Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1383 Goodbye Hong Qigong

Remember in one second【】

Some people started to waver. They really couldn't let go of everything about "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". ,: .

or? Want to buy another issue? Although Guyong is hateful, he is the number one writer in martial arts novels after all. If you don’t look at his quality, then whose quality will you look at?

Reading another issue is a chance to give that guy a chance. If that guy dares to write randomly again, then I will definitely never read it again.

They found a reason to convince themselves to watch another issue, and happily ran to buy "Laughing Jianghu" released today.

Therefore, after nine o'clock in the afternoon, the bosses of major newsstands and bookstores were somewhat surprised to find that more and more people came to buy the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

Although I don’t understand why this is happening? But the bosses were very happy and excited.

No matter what the reason is, as long as the magazine sells well.

More and more martial arts fans are buying "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", and naturally there are more and more martial arts fans who have seen the latest two chapters of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Chapter 9: "Avoiding enemies by every possible means", and Chapter 10: "Young heroes".

On the Internet, the discussion about the content of the latest two chapters is getting more and more heated.

Among them, the plot that excites martial arts fans the most is the plot where Yang Guo unexpectedly meets the nine-fingered beggar Hong Qigong on the top of Mount Hua.

In the second half of Chapter 10 "Young Heroes", Yang Guo came to the top of the snow-covered Huashan Mountain for various reasons.

And at the top of Mount Huashan, he unexpectedly met Hong Qigong.

Hong Qigong also treated Yang Guo to a delicious meal of centipedes.

All martial arts fans are very excited, firstly because this is Hong Qigong's first appearance in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Secondly, Yang Guo not only met Xidu Ouyang Feng before, but now he also met Hong Qigong, a beggar from the north. He also interacted with Hong Qigong and ate a delicious meal of Hong Qigong's centipedes.

You know, since Hong Qigong is willing to treat Yang Guo to a delicious meal, it proves that he recognizes and thinks highly of Yang Guo.

First there was the Western Poison, and now there is the Northern Beggar. Yang Guo, this kid, is on the verge of development.

How can all the martial arts fans not be excited?

in addition,

At this time, everyone finally knew the life trajectory of Hong Qigong after the Huashan sword debate.

Hong Qigong passed on the position of leader of the Beggar Clan to Huang Rong, and then he wandered around on his own, looking for strange delicacies in the world.

However, the climate in Lingnan is warm and has the most rare recipes, so Hong Qigong went to Lingnan.

There are poisonous snake soup, old cat stew pot, grouper fish looks like rat, giant shrimp is called dragon, 'fat' oysters stew old ginger, dragon louse steams grass worms, winged Xisha, snails whistle in the east wind, roasted piglets with crispy skin, simmered civet Then the flesh turned red, and Hong Qigong felt as if he had ascended to the immortal world. He was so happy that he never returned to his original state for more than ten years.

Hong Qigong tasted all the delicacies in the Lingnan area, making many martial arts fans envious.

Who has the best martial arts, Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, or Beibei? It's hard to say, but if you want to say who lives the most carefree life, it must be Hong Qigong, a beggar from the North.

Of course, Hong Qigong did not just focus on tasting delicious food over the years. He hated evil as much as he hated evil. Occasionally when he encountered injustice, he secretly helped those in need, killed evil and punished traitors.

And with Hong Qigong's ability, he naturally comes and goes without a trace. Therefore, although Hong Qigong has frequently killed evildoers and punished traitors over the years, no one in the world knows that it was Hong Qigong who did it.

Therefore, no one in the world knows the whereabouts of Hong Qigong. This is also the reason why Guo Jing and Huang Rong have been unable to find out the whereabouts of Hong Qigong over the years.

But this time Hong Qigong returned to the north and came to the top of Huashan Mountain, following the Five Chou beside Sichuan.

This year, the second ugly of the five ugly people in Sichuan killed innocent people indiscriminately in the Lingnan area, killing many good people.

After Hong Qigong learned about it, he naturally wanted to get rid of him, but it was easy to kill one of them, but it was difficult to find the remaining four ugly ones.

Therefore, Hong Qigong decided to follow them secretly, waiting for the five ugly men to gather together, and then kill them all in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, this group followed Huashan all the way from south to north, thousands of miles away.

It was only because of this that Yang Guo met Hong Qigong in the snow at the top of Mount Hua.

A group of martial arts fans sighed, it seems that they should be grateful, so what about the Five Ugly Sichuan? If it were not for the Five Ugly Sichuan, Hong Qigong would definitely not be in Huashan, and Yang Guo would not be able to meet Hong Qigong. .

On the Internet, there is undoubtedly the most discussion about this plot.

"After looking forward to it for so long, I finally look forward to Hong Qigong appearing again. As expected of Bei Bei, this appearance is extraordinary."

"This kid Yang Guo is really going to become famous. Hong Qigong will definitely teach Yang Guo martial arts. It's just that this kid hasn't found Xiaolong 'Nv' to criticize yet."

"When Hong Qigong met Yang Guo, I wonder if he would teach Yang Guo the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? Probably not."

"Regardless of whether it is possible or not, this work is undoubtedly getting more and more exciting. It is indeed the right choice to continue watching it."

"Yes, fortunately I chose to continue watching, otherwise, I would have missed Hong Qigong's appearance again."


There are constant hot discussions on the Internet, which makes those who are still not ready to continue watching "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" more and more itchy, and their hearts become more and more shaken.

Hong Qigong appears again? Did you meet Yang Guo at the top of Mount Huashan?

Isn't that boy Yang Guo looking for Xiao Long'nv? Why did you get to the top of Mount Huashan?

Could it be that Xiao Longnu is also at the top of Huashan Mountain?

Also, how did Hong Qigong get to the top of Mount Huashan?

These many questions are actually

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It makes them itchy. They really want to know the reasons for those questions.

Finally, some of the previously resolute martial arts fans couldn't stand the temptation and hurried to a nearby newsstand, intending to buy a copy of the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

No matter how many things there are, just read this issue first, and at most I will definitely not read the next issue again.

This is what they think in their hearts. As for the next issue, will they really be able to stop watching it? That is unknown.

Of course, although another group of martial arts fans couldn't stand the temptation and ran to the newsstand, there were still more martial arts fans who remained unmoved and could still resist the temptation. Confused', if you say you don't want to read it, you don't want to read it.

However, although they said they were determined not to read it, they did not buy the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

But their eyes were unblinking, staring at the various discussions on the Internet about the latest chapter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and they looked very focused.

Why is this happening? The reason is obviously self-evident. In fact, they can't let it go at all, and they also really want to know what the latest chapter contains?

And they are stubborn and plan to use this method to understand the content of the latest chapter.

In this way, they don't need to continue watching "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and can know the content of the latest chapter.

It can be considered a method that offers the best of both worlds.

As for how many issues they can last? This is unknown.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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