Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1379 The influence has become so terrifying

Remember in one second【】

Baker Street, 221b. ,: .

The exclamations from the crowd and the disbelieving expressions on their faces made Alves very proud and very interested.

You know, Holmes now has many fans.

Alves was not surprised by these sudden visitors. He had known that his apartment would soon welcome its first guests.

Then, there will be a steady stream of guests visiting.

To do this, he decided that he needed to rearrange his apartment and decorate it according to the various backgrounds introduced in the novel.

This made him feel very excited and interesting. His originally lonely life was instantly filled with endless fun.

He has already begun rearranging his apartment, but it will take some time to complete it all.

Looking at the surprised people in front of him, Alves smiled slightly and said: "Are you here to visit Holmes? Holmes does live here, but I'm sorry that he can't come out to see you. But if you have anything It’s the same thing with me, I’m also a detective.”

"Oh my God! This is incredible, Mr. Holmes. Oh, I'm sorry. I know I should call you by your original name to be more polite. But I'm sorry, you are exactly the same as the Mr. Holmes we imagined. , I really want to call you Mr. Holmes," the curly-haired man from before said.

Alves smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can call me Sherlock Holmes. In fact, you should have already thought of it. Mr. Li Fan created the character Sherlock Holmes based on me. In addition, the most important thing is , I am really a detective, if you have any problems, maybe I can really help you."

Alves is not bragging, he does have a detective's mind.

"Really? This is really incredible, Mr. Holmes, I can guarantee that by the afternoon, your place will be overcrowded." The curly-haired man said again.

There actually was a Sherlock Holmes in reality, and everyone was so excited that they went a little crazy.

They believe that, of course, after the news spreads, detective novel fans from all over the country will definitely come here.

No, it’s not just the ‘fans’ of Lan Guo’s detective novels,

"The Sherlock Holmes" is destined to spread to other European countries, and even countries on other continents.

The fame of Sherlock Holmes is destined to spread wider and wider, and more and more detective novel fans from other countries will come here.

And they were obviously the first guests to visit Sherlock Holmes, which made them even more excited and excited.

Another man said excitedly: "Mr. Holmes, can we go and take a look at your apartment? In that case, we would feel very honored."

Alves smiled slightly and said: "Of course, there is no problem at all, please come in."

Everyone thanked him and couldn't wait to enter the apartment.

While everyone was visiting Yalmos' apartment, they shared all the happenings in the apartment on the Internet.

The fact was just as they thought, the Internet immediately set off a huge wave, and detective fans all over the country were so excited that they couldn't believe it.

"Oh, my God! Mr. Holmes actually lives in Apartment 221b, Baker Street. This is really unbelievable."

"It turns out that Mr. Holmes still has a prototype of the character. I will definitely ask Baker Street to visit Mr. Holmes. Mr. Holmes is my idol. He is really 'great'."

"I'll book a train ticket to Longtown. I can't wait any longer to visit Mr. Holmes."

"I can't wait any longer. I also want to book a train ticket to Langdon City immediately."


After hearing the news, some anxious detective novel fans across the country couldn't wait to go to Baker Street to visit Mr. Holmes.

The other detective novel fans, who were relatively calm, all set a goal in their hearts to go to Baker Street to visit Mr. Holmes as soon as possible.

And for fans of detective novels in Langdon City, it is really convenient for them to go to Baker Street.

Therefore, starting from this afternoon, the number of pedestrians on Baker Street increased sharply, and some non-detective novel fans also went there. It was natural for them to join in the fun of such a lively and interesting event.

This makes Baker Street, which is not wide, overcrowded. It is difficult to find a moment of peace in the formerly quiet street.

The area around Apartment No. 221b was even more crowded with people, and the apartment door was closed tightly.

It's not that Alves is unwilling to open the door, but there are too many people. If the door is opened, something unexpected may happen.

The gathering of so many people had already alerted the local police officers. The relevant departments quickly dispatched a large number of police officers to maintain order in front of the apartment at No. 221b Baker Street.

After discussing with Alves, the police officers decided to let the detective fans who came here to visit the apartment in batches.

Visits last for five minutes for each batch.

In this way, with the help of police officers, apartment 221b was opened to detective fans in batches.

Each batch of detective 'fans' were given five minutes to visit the apartment and meet "Ford" in the apartment.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


Due to the large number of people, many people would not be able to enter the apartment today, but despite this, they still stayed on Baker Street.

There are like-minded people here. They talk about Sherlock Holmes excitedly. They are very interested and naturally don't want to leave.

In addition, those who had already come out of the apartment after visiting the apartment were also reluctant to leave.

This makes it impossible for some people who arrive late to enter even Baker Street.

A group of media reporters who came after hearing the news were all surprised when they saw this situation. The people gathered here were more than they imagined.

And this also made them excited. The more people gathered here, the greater its news value would undoubtedly be.

They tried their best to squeeze into the crowd. They were going to interview "Holmes" who lived in Apartment 221b.

As a result, news about Li Fan and Holmes flooded in again.

"Today, Baker Street, where the famous detective Sherlock Holmes lives, received a large number of guests who wanted to visit Sherlock Holmes. Baker Street was overcrowded."

"The famous detective Sherlock Holmes has a character prototype. He is the real owner of the apartment at 221b Baker Street. Now, he is the idol worshiped by countless detective novel fans, Mr. Holmes."

"Apartment 221b, Baker Street. Since this afternoon, there has been a steady stream of guests coming to visit. They met 'Sherlock Holmes' here."

"It is understood that there are countless detective novel fans from all over the country on their way to Longtown. They are going to Baker Street to visit Sherlock Holmes."


Various reports from the media have once again attracted the attention of people from all walks of life.

After reading the relevant reports, they all lamented that Li Fan's "Sherlock Holmes" was only officially released on the second day, but its influence was already so terrifying!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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