they were also very interested in this link.

The main subjects of questions from media reporters are the most famous celebrities such as Terrys, Droman, Jones, and Frank.

First, a reporter asked Tris: "Mr. Tris, there is a vague rumor in the outside world that you are now the number one writer of detective novels in Lan Guo. Do you agree with this statement?"

So, why are they journalists? The questions asked are different.

This first question was quite sharp, but Tris was also battle-hardened and smiled lightly: "I don't know that there are such rumors. If there are, they are just compliments from book fans. Personally, I am Not worthy of it.”

Then, another reporter asked: "Mr. Terris, can you give us a brief introduction to your new book? Do you think your new book will be the most anticipated new book by book fans?"


^0^ Remember in one second【】

The reporter asked this, and all the book fans at the scene seemed quite excited. Although this question was also a bit sharp, they were very interested in Tris's answer.

Tris replied calmly: "No, there is another writer on site. If he also publishes a new book, it will definitely be my book, which will be even more exciting."

Tris's answer surprised the book fans at the scene, and the reporters were also very surprised.

However, after the accident, he was very excited. Tris's answer would undoubtedly lead to more topics.

And what they need most is a topic.

So, the reporter just now couldn't wait to ask again: "Is it true? Mr. Terrys, which family are you talking about?"

Tris still said calmly: "That person's identity is remarkable, but will he announce his new book today? That's unknown."

There was obviously something in Tris's words. The book fans at the scene were a little confused, but the reporters were getting more and more excited.

The host on the stage was a little bit agitated. What he was most worried about finally happened.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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