Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1388 1 will definitely attack the street

Remember in one second【】

Wang Xuejun decided to issue an announcement in the name of the Ministry of Education regarding the fact that Li Fan was going to launch a popular science enlightenment book for children. .

So, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, when everyone was still immersed in the joy of the New Year, the Ministry of Education issued an announcement.

The announcement stated that at the invitation of the Ministry of Education, Li Fan, the author of "The Three Character Classic", will soon launch a children's popular science book called "One Hundred Thousand Whys". Please look forward to it!

As soon as the announcement came out, even though it was the Spring Festival, it spread all over the Internet in a short period of time and attracted the attention of countless people.

There are naturally two reasons why it spread all over the Internet so quickly.

First, this is an announcement from the Ministry of Education. Its significance and authority have attracted a lot of attention.

Secondly, the author of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" is Li Fan. Li Fan is going to release a new product, which will definitely be a sensational event.

All walks of life and major news media will pay great attention to it.

Moreover, the new product this time is a popular science product for children, which makes people even more excited and looking forward to it.

Because children's education is an issue that everyone pays great attention to and attaches great importance to. Even if you are not married yet or have children yet, you will eventually get married and have children. Children's education cannot be ignored.

It's just that those young parents are more excited and looking forward to it than those who are not yet married.

There has already been a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"Haha! It's great to see such news on the second day of the Lunar New Year. This is a New Year's gift jointly given to us by the Ministry of Education and Mr. Li Fan. It's so 'great'."

"I still remember that Mr. Li Fan launched the "Three Character Classic" during the Spring Festival last year. It was definitely a treasure-level product. Unexpectedly, Mr. Li Fan will bring us another gift during the Spring Festival this year. Of course, it is also a gift for our children, we are really looking forward to it.”

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it. I wonder if "One Hundred Thousand Whys" will become a great novel like "The Three Character Classic"?"

"It's hard to say this now, but I feel it's a little difficult. After all, this is a popular science enlightenment reading. I feel that it is difficult for this kind of writing to reach the level of "The Three Character Classic"."

"The popular science enlightenment reading is good.

Our country now doesn’t even have a popular science enlightenment book for children. Even if the quality is not as high as the "Three Character Classic", the meaning is certainly equally extraordinary. "

"However, I feel that it will be very difficult to create a popular science book that will interest children. After all, a lot of scientific knowledge is very boring, and even we may not be interested in understanding it, let alone children. them."

"Actually, children's desire for knowledge about unknown things is actually stronger than ours. However, even so, it is still very difficult to create a popular science book that interests children."

"We say you are just worrying. It is indeed extremely difficult for others, but for Mr. Li Fan, it may not be that difficult. Don't forget that Mr. Li Fan is still the number one fairy tale person in our country. Maybe Mr. Li Fan will combine scientific knowledge with fairy tales, so won’t the children be interested?”

"Let me go, it's really like this. Mr. Li Fan has so many identities, I almost forgot that he is also the number one fairy tale person in our country."

"So, let's keep looking forward to Mr. Li Fan's "One Hundred Thousand Whys". I believe it will be very interesting."


Even though everyone knows that it is very difficult to create children's popular science enlightenment books, the vast majority of people still have full confidence in Li Fan's novel.

There is no other reason, they just believe in Li Fan.

They believed that this was also Li Fan's New Year's gift to them.

This announcement from the National Ministry of Education has also attracted the attention of many children's education experts.

After seeing this announcement, child education experts all frowned.

This announcement made them feel a little uncomfortable.

The several versions of children's popular science enlightenment books that appeared on the market before were produced by them and can be regarded as their products.

Their product was rushed to grandma's house, but it didn't cause any reaction in the market.

Now, Li Fan is going to launch another children's science enlightenment book. If Li Fan's product is well received, wouldn't it steal their limelight? It will also make them lose face.

If someone else had said that they wanted to release a related product, they would have laughed with disdain and just sit back and watch that person's product take off like theirs.

But now that Li Fan is about to launch related products, they have a vague premonition that is not good.

After all, Li Fan wrote such a masterpiece as the "Three Character Classic".

Of course, although they felt a little uneasy in their hearts, they did not think that Li Fanchuang's children's popular science enlightenment books could be any better than theirs.

They believe that Li Fan's children's popular science enlightenment books will definitely hit the streets like theirs.

In a special communication group belonging to them, they were talking about this matter.

"I really didn't expect that Li Fan would also create a popular science book for children. What do you think of this?"

"If he wants to create something, just create it. I still don't believe how popular the products he creates will be. By then, they will definitely be like our products and no one will care about them."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"Those articles cost us a lot of effort. We tried to write scientific knowledge in a humorous and interesting way, but they still failed to arouse children's interest. I also don't think Li Fan's articles are any better than us."

"Li Fan's current status is much higher than ours. Look at the announcement from the Ministry of Education, 'Invited by the Ministry of Education.' Gee, the Ministry of Education personally invited him, so Li Fan's reputation is much greater than ours. Why has the Ministry of Education ever personally invited us?”

"Alas! What can we do? Who asked people to write the Three Character Classic and the couplet about learning in the ocean and suffering in the boat? We can't compare with it."

"That's fine, but before "One Hundred Thousand Whys" is released, the Ministry of Education can't wait to issue an announcement, mentioning Li Fan's 'powerful' character and status. By then, the effect of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" will not be Ideal, then there will be a good show. Not only will Li Fan lose his face, but the Ministry of Education will also slap him in the face. "

"Just wait and see. Since it was said that it will be launched in the near future, it shouldn't take too long. I guess what Li Fan is thinking about is to make the scientific knowledge as witty and interesting as possible. But he doesn't know that we have already tested it. This is simply not okay, just sit back and watch him embarrass himself."

"Another possibility is that he will combine scientific knowledge with fairy tales. This may indeed be effective, but it is easy to put the cart before the horse. Children all think they are reading fairy tales, and how can they remember the scientific knowledge in them? This is very troublesome. What a big joke.”

"Actually, it is a good thing that Li Fan launches popular science books for children's enlightenment, but I do not hope that he can succeed. Regarding children's enlightenment science books, we have us, so there is no need for him, Li Fan 'worry."

"Indeed, Li Fan is just worrying. Fortunately, it seems that it is almost impossible for him to succeed."


A group of children's education experts do not want Li Fan to steal their limelight. The more they talk about it, the more they feel that Li Fan's new products will either hit the market like them, or put the cart before the horse and make people laugh.

The faint worry and uneasiness in my heart before was slowly disappearing.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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