Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1362 Must resist

Remember in one second【】

The first batch of martial arts fans have already started, the first boycott. (. .)

However, there are more martial arts fans who have not seen the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" at this time.

At this time, they were still very excited and looking forward to it. "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" had finally been updated, and they could finally know the plot behind it.

"Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu must have come out of the Tomb of the Living Dead, right?" They were still thinking happily in their hearts.

They were very itchy, but due to various reasons, they were unable to go to newsstands or bookstores to buy "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" at the first time.

They are not in a hurry. Anyway, the supply of "Laughing Jianghu" magazine is sufficient, and they are not worried that the magazine will be bought out.

Buy it later, buy it later, just so you can enjoy the process of anticipation a little more.

A newsstand in a certain city.

The boss happily handed a copy of the latest issue of "Laughing Jianghu" to a customer, and happily took the money handed over by the customer.

Whenever the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" is released, it is a day of joy for the bosses.

Because "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" is so easy to sell, they were able to make a lot of money.

While the boss was collecting the money, he was also thanking Gu Yong in his heart. Gu Yong's style is good-looking, they also like to see it very much, and it can help them make a lot of money. He is simply the noble person of their lives.

"Boss, get a copy of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes"."

Another business came, and the boss agreed, picked up a copy of "Laughing Jianghu" and handed it out. He was already used to this move.

The customer was a young man in his 20s wearing glasses. The young man reached out to take the magazine handed over by the boss, weighed it in his hand, and looked very satisfied.

Then get ready to pay.

But at this time, a voice came from far away, "Hey! That friend with glasses who bought "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" quickly put down the magazine. You can't buy this issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes"."

The young man with glasses and the boss were stunned at the same time.

At the same time, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Only a dozen or so people were seen hurrying towards the newsstand, with angry expressions on their faces.

The young man with glasses and the boss were startled at the same time. They both thought in their hearts that this group of people probably didn't come for them, so they didn't offend them.

But, they just said that this issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" is not available for purchase. What's going on?

While the two of them were slightly confused and confused, the group of people had already approached.

After getting closer, the person who just spoke said again: "Friend, put down the magazine quickly, you can't buy this issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes"."

Although the visitors looked angry, they didn't seem to have any malicious intentions. The bespectacled boy and the boss secretly breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

At this time, the boss discovered that this group of people seemed to have bought the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" from him not long ago today.

What's happening here?

The boss said doubtfully: "Didn't you all buy the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" from my place? Why now..."

The young man with glasses still held "Laughing Jianghu" in his hand, and looked at the group of people in front of him with a puzzled expression.

The man who just spoke was tall and thin. After hearing the boss's question, he said: "Boss, I'm sorry. It's not that we want to destroy your business, but the latest chapter of this issue of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is poisonous. We want to Boycott "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and boycott Gu Yong."

As he said this, a group of people started to act, and two people also pulled out a banner. When the boss and the young man with glasses took a look, they saw that it read:

"Gu Yong: Give my little dragon girl her innocence! Boycott "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"! Boycott Gu Yong!"

The boss and the young man with glasses were startled at the same time. What is going on? He actually wanted to boycott "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and Gu Yong.

Also, what if Gu Yong wants to clear Xiao Longnu’s innocence?

Could it be...

The boss and the young man with glasses looked at each other and thought, "Could it be that Yang Guo guy is already having an affair with Xiao Longnu?"

The young man with glasses said: "Everyone, could it be that Xiao Longnu has already had an affair with Yang Guo and thus lost her innocence? Your reaction is too much. Xiao Longnu's loss of virginity may indeed make people a little uncomfortable, but she and Yang Guo Yang Zao is already in love, and they will definitely get married. Sooner or later, they will lose their virginity, right? Even Gu Yong will resist. "

"Humph!" A group of people hummed at the same time.

The tall and thin man continued: "If he lost his virginity to Yang Guo, why would we be angry? We would only be happy that the two of us finally got married. The key is that Tamar did not lose his virginity to Yang Guo, but to Zhen... .Zhen...that Taoist priest Zhen Zhibing.”

"What?" The glasses guy and the boss were shocked at the same time.

Xiao Longnu lost her virginity to Zhen Zhibing? This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How could Guyong write such a plot?

The young man with glasses shook his head and said: "This... this... this is absolutely impossible. How could there be such a plot? You may have misunderstood what Gu Yong was trying to express, or maybe you saw it Yes, it's a fake "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

The tall and lanky man snorted coldly and said, "If "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is really a fake, that's fine. The key is that it's real!"

But the young man with glasses still shook his head and said: "Impossible, I absolutely don't believe that Gu Yong could write such a situation.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Festival, it is simply the anger of both humans and gods. You must have made a mistake there. "

The boss also refused to believe it and said: "I am also watching "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". How could a very popular fairy character like Xiao Longnu be..."

The tall and thin man sneered and said: "Don't you all have the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" in your hands? Take a look at it for yourselves to see if we have made a mistake. Of course, I am serious I hope you can see the different plots and tell us confidently that we are wrong. Also, that plot is near the end of Chapter Seven.

The young man with glasses and the boss looked at each other, nodded, and each opened their own copies of "Laughing Jianghu".

Then, then...

Then the guy with glasses and the boss all showed up and had the same reaction as those people before when they saw that plot, and they were so angry that they wanted to tear the magazine in their hands to pieces.

Looking at the reactions of the two people, the group of people shook their heads and sighed. They had already said that the plot was like that, but they still insisted on confirming it themselves. They were simply looking for trouble for themselves, so why bother?

"How's it going? Have you finished reading it? Do you think we should boycott?" the tall and thin man said calmly.

The young man with glasses slammed the magazine shut and said: "Boycott, absolute boycott, I want to join you, Magan! We want Gu Yong to modify the plot and restore Xiao Longnu's innocence."

The tall and lanky man nodded and said to the boss: "What about you, boss? Do you want to boycott? Of course, we can understand if you don't boycott. After all, you are in business and want to sell magazines to make a profit. However, we will We hereby try our best to discourage those who come to buy "Laughing Jianghu" and ask them not to buy "Laughing Jianghu" again. We also ask the boss to understand and forgive me."

The boss sighed and smiled bitterly. He was already in his forties, and his reaction to that plot was not as big as that of the young men in front of him.

However, it is indeed difficult to accept it.

Naturally, he still wants to do business. After all, "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" is selling very well, and he can make a lot of money.

But looking at the current situation, today's "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" may not be easy to sell.

Fortunately, even if "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" cannot be sold, they can return it. They will not lose money, it is Laughing Jianghu Magazine that will lose money.

They just can't make money.

Finally, the boss said helplessly: "It's up to you, I can understand. Alas!"

"Thank you, boss." The tall and thin man said, and then said to the group of people: "Brothers, hang up the banner first, our battle starts from now on."

Situations similar to this newsstand are happening one after another in many newsstands or bookstores across the country.

Martial arts fans should use this method to let Guyong modify the plot.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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