Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1377 Thank you, my most distinguished guest

Remember in one second【】

January 28th.

Relevant data were officially announced yesterday, including the sales of some major books.

Among them, the sales volume of "Sherlock Holmes" was 300,000 copies, and the sales volume of "Blood Sun" was 180,000 copies.

Naturally, the sales of 300,000 copies of "Sherlock Holmes" on the first day became the absolute focus of attention from all walks of life. However, "Blood Sun", which everyone thought would become the focus, could only become a supporting role.

Tris punched the wall angrily, appearing very unwilling to do so. The other detective novelists were also very unwilling to do so, but this was the fact. If they were unwilling to do so, what could they do?

For detective fans, such sales results are not too surprising, but for the media, such sales results are extremely surprising.

Because, judging from various previous signs, the sales volume of "Sherlock Holmes" should be quite unsatisfactory.

No matter how you look at it, Tris's "The Red Sun" should be compared to "Sherlock Holmes".

To this end, they even prepared manuscripts in advance to publicize and praise Tris, the country's number one detective novelist.

Their subjective factors are naturally more inclined to the country's detective novelist Tris.

However, when they learned about the actual sales of the two products, they were shocked and had to scrap the manuscript they had prepared in advance and prepare a new manuscript for today's report.

"Li Fanpin's Sherlock Holmes, which was not considered promising before, sold an astonishing 300,000 copies yesterday."

"Tris's "The Red Sun" has sold 180,000 copies, which is also a very scary number, but "Sherlock Holmes" is too unreasonable."

"Holmes, detective, lives with doctor Watson in Apartment 221b, Baker Street. In one day, Holmes's name spread throughout the country."

"Mr. Li Fan from China has created another hit after the song "Scarborough Fair". Detective Sherlock Holmes has conquered a large number of lovers of detective novels from China."

"Exclusive decryption: Why is Sherlock Holmes so charming?"


Many major media reports,

In addition to Tris' die-hard book fans, all the detective novelists were excited.

The Sherlock Holmes they liked and admired was indeed extraordinary. In just one day, he had attracted so much media coverage.

Under such reports, some non-detective novelists will definitely hear the name of Sherlock Holmes.

This made detective novelists even more excited, and there was constant discussion on the Internet.

With a large number of media reports and various heated discussions on the Internet, the several places mentioned by Pin have also aroused the pursuit of all detective fans.

Of course, the place where Holmes lives, No. 221b Baker Street, is the most popular, followed by the bar where Watson met little Stamford, the Cletillian Bar.

Outside the door of Kretilian Bar, a large number of people suddenly gathered this afternoon. They did not enter the bar, but looked at the bar's sign and talked about it, with very excited expressions on their faces.

"Oh, my God! It's really the Cletierian Bar. There is such a bar in our city of Langdon."

"How's it going? I'm not lying to you, am I? There really is such a bar. I saw it when I passed by here before, but I didn't expect that Mr. Li Fan wrote it into "The Sherlock Holmes"."

"This bar seems to be quite large, but it looks a bit depressed. The business is probably not very good."

"Hey! It does look a little depressed. However, I think maybe it was just because it looked a little depressed that it was chosen by Mr. Li Fan and written into the novel. You know, the background of the story of "Sherlock Holmes" is The bar that existed in the 20th century should indeed be somewhat depressed by now."

"Listening to what you said, it is indeed possible. In this way, the depression of this bar has brought an opportunity to the bar owner."

"It can be said that I can guarantee that the reputation of this bar will spread throughout Lan Country in the near future. It will be difficult to imagine the business by then."


Inside the bar.

A guy knocked on the door of boss Cleo's office and said, "Boss, a large group of people suddenly came outside our bar and pointed at our bar. Do you want to take a look?"

Cleo was shocked after hearing this. She thought something big had happened. She quickly got up and walked out and said, "Come out with me and have a look."

He has not read "Sherlock Holmes", so he still doesn't know that his Cletierian Bar has been written into the novel by Li Fan.

Of course, he knew that Li Fan released a new book "Sherlock Holmes" yesterday, and he went to the bookstore to buy two copies to support Li Fan.

However, what happened at the bar made him worried, and he had no intention of reading novels, even though he also liked reading detective novels.

Cleo walked out of the bar and saw a large group of people gathered outside, and more people seemed to be gathering over.

Fortunately, the faces of those people did not seem to have any malicious intent, which made Cleo not very worried.

He walked forward and said: "Dear friends, I am Cleo, the owner of this bar. Please tell me..."

"It turns out it's boss Cleo. If the boss can't guess our purpose of coming, then he must

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Of course I don’t know Mr. Holmes anymore, it’s like this..." One person planned to explain to Cleo why they came here.

But before he finished speaking, Cleo said: "Oh! No, I know Sherlock Holmes. He is the protagonist of the new book released by Mr. Li Fan yesterday, right? But what does he have to do with you coming here?"

"It seems that the boss only knows about this book but has not read it, right?" the man just said again.

Cleo nodded and said, "That's true."

"Boss, go read this book and know why we are here. Now that we are here, we naturally have to go in and have a sit." The man just said.

Afterwards, a large group of people walked into the bar, leaving only a confused Cleo outside.

"Holmes?" Cleo murmured, and suddenly her mind moved. What seemed to come to her mind? He hurriedly walked into the bar and asked the waiter to greet the guests properly. He ran back to the office, picked up his desk, and opened the "Sherlock Holmes" book he bought yesterday but had not read yet. He opened it and started reading.

As she watched, Cleo suddenly became extremely excited and excited.

He finally knew the reason why so many customers suddenly came to his bar.

Moreover, he also knew that this was only the beginning.

From then on, his bar will most likely undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Mr. Cleo, I suddenly have a hunch that it may not take too long for the business of your bar to pick up again." This is what Li Fan said to Cleo when he left the bar after coming here for dinner more than ten days ago. the words said.

Cleo thought of what Li Fan said to him. Apart from being excited and excited, she was also filled with deep gratitude.

He said in his heart: "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, my most distinguished guest!"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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