Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1385 A call on the second day of the new year

Remember in one second【】

The next day, the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, this day is also called "Little New Year's Eve".

Today, the workers of the engineering team will leave the village, and various construction equipment will be transported away one after another. The second phase of the farm project is completely completed.

At yesterday's banquet, Li Fan said goodbye to Wang Qian and the workers of the engineering team one by one.

For the villagers of Sansheng Village, there is a very important thing to do today.

Among traditional customs, there is a very important custom today, which is "visiting the graves to invite ancestors."

The so-called "visiting the graves to invite ancestors" means inviting the elderly and ancestors who have passed away in the family to come home to celebrate the New Year.

In the early morning, every household takes out firecrackers, incense candles, money paper, sacrifices and other items, and goes to the graves of the deceased elderly people to invite them to go home for the New Year.

Li Fan's family is naturally no exception.

Li Fan, Dad, Mom, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, as well as the third uncle, Sanniang, and the little girl also took the corresponding items and went to the graves of the deceased elderly people at home to invite them to go home for the New Year.

Two old men, Su Yilin and Qin Lie, also followed.

This is already the second time that Su Qing has "visited the graves to invite ancestors" at Li Fan's house. On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month last year, Su Qing also participated in the "visiting the graves to invite ancestors".

Qin Yulin participated in "Visiting the Graves to Visit the Ancestors" for the first time. While he was in awe, he also found it very interesting.

She used to celebrate the New Year in Qin Yuewan. Although she was not in the city, she didn't have such particularities. It was much more interesting to celebrate the New Year here.

The process of inviting ancestors is not much different from the usual ancestor worship, except that the words chanted are different.

In front of the old man's grave, they light incense candles, burn money and paper, chant for the old man to go home for the New Year, then kowtow and set off firecrackers.

After visiting the graves of the deceased elderly people one by one, Li Fan and his group returned to the yard.

At this time, at the gate of the courtyard, money paper needs to be burned again and firecrackers set off again.

And bowing to the gate, it means: The elderly in the family are going home to celebrate the New Year, please ask the door god to make way.


You can enter the gate.

After entering the gate, you need to place a mahogany stick across the door, called "door blocking stick".

It means to stop those fierce gods and evil spirits from entering the 'door'.

Then, a pair of bright candles need to be lit in the main room and kept on all night.

At this point, the whole "visiting the graves to invite ancestors" is completed.

You only need to wait until after dinner on the second day of the first lunar month to light candles and paper again outside the village to "send the New Year" to the elderly.

After the "Visiting the Graves to Visit the Ancestors" was completed, there was nothing else to do today. Time passed by in a blink of an eye, and the next day came again, New Year's Eve.

Except for a few families who celebrate the New Year in advance, most families choose to celebrate the New Year today.

Qin Yulin seemed very excited to celebrate the New Year at Li Fan's house for the first time. After getting up early in the morning, he had been helping his father and mother in the kitchen to prepare the noon New Year's Eve dinner.

When Li Fan came back from a walk in the village, the time was slowly approaching 12 noon, and the noon reunion dinner was also ready.

Li Fan went out for a walk instead of helping at home, which made Qin Yulin roll his eyes. Li Fan just smiled and didn't care.

At around 12 noon, as in previous years, the sound of "cracking" firecrackers was set off everywhere in the village.

In the yard of the third uncle's house next door, the sound of firecrackers was also heard.

Li Fan saw that it was almost time, and also lit the firecrackers that had been prepared in his yard.

The sound of "cracking" explosions instantly filled the entire yard, signaling the arrival of another New Year.

After the firecrackers were set off, the family sat down around the table. The table was filled with sumptuous dishes, and the reunion dinner officially started.

About an hour later, after the reunion dinner was finished and the dishes were cleared, Li Fan took Su Qing and Qin Yulin to visit the village, enjoying themselves very leisurely.

In the evening, after dinner, the family stayed in front of the TV and watched the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV.

The time is getting later and later, and at 12 o'clock in the evening, the New Year's bell has rang.

The new year is finally here again!

The sound of "cracking" firecrackers was set off again from all over the village, and Li Fan also lit the firecrackers placed in the yard again.

The red and dancing firelight illuminated the entire yard red.

As soon as the firecrackers were set off, the sound of footsteps and giggling voices came from outside the yard.

Li Fan chuckled, and he naturally recognized the voices of Fengzi, Taozi and others. These guys obviously had no intention of sleeping yet.

Of course, according to traditional customs, we should not sleep today because we have to stay awake all night.

"Boss Li, congratulations on getting rich. Here are the red envelopes." Fengzi, Taozi and others came in from the courtyard door and shouted that these guys were here to "blackmail" the red envelopes.

Naturally, Li Fan would not let them succeed. He "bombed" a group of guys out of the yard, and then ran out with Su Qing and Qin Yulin. Together with a group of guys, they walked around the village for a while before returning. Go home and turn off the lights and go to sleep.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day was the first day of the first lunar month.

Today is the first day of the new year

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, everything is a new beginning, and there are more tourists in the village again.

For many people, today is a day of travel, and it is the same for Li Fan.

He, Su Qing, Qin Yulin and their little girl spent a day playing in the county town, and did not return to the village until dark.

Another night passed, and it was the second day of the Lunar New Year.

Starting today, Li Fan's "good life" will temporarily come to an end.

Because starting from today, people will continue to come to Sansheng Village to visit Li Fan.

Everyone who comes is a guest. No matter who comes to visit, Li Fan will receive him with courtesy.

By noon, Li Fan had already received several waves of visiting guests. After several waves of guests, Li Fan's cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number from the capital.

"Who is it?" Li Fan muttered, then answered the phone. After saying "Hello", a hearty laugh came from the phone.

After the laughter, it was the voice of a middle-aged man, "Mr. Li Fan, Happy New Year. I'm very sorry to disturb you. I am Wang Xuejun from the Ministry of Education. Do you still remember Mr. Li Fan?"

Wang Xuejun from the Ministry of Education? That should be Wang Xuejun, the deputy minister of education. Li Fan was slightly stunned. This call surprised him.

He and Wang Xuejun have never met, so they are not familiar with each other. However, the two of them have also interacted.

At the end of the Spring Festival last year, Li Fan launched the "Three Character Classic", a reading book for children to learn, which is the same as the one a few months ago. The couplets made the entire Ministry of Education very happy, and Wang Xuejun also got in touch with Li Fan.

"Happy New Year, Minister Wang. To be honest, I was a little flattered by Minister Wang's call." Li Fan said with a smile.

"Mr. Li Fan, don't say that. To be honest, I called Mr. Li Fan. In addition to New Year greetings, there is one more thing I want to discuss with Mr. Li Fan."

"Minister Wang, you're welcome. If you have anything to do, just ask Minister Wang."

"Is such that……"

It turns out that Wang Xuejun asked Li Fan if he had any plans to publish another novel that would be helpful for children's education?

At the end of the Spring Festival last year, Wang Xuejun was overjoyed by Li Fan's release of "The Three Character Classic". He was wondering if Li Fan could release another book during the Spring Festival this year that would be helpful for children's education?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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